SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

Antsy doesn’t usually bother me.

Silence does.

That said, the fact that the Valedictorian had my number day one, AND my predilection for punching Wallflowers’ tickets, makes this a whole other ballgame.

I think MP’s numbers game is off, due to this.

It ain’t a 2/1/2 split.

Its not a claim.

Will you count me as having done work on Cynt? Maybe rearrange that list?

PW: what do you think of the case on Cynt?


Yeah… this doesn’t read at all like a passive-aggressive Mafia post.

It is totally a well thought out, reason post.

The Mafia is letting me live.

The Medics had zero to do with it.

Nor did PW.

Is there something you want to say, about that?


Then you’re playing for the Mafia.

Nonchalant is your dismissal of my merking Co-Jones… a Mafia.

Please see the above.

I forgot you made one. I also havent been able to actually digest anything posted this weekend fully.

But the fact that Cynt wants to go in on you, and you went in on him, is interesting.

I think I’ll make you and Cynt go in on eachother since you are both so eager, and make the rest of the names a separate list


Infrequent Lurker

Any objections @azure?

PW: OK, works for me. If you get a chance, please read my case and comment.

What do you think of MP’s case against me?

Not seeing him as dirty. I’ve already gone through his posts since I suspected him earlier in the game, and other than some stuff that I was nitpicking, I didn’t find anything that really stood out as dirty from him. He was one of the few that really wanted Alpha dead and he also went in hard on Godots for that triple kill rule change he was going to make after Alpha died. It’s not totally concrete stuff, but it’s enough for me to put him much lower on my suspects list.

I will add that both WAH and RadicalFuzz responded rather quickly (1 minute after) Godots posted that rule change he was attempting to make. Were they expecting it? Godots could have told them beforehand in the Mafia PM. Again, not concrete stuff, but it should be considered.

If WAH is 3rd party, then he’s doing it all wrong…

I could definitely see this. Maybe he’s Mafia Naegi? Take all the heat off the Mafia who only have one life because you have two. And if he gets lynched, then we still have to worry about whether he is civilian or not because no allegiance is revealed after the first death.

Not a one, PW.

Yeah, I mean I’m still pretty sure CJ was mafia. That’s gonna be hard to figure out, we won’t know until post game.

We know we are dealing with the Forger, so going after mafia is going to be tough. UC I think needs to focus on the unconfirmed wallflowers more than anything, trying to get us confirmed civs more than confirmed mafia. The list of unknowns is pretty small, and growing smaller every day with all the info coming in.

Props to mafia for the programmer move, really got one over on us. Unless it was a civ programmer, and then props to the mafia for being one step ahead.

They’re really slick, whoever they are. I think we need to cut the main head off the hydra and then we’ll be able to pick apart the rest.

Thanks, I guess, for not thinking I’m important Mafia. Regardless, near the bottom of this post I explain how I can prove my innocence. Also, on your pietastic suspicions, I’m not sure. It does look like a case of tunnel vision similar to what I had with DG earlier (but now that I think about it, his post that prompted Alpha to make a mistake in posting the most in-depth review of the roles he’d pick didn’t come up until after Alpha’s lynch) but I like the fact that you’re doing shit, going after people after death. I’ll try to get a more in-depth analysis later, really distracted right now.

@ Chief regarding your post about why would the Mafia Programmer let AC get lynched. I believe it was because there was the damning piece of evidence against him, not just one person pushing for his lynch. Also Alpha didn’t have a continuous role aside from the Valedictorian triple kill, and they didn’t know 3 roles at the time, so keeping him alive for another day phase wouldn’t have helped much IMO.

Attention: I’m gonna role claim. So Chief you can go ahead and facepalm or roll your eyes or whatever you do when you get annoyed. This is going to increase the number of confirmed civs from 3 to 4 so I think it’s statistically a good move. Assuming 10/4/1 we will have taken 4 targets off the table for lynching because they’ve been proven civilian, resulting in a total of 11 lynch candidates from among 6/4/1. That’s just under a 40% chance to kill Mafia, not even basing that on in-thread actions.
On that note, Lynch RadicalFuzz.

To everyone that hasn’t figured it out, I’m Mondo Oooooooooooooowada, the Super Duper High School Level Gang Leader. I’m civilian, so anybody that’s played with a role like this will know what I’m going to do. Everyone should vote to lynch me today. If I actually am civilian Oowada then I’ll change the vote to someone else. However, if someone else is Oowada then under no circumstances should they change the lynch vote. That is very important. If I’m claiming a role that someone else in the game has right now, then I am Mafia and should be killed. I was trying to do this yesterday, but halfway through the day it looked that Combo was going to be lynched. I took a risk that I would survive Night Phase and it paid off, so to speak. This is like an option select of sorts, barring the Enforcer’s interference. If nothing happens (or I’m Enforced :sad:) then I will be killed and will be Mafia or an unlucky civilian. If someone gets lynched via Crazy Diamond, Oowada’s civ ability, then I’m cleared. Obviously this relies on the real Oowada, if he’s not me, to not use his ability today.

@Doofenshmirtz I will avenge you bro! I’ll find and kill every Culprit responsible for your death and end this! This is a promise of the highest caliber, a man’s promise, and I will fulfill it!

Alright then, those are the assignments


Infrequent Lurker

Everybody goes in on the person below them, and make your case. Augustus goes in on ForgeDigger since nobody is below him.

Make your case in a single post, use references when necessary, and remember to make a case good enough because if the case against you is stronger then you’re gonna die.

Also, I feel like the third part is between HAX and Chief at this point

I can’t force your hand Azure, but I think that maybe RF is the head we’re looking for

Small addendum, if I have been Enforced and die as Civilian Oowada, Chief is Mafia. No doubt about it. He saw what I was trying to do yesterday and backed off, not wanting to die. If he hadn’t figured out who I was he wouldn’t have backed off so suddenly.

Azure this is by far the most aggression you have shown. So first of all…


…for putting forth effort to actually “think” about what you want to do.

You convinced yourself that I am mafia and you convinced yourself that TCJ is mafia.

Its not your fault that you don’t know how I play this game. I believe this is our first one. My 2 sentence post coming across as “thought-out” is a complement to me.

The reason I pointed out your misconception of the convenience in the role claims is because, since I’m technically dead by your attempted previous action last night, I need to do be more forward with revealing contradictions as they reveal themselves.

You said you have a problem with “silence” yet you come at me instead of the quietest people playing that aren’t even contributing.

It doesn’t matter because you have the final say with your “stacked” powers as you so put it.

@RadicalFuzz Yes, that’s not a bad move. Everybody lynch RF. He will alter it, and prove his innocence. That’s awesome actually :tup:

I leave it in your hands who you think is clever enough to actually be manipulating this behind the scenes.

(also, double check and make sure theres not a mafia role that can accomplish the same thing)

Lynch RadicalFuzz

and this time not out of malice ; )

I hate being wrong.

Sigh, good enough for me.

Lynch RadicalFuzz


I’ll go RF tonight, if he doesn’t get i here and convince me.

Incorrect. How does it strategically help us to lynch of top contributors first?

We end up shooting ourselves in the foot buy making it to late game with a bunch if wallflowers who have to catch up before posting anything.

That’s why I backed off.