SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

Ah, gotcha.

There may be an easy way to check for what side the coach is on if they claim (barring the detective) but the lucky guy is definitely a danger.

Please Pimp, keep trying, it’s so much more entertaining than TV. You are right that there’s a world of difference between the two. My idea accounts for the possibility of Oogami being Mafia. Yours does not. I’m aware that my plan counts on Asahina being on our side, but at the same time it doesn’t keep one player (Oogami) alive the entire game regardless of whether he’s Mafia or not. Consider that possibility. Oogami, Mafia, RCs and gets protected every night and becomes trusted while the Mafia kill whoever they want, and depending on their other roles, could learn who the Medic is. (Koizumi - Targets player each night and learns who that player targeted, if anyone. If she lands on someone who targeted Oogami, that person is likely a Medic)

That doesn’t much help until we know the identity of at least one Mafia. Big difference between “I think he’s Mafia” and “We killed him and he was Mafia”

I don’t think we should be talking about sacrificing anyone right now since we got nothing to go on. My opinion is that Oogami (shame that’s the only name I can remember cause it’s been said so much) is better off keeping silent. If he’s civ he gets to protect (with a bonus of Val reveal if he dies and the swimmer is also civ, so upon his death we’ll basically know what side the swimmer is on), and if he’s Mafia his ability would only be useful if Mafia absolutely needed a kill and the Medic was still active. The swimmer is another high-priority Mafia option I suspect may have happened, so I don’t want to trust any tactics involving her just yet (I don’t want to sacrifice Oogami just to have no names come forth cause she was Mafia.)

I’m finally home and all caught up. Some crazy shit happening, man.

On Pimp vs Fuzzy: to me, it seems that both PW and Fuzzy are civs trying to make rivals to see what would happen. It’s too obvious of a tactic for a mafia to point out a civ so early on, and it’s too unlikely that Fuzzy’s accusation is correct, at least based off of the flimsy pre-game evidence he presented. They’re off my list for now.

On the whole Oogami-Medic thing: That’s… actually really broken. It could have some pretty major drawbacks, though, as have already been stated. If Oogami is mafia, then we’ve basically just set them up to be protected each night in hopes that they’ll spread the defense out when they’re really just laughing behind us. It’s a strategy, which is nice, but are we really willing to risk protecting the mafia? Maybe it wont matter and we’ll just realize that Oogami is obviously mafia if they haven’t protected anyone by a certain time, but by then it might be too late and Oogami might just have poor judgement.

On Oogami offering herself up to learn Val’s identity: We do have to keep in mind the possibilities that might happen. Asahina could be mafia and mind games would ensue. Even if she weren’t, she’d appear pretty sketchy.

No one really strikes me as suspicious yet. Just 23 angry men.

And with that I’m heading to bed.
See y’all in the morn’.

That doesn’t much help until we know the identity of at least one Mafia. Big difference between “I think he’s Mafia” and “We killed him and he was Mafia”

Well right now we have 0 role confirmations and no idea what abilities mafia has.

Unless one of the roles being discussed wants to role claim to test the waters we have nothing else to go on.

I hate my phone.

Well right now we have 0 role confirmations and no idea what abilities mafia has.

Unless one of the roles being discussed wants to role claim to test the waters we have nothing else to go on.

Yeah, we’re kinda just twiddling our thumbs about that since we don’t have any information on who was/wasn’t recruited (aside from each person’s individual role) yet. We can’t really get a read on anything right now because of the lack of information. When people die and roles are revealed the Valedictorian’s recruit preferences will start to show and, ideally, we can trace that back to the Valedictorian and take him down.

Who all hasn’t checked in yet?

I am already in the sack, posting from my phone and my girl’s forbearance.

As far as I can tell the only ones that haven’t posted at least once are sumazndude and Doof.

*I’m caught up but I’m having some difficulty making heads or tails of what has transpired so far in the thread. There’s a lot of finger pointing and interactions developing. There’s also some role mechanic theories and while I like the talk, I want to see learn some other info first. Other than RadicalFuzz and PimpWilly’s pre game role recruitment talk no one else has chimed in the topic. So let’s change that:

@The Chief
@Infrequent Lurker
@Missing Person
@Pimp Willy
@The Co-Jones

Which roles would you guys recruit and why?

I’d take the Mondo Oowata Gang Leader, Leon Kuwata The All Star, Oogami, The medic and Mikan (the other medic). The two medic picks would be because I’d want to take away powerful roles from the Civs along with being able to block gasps. Oogami because again I’d be taking away Civ tools along with getting a garaunteed night kill. Leon pick would be because he can shut down 3 civ abilities in a game and Mondo because of the ability to get an extra night kill.

In the meantime I’m going to reread the thread and answer a few posts/inquiries. *

And here I thought it was some voodoo magic that made it Australian time when you used it last game.

Also, a minor thing that’s been annoying me for the past couple of posts.



I understand it would benefit us if Bison was the Valedictorian and got DQ’d.
-On a side note, I know Bious replaced him immediately but that’s not my point.-
Why the Swimmer?
I’m quite curious,
Including her did not seem to match the context of the statement or jest.
If the swimmer is a civilian, we want her to stay alive at least until after Oogami dies so that her ability to learn the Valedictorian’s name activates.
If she gets DQ’d right away before Oogami dies, she won’t be able to know who the Valedictorian is.
Asking her to be DQ’d because of her mafia ability of being Vigilante immune is petty, I think.

That said, I do believe the chances of the Valedictorian recruiting the Swimmer is quite high as her ability will put the Valedictorian in danger if it activates so he recruited her to self-preserve himself to eliminate the risk of her ability going off.

Since my name’s first on that list, I guess I’ll go first.

I briefly entertained the notion of recruiting the 4 worst roles, so they could role claim and everyone would go “lol nobody would be stupid enough to recruit those guys”, but apart from that, I didn’t specifically make a plan for if I got Valedictorian. The only role that really stuck out to me was Maizono. Not only is her Civ ability strong, but her Mafia ability is strong too, so I’d want a strong ability while preventing the civs from having another strong ability.

Would you like me to analyse the roles and choose the 4 I feel are the strongest or did you just want my pre-game thoughts?

The Valedictorian is only allowed to recruit 4 roles, the 5th being himself. But thank you for getting some discussion going. I’d pick these two right off the bat:

But I’d have to think more on the others. Likely choices in no particular order:

I’d probably want at least one of the two Medics to make life harder than it needs to be for the Civilians.[/details]

@AlphaCommando Don’t remind me, I’m trying to forget >.<

You can only recruit 4 roles.

Pre-game (meaning that I wouldn’t have the knowledge that I do now) I would have recruited:

Yamada - Absolutely. I’d just kill off everyone the detective confirms civilian.
Oowada - I see only goos things from getting a bonus kill when your team gets crippled by one.
Mikan - As a mafia, I wouldn’t be scared of letting the civilians have at least one medic. But I’ll take the one with the stronger mafia role (at least I think so).
Sonia - Eh… Syo can screw the civilians over, but he’s still a threat and I’d like to kill him as soon as possible.

wow, that’s scary that’s a chick, didn’t realize that, but they are named Sakura with the outfit and all

If I was going to recruit, I’d choose these 4:

Hall Monitor - Remove Night Medic, and get no kill ability. Adds good powers to mafia, removes crucial power from civs.

Mikan - Removes other medic, nothing to stop night kills at that point

Paparazzi - good for role hunting

Sonia - Finds the vigilante

With this setup, you’d have nothing to stop your night kills, you’d be able to track down the UC, and you’d be able to know who the vigi is. If the vigi starts getting close to mafia, you can kill him.

There may be more broken mafia combos, but these are the 4 I’d choose

I think Chief is right though (was it chief?), we need to worry less about abilities, and more about players and making the reads. The powers will help to fill out some of the gaps, but we need player reads first and foremost.

but we can get to that after we’re done discussing which roles we’d choose

Sorry I mixed power names with character names for some entries

Kiyotaka - Hall Monitor

Mikan - Nurse

Mahiru - Paparazzi

Sonia - Criminology

*I forgot to put an “or” between Mondo and Leon. But I’d definitely take Oogami plus the two medics and then choose between Mondo and Leon. I probably would have went with Mondo due to the extra kill. If a corrupt dies by either lynch or night kill the Mafia would get an extra night kill.


Mondos mafia ability is one time use only right?*