SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

My paranoid side says Azure may not actually be Syo, and the move last night was to stop the real vigi from killing Azure. Which means the vigi would actually have played along on the CJ Kill.

Again, just my paranoia speaking, Hax getting to my subconscious damn it

If you are really a civ, you need to make a case on why we shouldn’t kill you and who do you suspect and why?
Right now, even if you are really a civ you have been as useful as any other wallflower, seriously, there are zero insights coming from you.

I ask this because i am afraid that there is a good chance that RF or Azure end offing him, and it would be a waste for all of us.
As PW said like 1 or 2 pages ago, i think that it could be end very useful if you know who he is, yes it narrows the people that the mafia needs to look after, but it also helps us in focusing on less people. Also prevents that Azure kills waste a kill on him instead of another suspect, and with the plan of RF it prevents him killing someone who we will not benefit at all.

We are going with the RF plan, I see no reason not to. I don’t really know 100% who he plans to go after. I do know Azure is going after Chief at night if he survives (sorry bro, not sure I can spare a save for you, we’ll see).

I’d say there’s a good chance RF is gonna go after chief too.

If you think one of the people they’re gonna go after has one of the roles you know about, then it’s a good idea to speak up I think

Cyntalan is the 2nd Luckster
I am gonna save the name of the model for later.
Also, i put my vote for RF, i also pm’ed it to Godots to avoid what happened with C_K.

Interesting, not sure what his strategy really was so far. Not sure if that was somebody RF was going to go after or not.

Well, that blows my Chief theory out of the water

How so?

Definitely makes me feel stronger about my pie theory though.

Alright, my eyes are crossin’ I’m so tired, so I’ll try to make this quick: Inside the spoiler is a paraphrasing of pietastic’s actions throughout the game (omitting anything unnecessary to comment on).


10/1 07:23 - Questions PW’s suspicion on him 10 minutes after it occurs. pietastic was active beforehand, however, so it may just be coincidence. PW does not respond (directly).

10/1 12:20 - Hax calls out lynch on pietastic. Responds inside 20 minutes. This is getting further away from his typical active time but still inside the threshold. Calls out CK.

10/1 16:15 - Questions WAH’s suspsicion on MP, reading into it as suspicion on him being in cahoots.

10/1 19:00 - Day 1 Ends - pietastic votes MP, WAH votes pietastic.

10/2 07:31 - Agrees with PW’s assessment that he can prove his civ status with Bious’ ability.

10/2 07:40 - Is happy to have 3 trustworthy people around for a cycle (MP, PW, Bious)

10/2 08:07 - States his worry for a LG block on Bious.

10/2 09:23 - States that he caught onto MPs RC early on.

10/2 10:05 - PW brings up pietastic’s name again, pie jumps to respond inside 5 minutes.

10/2 11:01 - States the good choice to be AC. Wasn’t the first to weigh in, but pretty close to it. Also states CK is a candidate too.

10/3 05:30 - Questions Doof about not wanting vigi killing. States wallflowers should be lynch/kill focus.

10/3 08:21 - Admits wallflower could be lynched today, but would rather do in AC.

10/3 16:51 - Announces AC lynch

10/3 19:00 - Day 2 Ends, pietastic votes AC

10/4 09:41 - Prods lurker and zoo.

10/4 10:45 - Supplies more digging into zoo.

10/5 08:16 - Supplies digs into CK.

10/5 18:37 - Announces CK lynch.

10/5 19:00 - Day 3 Ends, pietastic votes CK

10/5 20:39 - Azure calls out pietastic, who responds in 6 minutes.

10/6 03:08 - MP calls out pietastic, who responds about 3 hours later (pretty much the point of earliest response for the morning), also proposing to go rooting for info from Cyntalan and Mobius.

10/6 05:57 - Mobius questions pietastic. pietastic responds in 5 minutes. The next few hours are back and forths between mobius/MP and pietastic.

10/6 07:31 - pietastic supplies digs into Cyntalan

Now, all that being said, I think pie is civ. Yes, he was right there pretty much every time his name came up in a negative light, but this endeavor really painted WAH in a way I haven’t been thinking of before. That, and his early jump on AC really doesn’t seem like a good run of things as a mafia decision.

I have to say, WAH is lookin’ mighty suspect to me now.

Now that wasn’t very nice Hecatom. Couldn’t ya have lied and said I was Kirigiri, ya know something that would have gotten me targeted? Now mafia’ll never bother with me.

Sorry man, i already said who’s names did i get so lying about your identity was out of the question :/, also, your name has been poping up as a mafia candidate and from some posts of RF and Azure there was a chance that you could have ended as their target which doesn’t benefit us or you anyway.

Cyntalan chimes in right when the lynch mob against pietastic is gathering steam coincidence?..shakes magic meatball…not likely. I’m convinced there’s at least 1 mafia among the two.

Also anyone else notice synonym got real quiet? The last relevant posts from synonym was page 36 when I gave my reasons for suspecting him and he responded to this:

For those of you playing along at home, I was defending PW’s civilian status literally since Page 1. Go look. When PW and RF were at each others throats I was trying to calm them both down, saying I thought they were both civilian. this reasoning spilled over into me saying on several occasions that PW shouldn’t be lynched. Hell, I was very vocal in lynching MP purely so that we’d have a confirmed civilian voice.

And how is that ‘protection’ for AC? If you read the context of the post it was when we were hypothesizing over the possible ramifications of Bious being mafia. I still maintain that it is valid though. Prior to Bious revealing his read on AC we had suspects that were going to be put on trial. Since then half of them haven’t been put back up on that pedestal.

Look, I’ve been trying to defend your actions all game because medical complications are a very real thing and I see enough of them daily to believe you. However, if you’re going to post an essay that is supposed to exonerate you from suspicion at least research it properly. don’t just toss a dart and quote whatever it hits. None of these posts were made in a vacuum so at least look at the context before quoting.

Saying that you tried to stop two people from suspecting and arguing with each other because you think theyre both civs is not evidence of you being a civ. If anything it would be evidence that you’re mafia because then you would obviously know who is civ or not, so when you see two civs like PW and MP arguing, you could stop them and use that to appear as a civ trying to help.

I’ve gone back to your earlier posts, and I don’t have a solid read on you either way but for now there are several much more suspicious people than you so I guess you’re off my suspect list.

Hope this is better formatted.

[quote=“orochizoolander, post:1789, topic:164690”]

Saying that you tried to stop two people from suspecting and arguing with each other because you think theyre both civs is not evidence of you being a civ. If anything it would be evidence that you’re mafia because then you would obviously know who is civ or not, so when you see two civs like PW and MP arguing, you could stop them and use that to appear as a civ trying to help.

I’ve gone back to your earlier posts, and I don’t have a solid read on you either way but for now there are several much more suspicious people than you so I guess you’re off my suspect list.

Anyone who doubts for a second that programmer is mafia is an idiot, sorry PW, I mean yeah maybe mafia were just that smart but even by your own admission it is HIGHLY unlikely, it was too good a move to be a coincidence.

Cmon orochi, you’re always like 20 pages behind us.

Cyntalan is now confirmed as the victim role.

Is the Mafia role switch still available or something?

Or is this simply pure bluff?

@Missing: care to recap the argument against me? Originally I thought you were just putting me on the stand to see if I’d crack, but now it seems I am your legit #1 suspect. If I remember correctly, the argument is:

  1. I’ve been indecisive on people, and done research on posts without subsequently leading a lynch wagon
  2. I advocated the vigi kill at all times as opposed to holding back during night phase
  3. Now, I’ve been wrong about Cyntalan

And to recap my rebuttals:

  1. I am always careful and measured before I commit a vote. In contrast, players this game have been aggressive in starting and following wagons, and I think we’ve made some bad lynch choices due to rushing to judgment. No apologies.
  2. Yes, because it’s a good idea statistically. For full argument, see page 41
  3. Sorry about that. It’s worth mentioning that HAX has been top of my suspect list for a while now, and after I presented the research on Cyntalan, he (Cyntalan) became second on my suspect list, after HAX. It’s not like I led a lynch wagon on Cyntalan, since I needed more info and outside opinions to figure out the next action (see: #1). It’s also worth noting that Cynt isn’t 100% confirmed.

Am I missing anything? Does this really make me more suspicious than some other candidates?

So how do you feel about hax claiming programmer then?

Thanks for the heads up Hecatom. I think the chances of me picking Cynt were minimal, but that’s one less person to bother analyzing. Would you clarify something for me? Is Augustus Junko?

You need to consider the context we’re looking at it in, what it looks like to us. You rarely get into extended connections with players, which makes it appear as if you’re wary of forming lasting alliances. I see that as Mafia-leaning activity, you don’t want to start forming a connection with someone right before they die, makes you look suspicious, like why did you survive when they didn’t. Also, in this School Environment game everyone has a role, which is naturally going to impact the way they play whether they’re conscious of it or not.

Can you quote where he did? I didn’t catch a Programmer claim when I was reading his posts.

Well as with all hax posts, it’s hard to really nail it down. But it’s a combo of his avatar change to E Honda typing on a computer, and his programmer references in this post here

I took it as his claim

I’m re-reading this thread and I can’t put a finger on why select people are conspiring against me so I’m gong to go out on a limb and seek clarity.

Azure doesn’t know why he’s killing me.
OZ is confirmed Civ without any evidence.
The Programmer is Mafia because reasons.
TCJ is Mafia because reasons.

These are the “facts” that are available to the thread that are not being disputed.

The toast is strong with this thread.

4 Mafia left until proven otherwise.

My strategy is process of elimination while posing no threat to the mafia to ensure survival.

Find your culprits and once found use them (and manipulate them) to find who they are working with.

Read people. Not roles. Especially if the role you have has been used up.

Obviously, this is bad play. Obviously no one can figure it out.

Obviously no one will believe me.

I’ve played different in every game I’ve played. The goal is to be efficient. If I was Vigi, I would’ve won this a long time ago.

I’m not Vigi, so I opted to employ a strategy that would help clear the thread of noise and allow us to focus on the facts.

I didn’t push suspicion because that makes you a threat.
I didn’t want to lynch contributors because that would be worse for us down the road.

If these actions make me guilty, so be it.