SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

Also, I apologize for each of my spoilers having an extra quote on Cyntalan discussing Hecatom’s confirmed status. Too much text to deal with at once.

Gamble is an active ability used in day phase. It can be used as often as the user likes, as long as it never fails. You will know if it has been used and if it has succeeded/failed in the write-up.

“ass hard now”

I’ve got no sleep tunnel vision on those words only

After such draining big serious posts here, I can finally do something like call this both the best and worst written sentence/post in the whole game.

I don’t think we all want to get you and the “ass hard now” you are offering. Shit man, you’re doing this all on the same day too? Slow down. giving up the booty. Didn’t your momma teach you some self respect?! Or I guess that’s dad’s job bcuz that ends up being blamed on him for really making the personality that ends up being a stripper/hooker/wildchick by being a deadbeat dad to her. Who goes on to repeat the cycle by paying stripper hookers, daughters of some other very bad not-in-the-picture-dad.

Pie is ambiguous, slit-licking, honey tongue.

HAX is cancer, metastasized into Broca’s Area of the brain.

And whatever part controls conscience.


Do you know how to read. I’ll say that before you say it.

that’s not a patronizing question if you take all the feelings out of it.
i’ll take the question mark out too to be less of a jerk than you

Give me something to read and respond to and I’ll read and respond to it.

You didn’t give me as much as I gave you. Or any amount of anything.
Your response to everthing so far, if we choose to accept it, is “fuck you.”

I’ll maybe so kind to be using that response, your words for your questions and finger pointing just the same. I’ll quote where you said it there each time maybe so I don’t look like a giant ass like that’s my own idea on how to talk to people.

I guess I am not above doing that either, like when I was way overzealous about the Swimmer explanation and went that way with “fuck you scrub guys” or whatever I said exactly word for word.

so maybe I should’ve did that to you in the first place after you voted me at the last second like some scrub who can’t get lynch vote support. Scrub like me in fact, even when I put my votes in and ask for that support way earlier than you, not to any better results but giving me a chance vs last second… hoping for mafia to all vote with you?

In 2 questions

Why did you vote for me at the last second?
What role did you want me to use at night?

I’ve role claimed a lot. You can freely choose from the list I made of the 15 roles left too, if its “too much work”

11:48 PM 10/5/2013

My dad had an idea on Pet insurance. Before acting on his idea, he told this lady on the ferry into the city. She was so adamant about telling him that is was a terrible, stupid ass idea.

From what he knows, she quit her job the next day and went on to make big money in establishing Insurance programs for Pets.

If HAX lives today after continuing to eat Jesus Toast on Azure, and I die instead, I’m going to cry.

I also still don’t fully understand the association between me and HAX. I honestly think it’s just a theory that has been introduced to see if one of us would slip. HAX’s posts have been beyond slipping, They’re pure noise and conspiracy theories.

Keep the questions coming.

If HAX lives today after continuing to eat Jesus Toast on Azure, and I die instead, I’m going to cry.

I also still don’t fully understand the association between me and HAX. I honestly think it’s just a theory that has been introduced to see if one of us would slip. HAX’s posts have been beyond slipping, They’re pure noise and conspiracy theories.

Keep the questions coming.

huehueuheu. Dont forget to go all out on the others

**Why did you vote for me at the last second?
What role did you want me to use at night?
I’ve role claimed a lot. You can freely choose from the list I made of the 15 roles left too, if its “too much work” for you


These are easy to answer questions that don’t implicate you. Not working with someone to help everyone get info is signs of the opposite story. It will even help your case against me! I guess you have no case or you’re still putting that together. “I’ll wait” <- a very snappy one.

You have zero reason to withhold this information. I can see how you want to hide the other stuff I asked for though.

While it remains just like its name, “a gamble,” I do like how its a more powerful role than we might have even considered. Those inbetween the lines stuff, and actually a little bit like that one crazy guy too Bison about knowing his role… but shutting his mouth. The real Gambler better have known all this by now.

So, Watch your backs and hard asses Mafia. :nunchuk:

I’m not sure. I can definitely see how you’re seeing him as suspicious, however I’m not sure if that’s an impartial view of it or not. I may be biased as well from last game but I really feel that Pie is an asset that we can make use of. He’s not afraid to do the hard work, as evidenced by him compiling all of those investigations. And, he organises his thoughts into cohesive arguments usually. I’m genuinely proud of how well his investigation into Cyntalan. Seriously, that’s way more effort than I’ve put into some posts. It also jives with something I said a while back. Cyntalan is flying way below people’s radars. So is Forge now that you mention it. How are these players exempt from scrutiny? Once again, I reiterate to you: Why is Augustus not a suspect in your mind?

Now, unrelated to this quote but back on something you said I realise that you never answered my question from a page or so ago. Why have you suddenly given up pursuit of RF as a target? The same may go for @Azure as well, but I honestly don’t know if you’ve stopped looking at him or not.

Suddenly, all the thread can focus on is DG, Pie and Mobius. Doof’s LG was what it took to make the group look at RF again.

I haven’t, just something in me says he’s not calling the shots if he’s mafia, and he’s a lower priority if he is.

Plus I did concede at the very least that he lines up with my 2/1/1 lists after Doof’s last gasp. I think there’s something that may need to be looked into on Fuzz.

What say you, PW? @Hecatom? @Azure.

The last thing I heard from him was pretty much this:

“lol, no u”

@ForgeDigger showed up before and after me calling for his help, but they’re both in that same kind of group.

As well I don’t know if you’re answering that from Missing all that well well, because I’m finally seeing my hopes for the Kenny role working out. Just not that rock hard buttocks thing, yeesh. What a threat backfire.

Pietastics ideas on combo knight were wayoff. While Missing has a post here to read. How many people were convinced to finally put in a vote based on his research and ideas? They can’t have all been Mafia but many people seemed unsure of where to go with the vote before pietastic’s help with that post.

Still kinda waiting on infrequent to do the numbers count since he was at the forefront of that and has more info to start with, plus all my 3 hour writing for little gain all in vain here. That vigilante note was pretty helpful though. Could’ve saved a ton of lines of text.

I’m going to get all up in the Super Adventure Club’s ass for raping little kids.

Rape for rape. Shoutouts to @Vynce.

So which Capcom do we lynch today?


At the very least Azure in my mind is 100% confirmed. If he wasn’t the real Vigi then I think he would have been shot dead night 2. The real vigi would have at least attempted to kill him during night 2 when Azure proclaimed he was going to kill Co-Jones. It would have straight up blow up his role claim and ended his life.

There’s a possibility that Pimp Willy had a gdlk read of who Oogami would have protected but I’m personally not buying into that possibility. For now at least.

Hecatom, due to him knowing Azure and Co-Jones role (along with Azure not being hit by the real vigi) I’m inclined to believe he’s 100% civ as well.

Anybody else get the feeling HAX is posting noise and Jesus Toast to get the heat off someone else? I’m facing my music. Who’s beatnig a hasty retreat in the smokescreen?

The only one who I think might get a HAXscreen from this is @DarkGeneral, but he’s facing the music, same as you, he states, but in a different way.

About to crash.

Back to the grind of work and hunting mafia at the same time tomorrow.

Due to the programmer changing things, when does this day phase end?

*I’d say Chief and Mobius could as well.

But really outside of me being cocksure about either of those two being mafia and expressing it in a flamboyant way, I don’t see why I stand out as suspicious over everyone else. Outside of Fuzz, Mobius, AC and Syn openly casting doubt on me throughout the game. But I’m content to take a lynch and get these other people severely looked at. I would say what my role is outright but I’m content with only hecatom knowing it, if he received it last night or this morning.

So yeah, I’m fine with eating the lynch or vigi killed.

GR posted that he added the time left from the abrupt night phase ending to the time this day phase ends.

Short answer is about +35 hours.

Page 38-39

big flare up. I definitely didn’t see this.

But I did among all the posts I’m dropping talk about the Alpha lists, as false info. It looks particularly hard to check that out. We could stop with the pregame stuff unless it seem super important. Alpha’s lists like this were all feigned as true legitimate help. At the time we didn’t know who he was and he got both trust and posts in the thread that looked insightful like he was helping.

The way he used his information in those things does have a high chance of just being the opposite truth,

Such as he has pointed out who he wants people to consider. While he played the rest of the time never putting up lynch targets to avoid a potential backfire and lynch on him, holding onto his valedictorian big chief role. The numbers really threw me off since I made a quick alphabetical ordered list page 1 right?

A confirmed Mafia’s words and “research” but not using the opposite of what he said, if I got that all right?

I don’t think it helps and is a major point of contention why someone is guilty, though the “acting differently than other games” he was successful in, lended itself to a better form of evidence even if its not the hard evidence like lynch tally vote choices . So you do have to know this too Dark. What else do you have on Chief? He certainly stepped up with that last post - he could’ve easily said I missed 20 hours myself before the vote came up quicker than I thought it would.