SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

Well chief, if it’s not you… then which of the unconfirmed players has the potential to make these reads and is the secret genius behind all of our losing?

I confirmed OZ via his otaku pm, so unless I’m lying then he’s confirmed
Programmer being mafia is still up in the air, but it’s likely
TCJ could very easily be mafia, but it’s not guaranteed

to say none of these are being disputed (outside of the oz thing) is pretty silly. If you were vigi, who would you kill tonight?

If we’re to take the joke part and apply it to this game, he’s claiming that he’s Civilian Programmer and made a mistake. “How do programmers fix all errors and bugs? They don’t, they only write more code”

Very interesting stuff. I’m curious to see what he says in response to this.

I read you.

Both tenses.

Soon to be only the one.


Then what’s your order of kills if you were vigi?

I will admit if I was vigi, I’m not sure I’d have the guts to pull the trigger on The Chief. But I’m not sure I’d make a good vigi.

I’m looking more in the direction of Mobius, Synonym, Augustus… and more towards Synonym than anybody.

Mobius, from what I’ve seen last game, just doesn’t seem like the mastermind type. He’d be good at just being a mafia tool, but not it’s leader.

Augustus has been genuinely helpful, which I know is a page out of my book, but I don’t see it (though I see the potential there)

Synonym seems to have it in him

Pietastic we know is smart enough to do it, he has awesome reads, and I feel like he has under contributed. We know he just recently poured his heart and soul into the third party person, so I think he’s likely dirty to be that off (especially since nobody else really felt it like him)

DarkGeneral is a wild card I feel capable of this as well

RF. I’m not role claiming. I will never do that unless somehow my role was revealed and I had no choice.

Azure, your poems are not making sense to me.

PW I’d kill the rest of the silent wallflowers. With no medic protection, our verbal players are done. We need to make sure end game isn’t filled with useless players.

Exact names, though, would help your case better.

Chief, that was directed towards WAH’s post, not yours. I’m perfectly aware of your stance on role claiming.

I would kill the rest of the silent wallflowers too.

If my role hadn’t been compromised, day zero.

It was.

And I am not.

Nope, he is not.

Now then, everyone is aware that we have a lynch vote to get in for today, right?

I mean, obviously we’re going to vote RF since that’s suddenly convenient, but make sure every gets their votes in anyway.

Can you share any of those reads that you assure will win the game if you were mafia?

Vigi, he said vigi.

You know, my first mistake as a Vigi was that i was affraid to off him when i thought that he was playing off, i thought that as a civ he could be valuable.
Because of that i killed 2 (iirc) “lesser” players before him, never again.

Yeah, i mean vigi, my bad

@PW that’s been my gripe as I read these posts. Honestly, if you weren’t confirmed I wouldn’t even entertain this discussion.

Everyone is convinced that there’s a mastermind. How much of a mastermind do you have to be to read the thread and dissect all the data that’s being plastered all over the walls?

You guys are ruling out so many people because in your opinion they aren’t capable.

Is that good strategy? I would understand if there was no more vocal players left but how do you just agree that people aren’t capable so therefore it isn’t possible?

@MP as of right now… in order.
Dark General

The results of their death would help pin point the final person.

There were 2 really good reads, on doof and on SAD, that totally slipped past me. Maybe I just got lazy with my confirmation, but those reads went over my head, and I feel over a lot of other peoples heads too. I feel those reads come with experience

I find it interesting the 3 you’d kill first are the 3 I’d kill last, out of all the names given

Please be careful with your interpretations, PW. I didn’t pour my heart and soul into research on Cynt with the intent of rallying the town to get the pitchforks and fire ready. I did it because he seemed to fly under the radar to me, and out of everyone on my suspect list, I wanted more info on him… I couldn’t get a clear read before I dug into him. Once I got that read, I shared the resulting work with the crowd, and at no point was he my #1 suspect. It ended up being wrong as far as we know (but again, not 100% confirmed).

Just wanted to post that so when people end up catching up with the thread, they don’t take your interpretation as gospel.

@RadicalFuzz: you’re right on perspective-taking. And actually, you’re damn right that I don’t want to be seen as having shaky alliances with people. The only people I’ll for sure ally with are confirmed civs, and the only ones I will for sure push away are really suspicious characters, and wallflowers, to some extent. It’s a game of deception, so all interactions are risky, and I am trying to play in a manner that informs people so they can make their own judgment. In turn, their judgment about any ulterior motives I may have is up to them, but again, I have nothing to hide.

But who would’ve called Doof/Sumazndude as medics?

That’s the thing that leads me to think there is a mastermind. You’d be on the short list of those I’d consider for that job, so you should at least feel honored. You’re also saying that the writing was on the walls for them to run the gamut on us, so that definitely qualifies you.

But I don’t think it’s you. If it’s not pietastic, then it may be you.

I agree with you on 2/3 of your targets though, although the latter one is only a possibility I’m entertaining.