SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

The Average Joe, the Gamer, the Model and, to a lesser extent, the Coach.
The Gamer and the Model has a cost of sacrificing themselves to activate their ability, quite hefty, is it not?
The Coach’s effectiveness is dependent on player, one of which is a roulette as the Valedictorian can only chose roles not players. However, we can argue picking him takes away a cleared dead civilian from the civs. But still, it’s player dependent, in other words, it’s risky when you don’t know which player is the coach.
As for the Average Joe, well, he’s roleless.

I am so proud that there’s such a discussion going. Seriously, I think playing with such a mix of experienced players and different play styles will really help me grow as a player. There are a few things I’ll respond too but I just wanted to clarify something. @Pimp_Willy are you saying what I think you’re saying?

Hmm. To be honest, I’d probably try and make a super-strong offensive team. I think the fact that the two medics don’t know if the other is mafia is enough to hinder the civilians a bit.

My choices would probably be:

-Mondo Oowada: Gives mafia an extra kill while also removing a powerful late-game ability. The ability to change a lynch vote could completely undermine the Mafia’s efforts when the numbers are dwindling.
-Touko Fukawa: Initially I thought her dying as a civilian ability was worthy of recruitment, however the added ability to choose what role she comes up as is such a powerful role to overlook as mafia. Being able to kill her on say night 3 or so and have her reported as the UC would be amazing. She could literally re-direct the entire games focus with a fake LG.
-Hifumi Yamada: Knowing who the Uc has cleared and therefore will not support a lynch vote of is an incredible asset. This is further aided by narrowing the targets for a potential UC. Also, if I’m reading the role correctly, the mafia only get a player name of who was investigated and don’t get to see the verdict. This means they’d want to see her LG to see what her results told her. If a player came back as inconclusive then you’d potentially have either a medic or Oogami (if we were to still follow PW’s plan).

For my last choice I’m a little torn.
-Celestia Ludenberg would give the mafia a safety blanket, knowing she’d always be innocent. However, this result could also be achieved by using Sayaka Maizono.
-Mahiru Koizumi would also be a potential pick. You could use her ability to investigate potential claimants of the UC or medic role without having to kill them.

4 weakest:
1. Naegi. Having him die once doesn’t prove his allegiance either way. Plus, having him on the Civilian team is a benefit to the Mafia, as his first death gives them a guaranteed 1 of 3 for the triple kill.
2. Junko. Sacrificing her to protect another player from a day lynch only prolongs the other Mafia member’s death.
3. Hinata. Roleless provides no benefit to Civs or Mafia.
4. Chiaki. A 1:1 sacrifice provides no statistical benefit to the Mafia.

4 strongest:
1. Maizono. With Kirigiri being the only confirmed Civ role, being able to manipulate her results is a powerful tool. Also prevents the Civs from being able to use the target ability.
2. Fujisaki. An easy way to force a quick game over (when numbers are nearing even). For example, let’s say it’s 7 Civs/5 Mafia/1 Nagito. Day phase is announced, Fujisaki submits his lynch vote immediately and ends the day phase. One vote is recorded and that person is lynched.
3. Ishimaru. Has the advantage over Mikan of being able to use his ability without everyone knowing that role is Mafia. Also takes away the temporary immunity.
4. Koizumi. Her ability used in conjunction with the Mafia kill allows for an easy find of the Medic if the target is protected that night. ‘If you successfully protect someone, you die.’ is an amazingly powerful role.

If you’d like any justification on the reason any of the other roles weren’t mentioned, I can share my thoughts on their individual strengths and weaknesses. Here’s a couple that I think deserve special mention:

Togami. His role in itself isn’t particularly powerful (at all), but his Civ ability could be used to jeopardise certain Mafia roles, so taking that away from the civs would be a priority where the Mafia team makes it obvious which roles are Mafia.
Asahina. Her Mafia role isn’t particularly special (it can even be incriminating), but her Civ ability is a threat to the Valedictorian. If Asahina does turn out to be Mafia, we should be looking at the selfish, egotistical players for potential Valedictorians.
Oowada. Another one of the characters more focused on the statistical victory of Mafia. Slightly more advantageous than Chiaki, as a Mafia member is day lynched/Syo killed instead of sacrificed. Keep an eye out for Oowada if Fujisaki is Mafia and vice versa.
Nekomaru. A very ballsy recruit possibility. It works on the preface that Nekomaru is controlled by a powerful player, so he would only be recruited by someone who likes to gamble. If Nekomaru was an insightful player, that would not only give Mafia continuous support, but it would stop the Civs from receiving their continuous support. Would be more likely to be recruited if someone powerful hinted that role in the sign-up thread before allegiances were chosen. As far as I can tell, I don’t think there was anyone that did this.

Um… Who is Hinata?

All of this falls into the “No shit, sherlock,” realm.

That was a lot of talk to really…get nowhere.

Of course it has to be the only three ways the PW and RF scenario ends. That’s the only possibilities there are there.

And of course I’m either trying to push to get info or trying to push to make everybody distrust everybody else. That’s the only two possibilities there are.

I’m telling you, 2 or 3 are the only possibilities for PW and RF from what I see and am deducing from the scenario. And 1’s the only possibility for me. But if you don’t believe me, kill me…whatever helps you sleep better at night.

I’m going to assume it’s the dude on the roleless card.

Test post.

Why does my post have to be approved?

Ugh, I’m not typing that shit again. I was basically contemplating voting for Pimp Willy.

Ah, okay then. Just making sure it wasn’t a role I missed.

I think everyone here has overlooked a certain role’s usefulness, but I’ll wait a bit to clarify on this point.

As for voting…
Anyone got a tally? I think Pimp is in the lead.

Im not really sold on PW and I’ll probably be busy around the deadline so im gonna send in my vote for Bulldancer just because he’s come forward as average joe and whether or not he is we’ll have some answers. Also I dont want to be dq’d this time, if something big comes up before the deadline and its permitted i’ll change but as for now; Bulldancer

Post counts coming soon

Yeah, I’m not feeling PW either.
@Bulldancer, got anything to say?

lol why am I always the popular first target? But this will be a unanimous vote, so no answers will be gained from lynching me in this manner…

Throw other people on the table along with me to shake things up abit…

Well with this either PW or me thing yall got going on, something is bound to happen…

I didn’t say I was voting for you or accusing you; just saw you on and wanted your opinion.

  • Post counte totals

Alpha commando: 17
Augustus: 12
Azure: 17
BtierBison: 11
Bious: 12
BullDancer: 2
The Chief: 7
The Co-Jones: 3
Combo_Knight: 12
Cyntalan: 4
DarkGeneral: 8 (including this post)
DoofenShmirtz: 3
ForgeDigger: 1
Hecatom: 15
Infrequent Lurker: 5
Missing Person: 46
Mobious: 5
Orochizoolander: 5
Pietastic: 9
PimpWilly: 26
RadicalFuzz: 31
Sumazndude: 2
Synonym: 9

As far as which roles I’d pick if I were the Valedictorian, I’d first take a look at the numbers. 5 mafia out of 23. If there were no powers, the deck would be stacked for mafia. With that in mind, I’d try to select roles that steer us towards a more normal mafia game.

I’d take one of the medics, for sure.
I’d take Togami, since having someone regularly learn roles would be a big risk for mafia. You can also make the vigi look incompetent.
3rd role would be something that meshed well with whatever role the Val got. Surprised nobody mentioned that yet. If nothing stuck out, I’d take the forger.
4th role would be up to, to trick people.

I wouldn’t take Fujisaki, the programmer–what if the person you got was a flake? They might not be around to use the ability at a good time. Yeah, you could try to arrange it with them, but they might flake out.

I also would probably lean against taking the Otaku. Yes, having the investigation list would be good for mafia, but I wonder if those who support it are over-rating it a little bit. It can help mafia identify the UC, and there’s certainly value in that, but it’s also a relatively obvious choice. Yomi abounds. Personally, I’d prefer the trickery factor in a random role over the Otaku.

I wouldn’t take the swimmer, either. Yes, taking her means mafia gets to protect the val, but the val is only one person.

The more I think about it, Leon might be a good mafia choice. As a civ, he can turn the tables if he thinks he’ll end up being the night kill. Not better than the three I’d’ve selected, though.