SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

Ok, 3 things from me

  1. It’s the weekend, I’m a low weekend contributer. Wont be able to actually contribute much until tomorrow.

  2. I never expected to live this long. As a confirmed civ… I’m almost lost as to what to do. This is new territory for me. Im good at chiming in, not necessarily driving the entire strategy.

  3. Hax, if you’re going to claim Syo so openly, do something about it. My protection doesn’t stop your kills. Otherwise, shut the fuck up about Azure not being Syo. You’re not convincing us, and you’re not convincing mafia to off you either, if you’re third party.

Will try to find time to run the post count program, and post the entire zip files of peoples postings

I am sticking by my guns.

HAX is either dirty or 3rd party.

The Chief isn’t smelling nice.

All he has said since AC got hit has been to disparage the roles that have been revealed, being revealed.

But all of them have only served us, in their revelation.

So, yeah.

Pie is rolling Smeagol, but lapsing into hints of Precious-speak, at times.

Mobius is… disturbing in his laconic state.

So is Cynt, though.

I think there is only one Mafia amidst the Wallflowers, and we’ve got Civs squatting on roles.

Alright, so we do need to come to a consensus on who to lynch today.

Time is on our side for this though.

I’m holding back on asking a few questions, because I don’t want mafia’s path to be too linear.

I think if we’re going to get a mafia today, we gotta hope we get the programmer.

Otherwise, @Azure, get your night action in ASAP.

And there is no way HAX is Syo. No way in hell he played it that well to lead me to believe it’s Azure. I stand beside my reads on Azure for sure.

And PW knows there’s a way to prove it, too, if you want to.

With both medics dead, No Kill is no longer an option if the mafia even have it now.

okay, for real, sleep.

PW, how do you hunt out and kill a programmer?

I’m going to crash out. I agree a consensus is definitely what we need at this stage of the game. I strongly feel that any and all suspects should be put to trial before we decide to blindly bandwagon someone’s choice. I’ll check back in a few hours.

With a case of mountain dew and a laundry basket propped up with a stick

If Co-Jones is mafia, then we’re at 1-1-1 or 0-2-1.

AC was a top poster when he was lynched. That means there’s either one more at the top of the heap, one in the middle and one wallflower left, or two mid-range posters and one wallflower left.

That’s if TCJ is mafia, which is dangerous to think.

Holy fuck is programmer not 1 time use? Da fuck?

…Fuck. It’s supposed to say one-time use.

So how does it play out, then?

The way it was supposed to read, or the way it read?

We kind of REALLY need to know this. :mad:

The role claims have helped us? Our medics would like a word with you.

Its starting to make sense why the mafia is letting you live.

No Medic made an overt role claim.

It is starting to make sense why you’re being so overtly hostile.

Aaaand with that, my kill for the night is locked in.

I only hope you’re not 3rd party, so you don’t get points.

You’re right. There was no medic role-claim, but when everyone role-claims that they are NOT the medic it might as well be.

If my attention to detail is hostile, you have your hands full given the number of people who are getting antsy recently.

I’ll update the first page so that the programmer’s ability can only be used once.

I’m not playing for points.

Frankly I’m not sure what you’re playing for, but the way you nonchalantly pull the trigger is going to lose the game for us.

I’m curious if you can even explain your reason for killing me.

Ok if we are going to do a list of names for people to research on, do we do all players in the game?

Or are we gonna focus on 5-6?

I’d say the list should be

Infrequent Lurker

Anybody disagree with this list?

Everybody reasearches the person below them on the list (Augustus does Cynt).

Look for anything suspicious, and make your case why we should vote that person out. Seriously, sell us on it, because somebody else is going to be selling us on you, so make sure your case is good. Simply quoting all the posts isn’t enough, include your analysis, why you think they deserve to be voted, why they are mafia, etc

That’s a pretty heavy claim