SRK Competitive Pokemon Battling Thread: Logoghoul and White Shadow Win! Bye Gen 6!

that would just be a hidden power ground fest

transferring to x / y will have to wait until poke bank

That’s what the PokeBank is for. On the 25th of December you’ll be able to transfer old Mons over using that.

But about that AR… You may want to say bye to those mons.

No items, though, and anything illegal will be filtered.

As long as everything checks out, it shouldn’t matter if they’re hacked. That means no impossible Caught Lvls/locations, moves they couldn’t learn normally, altered stats, etc…

Replace Pikachu with Electross.

Have a Ditto only tournament.


Have a Smeargle only tournament. (He can only have sketch.)

I was in an Metronome-only tournament once. I lost my second match due to my two quickly-bred Smeargals deciding they didn’t want to use attacks.

Hmm… I was thinking… If Metronome is your only move and you have the Metronome item, does every random move you do get a power up?

we did a cleffa only metronome only tournament. Moves with static daamge were really strong.

Would false shinies get filtered as well?

Nope, not as long as everything else checks out.

Damn. The thing I like about no bank is that shinies actually are rare again. So if someone has a good nature/perfect ivs then it really shows dat luck.

Nothing is confirmed as to how and IF Nintendo will truly detect anything.

There’s still Gen VI stuff… Can’t hack those yet.

I suspect they may have something. They’ve already spoken out against hacked Pokemon and cheating.

It’s been proven in all games throughout that no game is hackproof. People will find a way. I AM curious as to what can be done to prevent or delay hacking. I just miss my old teams and so far I cannot get them back since I have Pearl…I don’t get why Gen 4 can’t be traded as it runs on the same platform as Gen 5. It’s why I have been so slow as to join the trading breeding frenzy going on. I HATE breeding and get no joy out of it. Also working so much means my time is limited.

yeah honestly IV’s should just be straight removed. They are a strict power gain, there’s no thought or choice that goes into them(with the slight exception of hidden powers which are also stupid). Different abilities, EV’s, moves, , natures, etc… are fine they are all choices.

Just to make it official, OHKO clause and Evasion clause are in effect now. That means no one-hit KO moves (Horn Drill, Fissure, Sheer Cold) and no evasion boosting moves or items. I’m also putting in Moody clause, meaning no using any Pokemon with that ability.

I don’t remember if it was mentioned already or not, but…isn’t Chandelure a complete counter to the standard Blaziken Set? HJK won’t work on it (it will miss and kill itself), Flare Blitz is ignored by Flash Fire. Unless it replaces Baton Pass/Protect with something else, it HAS to switch out. And if it does that…Trick Room. >:3

…figures my first double post would be here. :confused:

There’s counters to



Na too much work.