SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

How the fuck did i miss that :rofl:
But seeing how Doof and Oz are civs…

You’re certain that the Supermodel wasn’t recruited? It’d be a very unexpected play, one that might pay off.

*At this point I think they have Leon, Gambler and Asahina. That’s assuming that Cojones was civ and not mafia. But right now I’m getting a strong feeling that AlphaCommando recruited around the central theme of “identity”.

Touka ( comes up as civ when dead, would fit)
Gambler ( comes up clean when investigated, would fit)

Sonia learns the identity of the Vigi at the beginning of the game.

Asahina could fit because taking her protects the identity of the val.

Leon is a wild card because his ability is incredibly useful in a game like this.

Naegi only provides a extra life for the mafia. It’s a possibility that he’s been recruited but It’s not high on my list of probability.

I think that i see what makes you suspect about him, but i am still not sure about it. We have people that are more suspicious than him slipping for some reason or another every lynch round.
BTW, i am still not sold entirely about RF.
Him and The Chief are 2 strong players that have been playing on a way that don’t go with how they usually play.

BTW, i am still catching up with the thread.

It would be funny if HAX turned out to be the Supermodel, and his being such a diva was actually an nth tier yomi of a role claim. :wonder:


  • It’s possible, remember the role card for Chihiro didn’t overtly state that it was a 1 time use only ability. Mafia could have sat on the role and felt out the game before using it that particular night. It’s not high on my scale of probability that the role was recruited.

Also recruiting Junko could be one of those “no one would see it coming” recruitment. But from how Hecatom is responding to who he learned is Junko, I’m guessing the person is just a civ.

For all we know someone like Augustus might be Junko. *

It would be funny if HAX turned out to be the Supermodel, and his being such a diva was actually an nth tier yomi of a role claim. :wonder:


*That would certainly explain why he was acting a little more crazier than normal. I don’t think anyone could get a subtle roleclaim like that though. *

Missing, can you tell Vigi to pass the salt & pepper. /That not speaking to people trope

& that killing someone you think I’m protecting is a much better idea to break down the house of cards easily. Mafia has one protection. Fuzz pegged me as role claiming swimmer. He said it doesn’t help now. That really helps Mafia team more than Civilians.

I will not be upset if people think this one all the way out too. Weigh every possibility. Put together the chances for and against it.

-Mafia pointing the finger as me being swimmer can get me lynched
–If Fuzz is not Mafia (as we see a plan he wants today and better chances against it-watchout on another easy bandwagon though)
-After anyone points the finger, Mafia will not step in and help stop the lynch of the supposed swimmer. They can easily blend into that vote. They have nothing to lose, while the Civs need to get Swimmer out for Vigi to have much better chances.

The possibility of progammers plan going wrong. 50/50? From what everyone says, that hasn’t been considered at all, or just like a 2% chance. Programmer directly stopped the Vigi kill faucet and Mafia slipped in right on the dot. Night action players will know if an action can be planned out ahead of time and sent in early, the way some games are run, as the Death Note game needed against Fuzz’s broken plans. Or if that’s not possible.

progamers is fuckin retarded - using the typo of programmers here, not good enough for a sig yet

code has the funny joke though, 

how do programmers fix all errors or bugs, 
they don't, they only write more code

something like that pinned on a bulletin board in the college computer lab. old comic strips

60 FPS locked. Fighting games. youtube dropping half the frames is so sad.

I just really hope my claims combined with Godot’s rule change didn’t get me figured out by Mafia so quickly. And they really benefited from that, except that Pimp still stays around longer as I planned. The move still bought more time for good players.

You’re confusing me. My original argument was that Chihiro wasn’t trying to stop a possible Mafia double kill because the Mafia still got their night kill in. If you were going to PM in 2 night kills, wouldn’t you PM them in both at the same time? When this day phase ends I’ll prove that Oowada is civilian so this entire point is almost moot.

90%. I don’t see how it’d result in profit.

Rf is all but confirmed and offering himself as a Lynch. Very noble since everyone wanted him dead. So do catch up

Dunno man, after seeing how capable he is when he wants to, i right now feel that we need to keep an eye on him.
He has prove that he can be a very insightful player when he wants, but right now, it feels like a facade, like trying to hide and not be considered in anyway by playing weird, which seems to be working.

Lol, I’m not really even reading WAH’s posts anymore. You guys can deal with him.

Also, I’m going to snitch on whoever didn’t do Pimp Willy’s homework.

*I was talking about Chihiro possibly being mafia in my original, not that Mondo AND chihiro was mafia. If you read the post that you quoted you’ll see that I was speculating who I think the remaining mafia roles are. I didn’t even include Mondo on there.

As for the whole second kill part of your post, since I was skimming I missed that part.

I guess we’re both pretty damn tired and missed the point of each others posts. *

I hereby reserve the right to call you guys “stupid idiots” with the colorful language you have used, at least half of the times you have called me an idiot.

In my last gasp, in the loser lounge, after the game. There are a lot of places you will be called these things.

Curious, I had a gut feeling

Back on day 1 when me and RF were going at it, was there anybody who posted something like

"Gee, golly, I feel like they’re both civ and I don’t know who to vote for :frowning: "

I also need to really take the time to put myself in the mafias shoes, and figure out what I’d do.

hint: It’d probably shut the fuck up and let them hang themselves

I know Synonym at least was saying something about us both likely being civilian. I’d have to go back and check for the details and to see if anyone else did, but I don’t have time right now.

You’ll have to write like this, out of character, or else we’ll fail to notice.

On top of failing to care.

*I said that I thought both of you were civs or both of you were mafia. It shouldn’t have struck anyone as odd that you and Willy were bickering.

With you two instead of it being “The enemy of my enemy, is my friend” it’s more like “The enemy of my enemy is OUR enemy”. *