SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

I guess more appropriate wording would be ‘he answered as I expected he would if his train of logic was wrong’. If he’d answered something like “No, I was playing aggressively in order to put pressure onto people.”, I would’ve been satisfied and probably would’ve given him a bit more slack.

But yeah, I’ll keep in mind that people aren’t necessarily Mafia just because they’re not thinking the way that I am. We both know how that turned out last time. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have been pondering, what if the mafia plan is to throw a well known player in their ranks, lets say like PW making him act irrationally proposing a ridiculous plan while also bickering with other known members, with some of them also mafia, that way if PW ends being lynched the others who championed against him will be at a better light :looney:

We have to assume some more with so many possibilities.

But everyone else noticed BREAST DEFENSE girl seems to be the better pick if they had some other strong roles all taken and then thought to pick someone who needs to die twice or someone who won’t be killed by Vigi and has to be lynched.

And when the Bulletproof guy gets killed the first time, is it helpful enough to note what his role was? I do wonder how that works out for the writeup. Otherwise yeah its up to the town to consider killing him again, and somewhat against what we know about Mafia games, lets say he was lynched: we get no information from the big day phase of deliberations that chose him?

Of course I figure during night phase sneaky stuff and if he got killed there, it will suck as well if we don’t learn his affiliation. So however that is balanced could be important.


[details=Spoiler]I should’ve pulled back a bit and considered just saying, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. We don’t see what you’re seeing about the plan. You seem to not consider how many deaths and bad results can happen. The onus was on you, yeah, we don’t see it how you do. Too bad that offering up choice happened so quickly and you were so against it

You said we should consider it, alright go ahead and tell us what’s good about that plan. I picked up all the bad on it that you maybe didn’t see (and still dont?) and snowballed that from maybe how tense the thread was, and carried that over.

I just think it won’t happen at all. No medic, Vigilante shouldn’t be controlled directly by the town and he probably won’t be if he’s smart. We don’t need to know we have a medic like its immediately urgent.

You certainly wanted to support Pimp Willy’s plan that quickly. You know he’s experienced as a Mafia? If you didn’t now you might at least. I’ve taken notes from him for the last game with the lynchables list if you didn’t remember.

Discuss the day vote. You’re not voting for Pimp I gather?[/details]
this was post saved draft before reading page 6. Might have some outdated question/info.

I hadn’t needed to consider much of the roles like I said, trying to play more lighthearted, well you bastards certainly turned that on its head immediately. Most of the major roles talked about being so strong would be my picks like my other posts on them would show, and I would’ve gotten the brown booby girl before you guys all talked about her. So you’re jelly, of me n mah bich. & with so much to consider now it made me think over the roles quite a bit — still having lots of questions on everything.

Consider people claiming they know more about the roles than you - asked lots of questions to Godots already. That’s no admission of guilt/being mafia and choosing them, and actually smart for anybody to do. But go ahead and ask those players the whats and whys, while knowing they’re still players and can lie to you so also check if they asked Godots the GM about those roles, so we’re all better informed.

I think that’s one of those things that we’ll get to if/when it happens.

That part was typed up at the end of page 6, having read the DarkGeneral question, seeing Augustus considered voting Pimp. etc


It doesn’t liberate me yet, but no matter my fate, it’s all good. PW will stay 0-8 hold dat for trying to bait me out as first lynch.

Someone’s scurred of me. Why is PW so frightened of me? Is it my…Miles Edgeworth courtroom skillz?

He’s scared I’m going to incriminate him so badly down the line he made it all the obvious so he could push to get me gone early.

Like I’m willing to repeat all of this in vain.

But know this: “To keep me from becoming conceited…there was given me a thorn in my flesh…to torment me.” --2 Corinthians 12:7

There was nothing soft about it, it just wasn’t written in crayon on kindergarten paper. People who cared enough to read the thread would get it, people who don’t care enough to read won’t.

The thing is, if this is what is happening, why so earlier on the game?

MP, you’re acting crazy again.

So by that, you’re insinuating that you’re Nekomaru, correct?

All shall make sense, and already does make sense.

Hey guys I’m back. I’m glad to see there were about 100 new posts since I left, at this rate we’ll hit page 10 before Night phase.

Missing Person, I know you see what he was talking about. Pimp knows you see what he was talking about. I agree with PW about you, you’re looking pretty dirty.

I can’t even be mad, that was pretty funny. You’re wrong, of course, but it was a good one.

Every game OZ talks a ton, he’s generally one of the loudest in the thread. However, when he said he’d be back with more input last night it was very lacking. That, and no response to my aggressive post towards him, are very out of character. In the past couple of games he’s been very aggressive and forceful, but now he’s basically a wallflower, only watching posts and making very few of his own.

You’re implying that MP is warmongering Pimp & I? If anything, he’s uniting us against him. I’m still relatively sure (for day 1, relatively speaking) that Pimp’s a Culprit, but come tomorrow if MP’s still alive he’s my #2 priority.

Glad to see you agree that MP is on the way out RF, and you’re cutting ties with him and pulling the chute before he hits the ground.

I’m curious if you actually locked your vote in on me already though like you said

That was my thoughts on zoo. Pops in to make a statement of his innocence without even being poked, then vanishes in the mist. This didn’t sit well with me at all.

If I had to wager a guess, though, this doesn’t make him mafia, but Nagita tryin’ to get himself killed. From his point of view, him as mafia acting like this would be too obvious to bother with civ’s lynching but may make mafia suspect him of a good role (trying a different approach to avoid being lynched) and kill him. Risky endeavor, as I’d still greatly fear the vigi taking matters in his own hands.

Personally, I would’ve gone with a first post very boisterous role claim of Nagita and see if mafia called my “bluff”.

This does make me question you, however, CK. What makes you think his change in attitude automatically makes him mafia? It could very well be likely that he is also doing some yomi here and hiding on a good role by this very same bluff. With all these roles, all these alignment variables, it’s hard to claim that a simple behavior change means someone is mafia.

… yeah, let’s go with that

Oh for the love of God.

If you can’t read between, below, and beside the line, then lynch me. If you can, lynch PW.

I don’t know how to make what I’m trying to tell everyone more obvious than what you see here.

Pimp is probably primed, willing, anxious and ready to play, having run the double games last time, & didn’t get to play.

He’s back to being an old man that might talk about wieners(calling you a bitch that he will have sex with and want you to smile) again with the insults-haven’t seen as much of that since the UMvC3 game I think. Alpha Commando may have yaoi schoolboys fanartoh~nightmares ready to help him with that.

So Alpha and Pimp are in cahoots!! :coffee:

If that is what is happening, perhaps their reasoning was that trust is easier to build earlier in the game, as throwing a Mafia under the bus later in the game is almost to be expected?

Can I mark that as Insightful with a question mark?

How cute, you still think I’m Mafia. Enjoy being wrong, like always.

And yeah, I locked my vote on you right after I said I did.