SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

You’re suggesting this style is out of character for me, and that I’m mafia (“it seems effective”…). Given that we have 40 pages, a full-on comprehensive read of the thread with pages and pages of notes in infeasible right now. I’m focusing my research on specific people and seeing how suspicious they really are, when I read all of their posts critically. I really don’t see how that’s inherently suspicious, and I’m worried that lynching people who do that provides a powerful disincentive to research and think indepdendently.

How do I keep getting named as a mastermind? I’ve played exactly two games before and never once had a leadership role. I did well in the RE game because I answered only to myself and was able to navigate the game without having to worry about implicating my teammates. I was also a new player so I tried to approach that game as I would all my future games as a civilian. I attempt to remain impartial for the most part, only really committing to a lynch or a defence when I’m convinced of there being a reason to do so.

For example, your lynch day 1 was easily the best outcome we could get. Hence why I agreed to lynch you. Letting people off because they’ve been trustworthy in the past is so against my playstyle it isn’t funny. Acknowledge their abilities as a poster but seriously no-one should get a free pass in this game.

This just came to me as I was writing this, but has anyone paid serious attention to Augustus? I haven’t seen a shred of evidence that he’s guilty but we all seem to be ignoring him because PW has called him insightful and useful.

No, but the problem with that, is if I’m right, I think today or tonight, we’ve got a mafia killed anyway. Or at least a mafia wounded to kill in the next phase.

HAX is being HAX, that’s all there is to it. That’s not suspicious in its own, but suspicious like Mobius being Mobius.

Both are capable of playing their normal facades as mafia, I believe.

[quote=“Mobius, post:1999, topic:164690”]

I’ve been quite the same as I was in my previous games, that I can attest to.
If there is no considerable change that could be observed, then I suppose that in itself is note worthy.

[quote=“DarkGeneral, post:1990, topic:164690”]

*Part 2 of Mobius contributions:


NOW my interest is piqued in lynching pietastic. :coffee:

Man, my response to Mobius got badly FUBARd.

NOW my interest is really getting piqued at pietastic’s alignment. :coffee:

Your ability to fly under the radar is exactly why I think you’re a potential mastermind.

But that alone doesn’t seal it. It’s that you’re a smart, analytical person that makes some very smart posts in these games. That kind of capability makes for a good opportunity as mafia to set up mindgames. I also don’t think you’d make the indecisive mistakes you made in your first game anymore, you saw how that ruined you then.

Oh, so you’ve took it that way.
Well, yes, I’ve been trying to analyze how you play.
While your reasoning is sound to a point, your timing was when the heat on them was the hottest.
Unfortunately, if I recall correctly, you were not the one who turned on the stove.

I can definitely see that as suspicious. But a question for you both (@Missing and @Mobius). Is it the playstyle itself that is suspicious? Or who I analyzed?

And please don’t cop out and say both… it’s at least fair to give me a basis to keep the investigations moving forward.

At this point, it’s hard for me to stop my gut from following this one through.

I have properly read the mastermind of three of the last four mafia games (2 of which I was civ, one was the PG Red game where I was in the Loser’s Lounge):

IIRC I was in really early on SoVi3t in the UMVC3 game. I was the cog in getting PW lynched in the PW game. I called out Godots after Azure got lynched in the TF2 game. I was only wrong on the Blue game.

So it’s hard for me to doubt myself in thinking that it’s pietastic. He’s smart enough to not leave me much to base it on, but y’all know me, Miles Edgeworth OG, I bet I can come up with something if I look through this thread.

I’m about to pore over your posts, Mr. Out in the Open.

That’s absolutely true, and I say that with no reservations. The reason is that I needed to do research on them once the heat got turned up to justify voting for them. I needed to do my own analysis to make up my own mind, and I shared it with the group so they could provide critiques of my assessment, and perhaps learn something from me taking the argument fully from the top. I definitely did try to educate people in posting all that, and that is especially true of our less active players. When confronted, they will likely say they’ve kept up with everything in the thread, but let’s be honest… they likely haven’t.

As I’ve always stated in these games, that’s my strategy as a civ. Contribute where I think it’s most meaningful, encourage all players to make up their own mind, and provide enough info in the thread that we maximize our chances of making a good assessment. That simultaneously helps the cause and keeps me alive until the mafia decide to get me. (And last game, you as a mafia were a hair away from killing me early on… right?) Dying by mafia kill is somewhat of a badge of honor, and in this game, I’m probably not high on their list, so I’m not too worried. Dying by lynch, however, would be a stain… I’ve failed to execute as a civ. If my assessments have led to bad lynches, hey, I’ll take that criticism. But you could definitely make that point at many others, as well.

Right now, I want to point out something:

Players that have voted majority every day phase:

ForgeDigger (Whom I keep forgetting is even playing the game, he’s quiet for even Forge.)
infrequent lurker
Pimp Willy
The Chief

I think there’s 1 or 2 mafia in here. Two are confirmed civs, so that leaves 5 here on the table.

Players that have voted majority two day phases, one of which being Alpha:


I think there may be a mafia here.

Players that have voted majority both times that civs were lynched:


This is a tougher sell, so i won’t touch it right now.

Wildcards that have never voted majority:


I say clump up Synonym with the latter two, and let’s just say one of them might be mafia.

Add Augustus to the bottom list, he only voted majority when we lynched AC.

*Right now, after quoting all those posts by Mobious I really don’t see how useful his posts have been. The sample size of his posts is good enough to see how useful he has been, but my conclusion is that he hasn’t been terribly useful.

He also was one of the first people to say that it’s possible that AlphaCommando could be a civ that got forged by the mafia. He also said until the very end that he had a feeling AC was “set up” by mafia because they knew that ESP would be popped night 1.

This might be toast, but when he answered that he’d take all the weak roles like AlphaCommando, that struck me as odd. Just the fact that someone would answer the question in such a manner made my radar ping. To me, it comes off as someone trying too hard to say something that would put people at ease.

Mobius, even with his sample size still display a good amount of “fluff” posts. All people have to do is read my quotes or search your post history and look for themselves.

Mobius threw suspicion on me from the moment I asked my first question. He played with me last game and KNEW this isn’t out of the norm for me. He then goes on for the course of the game chiding RadicalFuzz on his suspicion of me.

There’s also a little more research I have to do. But stay tuned. *

Bring it on. I have nothing to hide. Just promise me one thing. Along the way, please solicit opinions from others (either those who haven’t been as active, and whose fresh opinions we should solicit anyway, or those you trust as an honest consultation). In doing that, we can do three things: (1) get mafia to slip via revealing their interpretations of me, (2) solicit their opinions on record, so if I do die, we/you have more info to go on later, and (3) break you out of your cognitive fixation. You do have a little bit of tunnel vision going on right now. Not sure I can shake you out of it, but c’est la vie.

Sometimes my tunnel vision saves the day.

I can’t argue with that. In some ways I guess I’m lucky right now, since you don’t actually get a vote. Best I can do is answer your questions. But really, everybody should be making up their own minds. Let’s lay out the whole case and people can strike me down if they feel it’s warranted. I still think that if you want to do what you want do, we should probably lynch HAX first.

Okay, here’s what I have on pietastic so far:

He caught onto orochi’s Hifumi RC the quickest, yet still wanted to lynch him and yet didn’t.

Here he also did the same, trying to go in Combo_Knight, a confirmed civ. He put himself to a point where he could coin flip two civs, be wrong, and still look clean based on his indecisiveness.

Again. While I agreed that AC was the +ev move, considering the 2/1/2 principle, we had just as much a chance to get out a mafia based on wallflowers as we did another move. AC was just conveniently on the burner, and he stoked it just a little to see what came of it. Once again, another 50/50 scenario of indecisiveness, he can lynch a wallflower, be wrong, look clean, and lynch Alpha, be right, look clean. Once the fire was fully engulfed, he jumped on the AC bandwagon.

This. This right here is my chief suspicion against him right now.

He’s trying to tell me lynching off of gut instinct is bad right now “because the numbers are bad,” but he was more than happy for Azure to go in killing all day errday right here, knowing that if we were wrong on everyone we hit, the numbers would be more abysmal than they are now.

It sounds like a stock response he planned on when he made these very posts. How can you tell Azure to kill at night on hunches, especially on Day 2, when all we really had was hunches until Bious came along, and tell me my chasing you down on a hunch is a bad move? I think you were deliberately trying to thin out the numbers of civs so that you could get down to a “Kill mafia or game over” scenario that leaves no room for hunches.

Anyone that tells VIgi to plow through so early is suspect. How many people did we have telling SoVi3t to cool his heels in the ZA game, not realizing what his MO was? Guess what? We were right to.

The thread has been helter skelter ever since the programmer ended that phase so abruptly.

My silence is my attempt to keep the thread on track and clear of bias. I’ve learned that being helpful doesn’t mean having the most posts. It means paying attention. Whenever my name has been called I have responded. Ive played this way since day 1. If you notice I didn’t even make a check in post.

If you look at the wallflowers, if you call their name they come in and have to “catch-up”. I set my sights on them since day 1 because since everyone has a role, the wallflowers can hurt us even more by sitting there with key roles or roles we assumed were used and we would never know. So I was all for clearing the playing field to help make our reads more precise.

However, the fact is, we’re being mislead with false information and guidance. I believe MP, PW and Azure are confirmed civs but I don’t blindly trust their advice or course of action.

For example: I’ll oblige with not lynching OZ as PW requested, but a conspiracy theory that’s being overlooked is what happens if you replace OZ with another player that’s been MIA such as Infrequent Lurker or ForgeDigger? Do the facts that apply to OZ work for them too?

PW talks in code alot but ever since the All Star game, I’ve never taken anything he’s posted at face value. Nothing against him personally. This is SRK and those kind of mind games are encouraged, however in these mafia games, they’re only beneficial to mafia.

Another example: The Programmers action; in my opinion it was an attempt to help us but without clear instruction or discussion it makes it difficult to execute something like that without collateral damage. Then again, if the programmer was mafia, why would they let AC get lynched? Why not end day phase immediately upon realization of their Val’s pending death?

The people are being misled. I’m aware that my post is coming out of nowhere but would people have been gung-ho to believe my logic and theories if I had been verbal in the thread since day 1? No. Because a general rule of thumb in this game is trust no one.

Now is the time to present our findings and make our cases. If we operate on the assumption that there are 4 mafia left, that means we have about 3 chances to be wrong.

Less if Azure kills wrong.

We can’t rely on guesses and hunches (or role claims) anymore.

I still believe that there’s at least 1-2 mafia hiding in the wallflower section of this game and 1-2 outspoken mafia. With all the speculation about roles the actual players activities are being ignored.

Azures plan is to have me lynched or killed so I’m going to say we have 2-3 wrong guesses remaining and 4 mafia to find.

The people I would like to here from are. Infrequent Lurker and ForgeDigger. They’re probably trying to catch up and will have a response later hopefully I’m alive to be able to utilize it.

Until then, just know that the only reason mafia hasn’t killed me is because they feared I was being protected by PW who was believed to be protected by the medic. Now with both medics gone, both of us are guaranteed dead.

When we come up dead I’d advise pressuring RadicalFuzz. He has been off this game and even though his insight is welcome it can’t be blindly trusted.

Nope, if you’re convinced of your civ-status, I think you should be first now. HAX only tells us more about you, you tell us more about two other people.