SRK Competitive Pokemon Battling Thread: Logoghoul and White Shadow Win! Bye Gen 6!

Damage calcs for defensive hippowdon versus Blaziken?

unless your team has multiple things that can revenge kill +2 speed blaziken without taking heavy damage, even if he doesn’t just kill the rest of your team he’s already killed the talon flame and will probably kill one more guy before going down, maybe he didn’t get the swords dance off because he killed your talon flame, but now you don’t have anything that can threaten him if he doesn’t attack. So He just switches out after you bring in your revenge killer, and next time he’s in he gets a free swords dance because you lost your check.

+2 252+ Atk (custom) Hi Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Hippowdon: 349-412 (83.09 - 98.09%) – guaranteed 2HKO

Swords dance on switch + stealth rocks or spikes, or basically any other damage means the hippow dies

edit: yeah greninja doesn’t counter at all, he dies to 2 resisted flare blitzes(or 1 +2 flare blitz) and that’s with a neutral defense nature. 5 hit neutral nature water shuriken only 2 shots.

edit again: and defensive Hippowdown only does 50ish% damage to neutral nature 0 IV mega blaziken

edit the third: and actually I’m pretty sure if rocks are in play either of blazikens resisted attacks will still kill Talonflame

unless you carry something else, for the most part yes, we’ve done calcs on pretty much every check there is and he 1-2HKOs everything while outspeeding everything at +2 (which doesn’t take much)

the reason why smogon bans him is because of the amount of people there are, thousands of people are on smogon and if blaziken straight up beats 99% of all pokemon, a lot of people are losing at the team preview screen

while for us, there’s only 20 or so people, we can probably run something that stops blaziken to much more success

still doesn’t change the fact he’s really dumb
60 turns of stall woo
to be fair that guy was kind of bad … ;_;

Only 60?

In GSC 800 is considered average.

blaze kick on blaziken? using protect on a ferrothorn?

yea…that guy was bad

that stall team got mega lucky, so many full paralyzes and missed moved.

yeah that was just me trying out pokemon i wanted to play, aka a horrible team with no win condition

i like gimmicky sets. they don’t have infestation on jumpluff yet
man he was badddd… i misplayed a bit too tho

rip i am so bad

riolu gets access to copycat and roar with prankster… which means it can roar, then copycat that roar before the opponent can do a move

yeah i just lost a lot of pokemon to that before gale wings got in

WTF on that battle? So many bad reads. like watching SF4 players constantly pulling wake up Ultras thinking it’ll work. SMH

People want Blaziken banned, but not things like Shell Smash Cloyster or Moxie Gyarados?

@Mood4Food77 I still respect your opinion, but there are runaway sweepers like Cloyster that have even better coverage than a Blaziken and are damn near unstoppable without a priority user. Shell Smash Cloyster also eats through substitutes, something that Blaziken cannot do. Who is to stop a Terrakion from setting up a Substitute on your silly ass while you use Swords Dance or Protect, and then KO you with an EQ or Stone Miss? Or better yet, you get scared and switch, allowing him to get a swords dance behind a substitute.

I put a priority user on all of my teams just to avoid getting swept by some bs like those pokemon. These pokemon are part of the top tier metagame, and they don’t have any counters other than revenge killers/priority users.

The only reason I don’t believe that these pokemon are overcentralizing is that the methods of stopping a runaway sweep are not limited to obscure pokemon with limited functionality, they are good pokemon beyond that.

I’ve never once had a Blaziken sweep me, because one of its top STABs causes recoil damage, and it uses a life orb unless its mega.

all i do is bad reads! mamoswine earthquake vs salamence is my fav

also, wakeup ultra aka the xiaohai is good

anyway, despite hydreigon’s 4x weak to fairy, steel doesn’t resist dark now so a lot of previous switchins on hydreigon are less effective. also hydreigon’s dragon/fighting weak are shored up by fairy, although there aren’t that many great fairies.

moxie gyarados doesn’t gain speed every turn and still gets OHKO’d by the existence of an electric attack, nor are his moves as strong as what blaziken has (come on, we can handle moxie salamence whose pretty much better in every way)
unless cloyster carries a white herb, any priority will OHKO him, he also can’t take any form of special attack for his life, he’s slower, not as strong, and doesn’t keep boosting his speed, nor does he get to pass his boost gains to another poke without the use of an item (but he serves a difference purpose to blaziken as a wall breaker, not a straight up destroyer), if you resist ice and rock, you got a pretty good chance of stopping cloyster, cloyster doesn’t outspeed a choice scarf latios at +2 while blaziken does (both get OHKO’d by draco meteor)

terrakion is a revenge killer like blaziken, but doesn’t get to keep gaining speed boosts, he’s much easier to revenge kill (although it usually requires a sacrificice), because blaziken keeps gaining speed, you’re only option is to use priority, and speaking of priority, terrakion is weak to mach punch, aqua jet, AND bullet punch while blaziken is only weak to aqua jet and resists bullet punch, and again, his 2 move coverage isn’t as strong as blazikens nor does it have as good of coverage, nor does he have the option of baton passing it

actually, blaziken could probably run a substitute set really well, it just doesn’t need to

so what if you’ve never been swept by one, you probably have a team that has azumarill and talonflame (who make an incredible offensive combo), but forcing someone to carry both of them just to stop a single poke is dumb, the others are checked by quite a few more pokemon making their time much harder than his, and the fact if he’s against something he doesn’t like, well just BP away and let that guy take care of it

cloyster is the only one who has a similar set up to blaziken who after a forced switch can be at +2 atk / +2 spe, but his razor shell isn’t that strong of a move to cover icicle spear and rock blast, for example, 1 on 1, scizor should always beat cloyster, even if cloyster used it’s white herb, breloom’s having the same speed as cloyster, can OHKO him with bullet seed and has a chance with force palm

Oh my, I’m liking what I see from Mega Khangaskan. Still not sure if he’s worth my mega slot, though.

yea, i made a shitty showdown team last night and had azumarill, i can say he’s pretty freaking awesome

Wow… Just wow… Did he really NOT have any other way of getting past Khanga??? That entire match was disgusting…

Mega Khanga dabes!

if you think one is many, then you are mistaken

that guy attacked into like 6 sucker punches lol

I wanna get on showdown and play some games myself, but they’re still fixing move legality issues.