SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win


Has two major things to answer for.

  1. What made him really change from being calm cool & collected on page 38-39 about Chief from the voting results writeups.

  2. What was his deal on Doof’s last gasp about the Medic.

He had no answer for that, even to the contrary of that idea, and even liked the post.

This can help them if you think I’m running interference but they need to be questioned for such things since they weaseled away from answering at all. While doing The Chief, thing to tag that post and never talk about it.

I knew I was going to regret playing in a game with a bunch of wallflower quiet people
that I have no idea how they play and they never care they line up with letting mafia blend in

making a list of who became a wallflower in this game may not even be too useful due to

everyone having a role. And that dynamic changing on even more self preservation than usual.

Okay, now I suddenly see what Fuzz is doing.

This is quasi reminiscent of the UMVC3 game to me.

I’m sorry for not seeing it sooner, but I’m waking up slower today, as I was being terrorized by a mosquito midway through last night.

I mean, you can go ahead and post it, but I’m getting lynched today so it wouldn’t really change anything :rofl:

If we were to assign SHSL talents to the players, I’d probably be the “Super High School Level Martyr”, seems like my deaths are twice as helpful as my contributions. However, this time I get to survive my lynching. It’s kinda nice, actually.

Well, Fuzz, if you are who you say you are, then you know who I’ve pointed fingers at, it’s up to you whether to agree or disagree, but if you’re gonna use your ability, GET A MAFIA with it before joining me on the confirmed civ side.

@hax I have no problem with you coming up with theories on how the mafia is tricking us, but I want ones that are actually possible and can be backed up.

Azure knew the paparazzi targeted me. He called out his night 2 kill in advance, and it was correct. The real Vigi could easily kill him if they wanted to, and he was lying. I just don’t see it.

I have no doubts I will die protecting Azure tonight, unless they enforce me and bypass my protection or something which is always possible. That doesn’t mean I can magically create more time in the day to analyze the game. we have until 7pm tomorrow, that gives me an entire work day to actually dissect the game, plenty of time. Especially since todays action is already set on RF, and we don’t need to make another meaningful group decision for 48 hours after that (which I plan to be watching from the sideline, of course).

2 things I think we need to keep a mind on

  1. The mafia did not take either of the medic roles… so let’s get a list of all the roles we currently have unknown, and try to figure out just what the fuck mafia was doing chosing roles – is there any chance they went the random route?

  2. Let’s assume for one minute, that RF and Chief are clean. Look at a list of all the remaining players:

infrequent lurker

Somebody on this list is making these awesome reads on who the medic was, if not more than 1. Who do you think it is?

We have at least 2 mafia in this list people, that’s just the reality of the situation.

So your defense against someone suspecting you of being mafia due to you always voting civ and/or majority is…that your a civ because you said so?..Does this make sense to anyone?

And how would someone claiming to be syo know this as fact? This post you made looks suspicious in retrospect after WAH and you going after each other. I really thought you were confirmed civ early on but now more and more it seems you and WAH are pulling the “2 mafia go at it to look like paranoid mistrusting civs to everyone else”. I’m not accusing you of being mafia only that it’s become a possibility I didn’t bother thinking of before, so my faith in you is a little shaky. Also as long as I’m quoting you earlier in this game you said either hecatom is “pulling us all on” or I’m dirty…so now that I’m confirmed clean what do you have to say about hecatom? Better yet why have you not mentioned hecatom at all since PW confirmed my identity? If you really believed your own post wouldn’t it be logical for you to bring up hecatom instead of me or anyone else?

I’m not accusing you…yet I’m simply asking questions.

You say you want to go after wallflowers just like Azure, but then later on in the game you seem to be especially critical of him, now whether you have credible evidence against azure or not if his targets line up with your own why bother convincing any of us to suspect him? Wouldn’t it be in your best interest to let him do your work for you?

We both know PW is a dead man sooner rather than later unfortunately, so no the truth according to your logic about you will not come out

We didn’t discuss you ousting my role in public, you could have at least given me a head up in PM first, but whatever I’m not salty I’m sure you have your reasons, I mean you’re the only one I trusted when we started PM’ing.

Collection of last gasp lists

Funny, everyone agrees on RF. Hax is the other one people agree on. Otherwise, a lot of the names are pretty much out there.

as an aside, DG I have been feeling might be an alt account of another vet, so… he’s scary if my gut is right. And my gut has been wrong all game lol



  • 1: I have never been wrong about Chiefs allegiance when I was lurking the mafia threads. When he was Civ, I was right, and when he was mafia I was right. Due to my interactions with him and seeing him post around SRK I feel I have a good bead on him when he’s acting out of character. When he was mafia he was uncharacteristically pensive and quiet, he also tried to play up some type of angle to avoid being looked at seriously or questioned. When he was Civ he played much looser and was laid back. He’s usually a pretty laid back guy who isn’t so closely guarded.

When I said I suspected him the response I got back from him just screamed he was mafia and continues to scream he’s mafia. As soon as I laid out an accusation on him he was quick to deflect all attention away from himself and onto me, based on my intuition of him that was the exact type of response I was expecting of him if he was mafia. So I dared him to try and lead a lynch on me. As soon as he lead the lynch and I would come up civ all eyes would be on him. He backed down so quick from that post that’s hilarious. Why on gods green earth would THE CHIEF be afraid of leading a lynch on me unless he wanted to stay well below the radar.

According to my own notes the only reason he would stay below the radar is because he’s the UC. The likelyhood of him being the UC and playing under the radar like this is almost nil to me. There’s another good reason why I don’t believe he’s UC but I don’t want to say too much more about the UC.

2: I posted like or insightful on every last gasp to date, that much isn’t out of the ordinary. But outside of that fact I agreed that me and RF should be pressed. It’s a logical conclusion to reach. As a matter of fact, up until this point I have had interaction with every single night target just before they have died. Bious/Btier, Sumazndude and Doof. And you know what? There’s absolutely nothing I can say to defend myself on that it’s damning, incriminating, all but the smoking gun. It’s completely logical because the only scenario is that I’ve been a target of Mafias ire or that I’ve been a mafia member collecting reads for whoever is the leader of the mafia.

That’s a straight up 50/50 scenario that I’ve noticed right after Doof was the mafia kill. There’s no way I can defend myself, literally the only thing that can help me this day phase is if Hecatom by chance found out which role I’am. *

I guess I’ll quote and respond to posts individually…FUCK I hope I rememebr what I just spend the last hour typing.

@orochizoolander that sucks. But also, Azure is claiming both Syo and Paparazzi. Syo is an ability tacked on to an existing civ, just like the valedictorian was for mafia. just as a heads up

First you spend half the thread saying how fishy WAH is and then you say he makes sense and then on the same page and since you go back to suspecting him, which then triggers him to start suggesting you’re mafia role claiming as syo to fly under the radar. Forgetting everything else, just looking objectively at the exchanges between you two it plays out like the classic “2 mafia members posing as paranoid mistrusting civs that suspect each other of being mafia”. I’m not accusing you or him, just pointing out the obvious.

All civs in this game have fucked up hence why we only got 1 mafia kill so far. That being said you went after 3 civs in a row who are now confirmed in death, and the third one doof you publicly voted for without giving any reasoning as to why, that in itself should make everyone else put you on their suspect list, unless of course you can convince us how going after 3 civs in a row without saying why is not suspicious.

I think I may have deduced the gambler from old posts :tup: still not sure if they’re mafia or civ, though, it’s a powerful ability either way

Okay so please explain how pulling a CK benefits civs assuming you are one? Unlike CK who was logically suspicious from the jump and only made himself more of a lynch target by committing suicide you were not on everyone’s radar, only a few were looking ta you sideways and that was at the beginning of the game so what prompted you to put yourself on the sacrificial alter? Also I find it equally baffling that soon after everyone ignores your offer to take a bullet AKA pull a Bull_Dancer you go back to postulating guesses and play the game as a civ…so what made you change your mind and want to live?

I (and others) are also of the belief that CJ was mafia, his role lets him die as a civilian if he was mafia

Here are the unknown roles:

Here are the known Mafia roles:
Programmer (counting it since the night kill still happened)
Bookworm (counting it via Principle of Charity)

Here are the alive and known Civilian roles:
Gang Leader
Animal Breeder (the evil “Dark Lord” guy with the hamsters)

We know that Alpha was the Diplomat so they got Azure’s identity at the start of the game. We know that he didn’t know the Vigi’s identity while recruiting, since Syo was assigned after alignments were sent out, so we can remove that factor. Alpha did know that he would get the Vigi’s name after it was assigned.

Something interesting I noticed, Co-Jones’s Last Gasp lists 2 civilians, OZ & I, and WAH. Isn’t it SOP for Mafia to list at least one Mafia as a suspect in their Last Gasp or an equivalent “last big post”? I refuse to believe that CJ died just because he didn’t check the thread, he’s smarter than that, so that only leaves the possibility of him being Mafia dying as civ Fukawa.

I really wished you would have given me a heads up before telling everyone my role but whatever, I understand why you did it and I appreciate the support I’m glad I trusted the right person to PM, if you didn’t claim oogami I really don’t know who I would have PM’ed. Anyways, so after some thought it’s actually a brilliant play to oust me as otaku because now, mafia now who I am so they will be forced to night kill both of us which gives the UC more time to find mafia and/or confirm civs. Which reminds me:


  • This is also a tack on to my last post (before I get into why Mobius is one of my leading suspects for what feels like the umpteenth time), I think Mobius could be a mafia that has tried to get me lynched/suspected all game long. He’s the first person to openly doubt me and he has been praying on RadicalFuzzs tunnel vision of me. AlphaCommando was the other person who tried playing Fuzz like a fiddle throughout the game because of Fuzzs suspicions of me. With the information we have now and if Fuzz is clean, Mobius is starting to look even more like the serpent wispering into Fuzz ear what he wanted to hear.

Chief, I believe could absolutely make the reads that Doof and Sumazndude was medics. Missing Person said he called Pimp Willy and Kaz being the lovers on day 1 of the south park game if my memory serves me right. Missing Person can correct me if I’m wrong since he was the GM. If I’m right, then my case looks stronger for the Chief being the alpha of the mafia right now. Who hear could have made those reads based on the information we know. Augustus is a possibility since he was the first to point out the Sumazndude thing but he’s been generally helpful. Most of the vets are looking like confirmed civvies or have a strong hint towards being civ. Chief? Not so much. *