SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

Im voting BD because right now, to be honest, I have no idea who could be mafia and about his role claim, if true we don’t lose much (no offense) but if he lied then, well idk why a civ with a role would just randomly rc roleless.


Unless Orochi is packing a medic role, He’s been dead silent.

In this case, no. The 3-Kill ability requires the Valedictorian to be alive, so it wouldn’t work. But if Chiaki is a normal Mafia, it would work,

I hate to do this, but I’m getting busy and I don’t feel okay with anyone being voted for as of now.

I’m no-lynching.

*Took the words right off my finger tips. He implicated about 4 people in the span of 3 pages. I’m having a difficult time figuring out his reason for him going on the offense like that. At the time of his first post where he pointed the finger at 3 people (OZ, Willy and yourself) only 2 of you actually had posted in the thread.

That deadline is FAST approaching and I still don’t know who to vote for. *

*Words cannot express what I’m feeling right now. *

Are you sure? Do you believe our roles are powerful enough to protect, that we should risk no-lynching?


Oh wait, nevermind. I think I got it.

But still, elaborate.

“Hey GodotsRevenge, I’m so happy that you answered my question so quickly, you’re a great Mafia GM!” Probably expresses how you feel right now. I’m assuming.

EDIT: I mean “Hey GodotsRevenge, I’m so happy that you answered my question so quickly, you’re a great Mafia GM!

*If the Val recruited Chiaki and the mafia role to finds out what roles peoples used we’re FUCKED sooner rather later. That’s an IF though. *

I smell burning from my Jesus Toaster.

I forgot to unplug it this morning.

Pray tell?

I am drawing a blank…

  • Looking back at it, it can be tooken as “My level of despair is extremely high” or “My level of happiness is EXTREMELY high”. I was referring to dread, but if you think I’m either Chiaki/Val then by all means place your vote on me. I’m a civ and my role is almost worthless.

By the way I sent my vote in for Combo_Knight. *

SRK Mafia VI: BD kept telling people “I’m roleless civ, lynch me!”

Game over, BD flipped roleless civ.

He’s made some shittily stupid roleclaims in recent history, but his track record makes it harder for me to disbelieve him.

But that may change later. We’ll see how this transpires.

Hmm, I’m not sold on any of the current lynch choices to be perfectly honest. PW hasn’t responded to my post earlier so I’ll wait for him to confirm/deny my suspicions before I put in my lynch vote. I’m still not convinced that either PW or RF is mafia but I’ll wait and see.

Learning from last game how devastating wallflower mafia can be I might actually agree with Azure for the first time ever. Especially with how active the rest of us are. Leaving an easy opening for mafia to exploit may be a really bad idea. Especially if we decide to lynch a wallflower day 1. At least it’s easier to recover from a civ loss day 1 than it is on say day 5.

That was me no-lynching to avoid missing the deadline.

After RF told me that selection was done on role not player, I shifted off of pw and AC.

This is my list of suspects right now. Granted, day 1 lists are up in the air, but these are people I feel are suspicious

Missing Person
Radical Scum

Of course if you’re a wallflower it’s easy to go unnoticed, and these people seem to have posted more

Yeah, but don’t you want to put a vote in for somebody, based on your best guess?