SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

Chief, I find your list very interesting but at the same time you’re the only one who wouldn’t do what I think you’re doing. However, for what I think you’re saying to be true, there’d need to be 3 people all coordinating as Mafia, and for the actual roles to have stayed completely silent about the matter. If you don’t know what I’m talking about then don’t worry, I probably misinterpreted your post.

Ooh~ Who am I then?

We might find out sometime soon.

You son of a bitch. That better not mean what I think it means.

@RF The problem with exposing people is you become a target. That’s why I wanted to wait as long as possible to make the most accurate reads as possible. Its risky putting out a list at all, but if we give mafia nowhere to hide, we increase our read accuracy exponentially.

I truly believe that the role claims hurt us the most but there was no stopping it. All the claims opened the door for process of elimination. Anyone is capable of making those reads so I didn’t think to remove anyone from suspision.

Anyway, my neck is out there now. If Azure doesn’t kill me mafia will.

You’re free to interpret my statement however you like.

I’m going to operate on the basis that we’re talking about the same thing, but I’m not certain.
Why would Willy do what he did then? There’s very little to gain for a Civilian to do that. And if he’s Mafia then that means that Azure was either lying, which would mean he isn’t Vigi and likely would’ve been killed by Vigi, or PW had some great reads on whoever Oogami is, and Oogami still hasn’t spoken up about it despite PW being basically confirmed civilian. Or PW was recruited: The only way that’d work is if he targeted two people at night using Kuwata’s Enforce ability, blowing 2 of his 3 stocks Night 1 expecting ESP while at the same time the Val was forged which would imply that the Mafia wasn’t expecting ESP. And during all of this the civilian Oogami is remaining quiet.

@I’m not saying PW is dirty but I think his tactics are.

Unless Hecatom is flipping amazing, Azure is clean too.

I will be furious. Just letting you know.

Dammit, quit. posting. I. need. sleep.

Okay, time to prepare to catch up on five more pages when I get to work tomorrow. Good night guys.

@RadicalFuzz: I’m reading the same thing you are.

You know what I think it comes down to? There’s a civ who thinks he’s way better than he actually is, and it’s going to cost us dearly.

Then we’d have one rogue ass motherfucker who didn’t follow instructions, wouldn’t we?

There’s only one person that it makes logical sense, and there’s nothing permanent by what I’ve done, so what? do we just come out in the open with it? Is anybody still fucking confused? I know the mafia sure as shit aint

Is the intent to buy more time? If so, maybe don’t come forward with it. The thing that makes me uncomfortable is that as I see it, things have been set up to protect an asset. But is that asset fools’ good?

We won’t know for awhile, but the answer is pretty easy to find out

I see what you did, I think, but I don’t necessarily agree with it. There’s one possibility, but we can’t rely on it because certain roles are still alive and because of that we can’t be certain of everything we’re told. Also, I think we should just say it, if the Mafia had figured out Doof & SAD’s roles they’ve probably at the very least considered this.

I’m sure you will be. Especially since there’s only 3 of you left, losing you would be quite a blow.

Hmm… not sure how I feel about this. It’s kind of a vigilante move. A risk taken on behalf of one person that might put the whole group at risk. You know that, right?

Well they definitely wanted doof last night, so we know what role they feared the most. Probably because of who they have.

Umm… not to spell it out here, but if they could get SAD and Doof, they could see through a robotic exchange between PW and the asset.

lol, how about contributing something to a cause other than the mafias before you start criticizing, because right now you’ve done nothing but be wrong. And the worst I did was delay the inevitable