My team of Trish/Viper/Doom is working nicely at least for me right now. I’m working on Viper/Wesker/Trish(or Doom) as a second team right now.
Right now I’m Rocking C.Viper (seismo) Haggar (Dat fucking Pipe or Lariat, I like to change it up a lot) and Doom (plasma beam). All three characters can dlc super into each other, and I generally just love playing as all of these characters. I might swap out Doom eventually, but so far I’m having fun with this team.
Also I was wondering if you guys can help me with a certain matchup. Im having trouble against wesker. His teleports are insane and not sure how to approach this match. Should I just stay on top of him and never letup.
Someone online did the viper loop on my ass. It was so sick I gotta play Viper now. How good is her rushdown and mobility? Thinking about dropping Dante for her.
Pretty superb but she’s hard to play online due to high execution requirements.
This is the only reason I haven’t completely pick’d her up. It’s impossible to compete w/ her online due to the execution(seismos suck online, IMO) and wierd tri-dash…(both not being that big of a problem offline)
I’ve upgraded my Viper team to a new level of positive synergy.
I’m very confused why many of you are against Viper’s DHCs in, her DHCs are only bad on block, design your team well and Burst Time is a lot of free damage to add on to something, and DHC into Emergency combination can save you if you realize your timing was bad.
Just like my previous team this team can go in any order and still have good DHCs, the new team is: Viper (Seismo), Ammaterasu (Cold Star), TaskMaster (Horizontal for death combos, vertical for zoning.)
Viper on point you get access to Taskmaster for extending combos into 1,000,000 damage + combos or death combos on all if you started with 2 gauges or more, his horizontal assist paired with just a few thunder knuckles does well over 500K and sets up more damage without that much hit stun scaling, his assist also beats out a lot of other assists thanks to the ridiculous durability of his arrows. Along with assisting in letting you kill characters off touching them he also lets Viper zone slightly better against characters that she has a free match up against by playing lame (Hulk, Haggar, Sentinel, Tron, Thor etc) With arrows, seismo and cold star working together there’s legitimate ways to chip Phoenix from full life off of two block strings without gauge that build tons of gauge for Viper as well. Cold star has a different purpose from arrows for Viper, you want to avoid it near the beginning of combos since it doesn’t add that much damage and scales things more, however it gives Viper guaranteed resets against a large portion of the cast that don’t have air invincible moves by ending combos in dog, seismo instead of Seismo xx Burst Time Viper can get full Level 3 charged focuses. Other than this the dog gives lots of time to mix up or just chip ridiculously high amounts of life with rapid fire strings. So with Viper on point you have a lot of chances to ToD characters. DHCs from Viper: Burst Time/Emergency Combination --> Legion arrow (any variety), and Burst Time/Emergency Combination --> Ookami Shuffle, Burst Time/Emergency Combination --> Dog’s level 3. Now to move on to the dog.
The dog on point can again be either zoning or rush down but I often prefer rush down for her. Task Master assist gives her a significant damage increase and Viper’s Seismo is an ideal way to have combos that build a wall of guage, then give the Dog a situation with which to level 3, you have forever to hit confirm with Ammy and can summon Task super late to link 6C + paper strings. The fact that the dog is so short also means when non mobile people super jump making them fall on a seismo assist gives you free mix up. When people are push blocking a lot task Master assist gives her a ton of time to get back in there if you summon him intelligently and arrows + paper chips a significant amount of life. Ammy has across up shenanigans with the arrows and if the paper is applied properly she can move in very safely with them as an assist. With this team she has a few 900K combos which aren’t too hard to do which always is nice. DHCs Ookami Shuffle --> Burst Time (Full Damage corner), Ookami Shuffle --> Legion Arrow (Variety depends on corner or not) Now on to skull face.
Task Master is pretty self sustained, and Viper’s seismo is only slightly helpful for him since it gives him signifcantly higher damage when DHCing to Ammaterasu after full combos than he would get otherwise, Ammy on the other hand is amazing for Task. She sets up safe mighty swing shenanigans, can give him his unblockable into super into DHC, and give him a slight bonus to ground control for characters who like to rush in low, allowing Task to either add chip or control alternate vectors in. He helps Viper more than she helps him, but she’s one of the best DHCs from him. Full air combo into knock down into OTG Legion arrow still combos into full damage Burst Time where most supers fail to OTG quickly enough, also DHCing into Ookami shuffle off of shorter combos is brain dead easy and almost impossible to mess up.
This team’s weaknesses: Aside from Taskmaster this team has no health, it’s very possible to lose characters to 1 combo each, To do Viper’s real mix up there’s a high execution barrier which means lots of chances to make mistakes and die, Task on point with Seismo assist can mainly only use it in combos unless opponents are telegraphing super jumps.
Team’s strengths: Once you have 3 meters this team can ToD any character from almost every situation, the team builds a ridiculously large amount of gauge, this team has incredibly high chip output and can seriously chip characters from full life safely without burning gauge, Damage output without gauge is insanely high, can zone incredibly well against all characters that are moderately wide, can be played as offensively or defensively as required and still do an excellent job, incredible mix up and unblockables, no snap vulnerabilities as all characters can take advantage of being on point with the others in back, no death vulnerabilities since any of the duos is still a strong team and the third member is not necessary for them to execute any game plan, a lot of things are unsafe against this team because of its DHCs so once 2 gauges are available a lot of things that were previously safe can’t be done any more IE DHCing into Emergency combination for invulnerability, hitting people high in the air with Ookami Shuffle, or DHC into counter to beat out invincible moves that would beat your other character’s options.
Another thing about this team is that any member can be swapped with Phoenix and you have a strong Phoenix team, if Viper remains however she needs to stop doing death combos and instead go into box loop for less damage, but walls of gauge.
i tried that in p-mode and immediately changed dantes assist to jam session! clakey combo does about 805k damage with dante assist, with seismo otg i only got like up to 750k. another goodie is the tact that i now don’t need seismo assist anymore and can go for tron/viper unblockables with tron cr.l, which is pretty sexy.
another really nice thing i noticed is that you can do otg seismo, jam session, full throttle, which does nearly 1 million (!) damage if you start from a two rep box dash loop. lol! xD awesome!
Okay, finding good team composition with Viper is a huge bitch. It’s clear to me that Viper is my best character and I freaked out a lot of people at Marvel Madness with Viper but the rest of my team was lacking.
I started off with Dante/Viper/Sentinel and basically that was a team of 3 characters I knew best. In reality the chemisty between the 3 characters was iffy at best. I played around with Viper/Tron/Dante or Viper/Tron/Sentinel and the team was too weak because Tron was too one dimensional. She has weak mix ups and really required good assists to make her good on point. If she’s by herself on point as anchor it was really hard against people who knew how to block. Dante was good as anchor on the first team but the team wasn’t working out and then Sentinel on the other team suffered the same flaws as Tron when left as anchor. People who know how to defend and counter will own Sentinel. If Sentinel fights a counter character by himself he’s done. I’ve then tried Viper/Ammy/Tron and I wasn’t feeling it either 2 pixie health characters is too much risk in this game since characters can die in one combo. I wasn’t feeling the team as well.
I settled on Wesker/Viper/Sentinel but after the Sent health nerf I changed the order to Viper/Sentinel/Wesker but I’m not liking the chemistry of the team. Viper&Wesker work well together in terms of rush down tactics both create unblockable setups with each other and Sentinel helped Viper get in or support her Seismo zoning while Wesker used drones with teleport mix ups. However, Viper&Wesker assists don’t mix well with Sentinel outside of situational unblockable setups. Sentinel requires good assists to keep him going on his own and I’m not feeling it in this team. So I come to you guys to help figure out a 3rd member with Viper&Wesker. I’m really looking for a character with 1 million health but if someone just really stands out for this team I’m willing to try it out.
I’ve considered Dormammu at first but I’m not sure if he’s good for the team because he’s a meter hog and while Viper is a good battery she can spend that meter and Wesker’s high damage really comes from the Level 3 so I don’t think Dorm is the ideal choice.
Tron could work but I run into the same issue as before as an anchor she becomes weak. The last 2 characters I’m considering is Dr. Doom and Taskmaster. I can definitely see how Doom and Task could help Viper & Wesker but not sure about vice versa and how good would they be as anchor though I think Wesker will be my anchor character.
I feel you man, I’m having the exact same troubles. At the moment, I’m stuck on Viper/Doom and I am still busy finding that magical last teammate. You should definently give Taskmaster and Dr. Doom a try. Especially Doom, I find him to be one of the best partners for Viper. They both have DHC capablity, both get lot of use out of each others assists, and Doom has decent Health.
I know a lot of people say Doom is shit on point, but I strongly disagree. He is just awkward to play at first(mostly his movement), but once you get used too him, his offense can be hard to deal with (which I believe is his strongest aspect) Doom just seems to shit on Advancing Guard.
for ur vipre/wesker team try amaterasu. i think he would help you out alot and hes a pretty good anchor Also what are the unblockables wesker and viper have together. and one last thing is wesker pretty good by himself if so can you run him last and put tron in there
I’ve created a really good unblockable reset with Viper on point and Wesker Samurai Edge low assist.
It’s the box dash loop and if they are in the corner during the 2nd rep (IADF j.H, j.S, land, s.M, s.H, *) end the combo at s.H call Wesker assist then immediately do jump back, air dash downforward j.H. This unblockable reset works in multiple ways. If you hit them just above the ground they end up getting a knockdown into a tech roll. If they don’t tech or tech roll backwards you get the unblockable because the trijump j.H hits high and Wesker assists hits low. If you hit them about waist height they will air tech low to the ground so if you do the trijump you will option select a throw in there with j.H. If they land into Wesker you get the unblockable setup. The ground roll unblockable is bypassed with a forward roll or a hard tag. If you hit them too high in the air the forward air tech will get them out of the unblockable. You can anticipate and try to tech trap them in those scenarios. You can alternatively use Sentinel assist to start a mix up afterwards if they decide to roll forwards. Really depends on your opponents tech patterns.
Wesker can fish for the counter hit with low pokes but during this you throw out Viper BK assists and you can set up unblockables or incredibly hard hi/low setups with this. You can also blow up people mashing on push block in this scenario as well.
What I would give to live in the same city/area as some of you other Viper players… reading on here is great and all, but it’s hard to process that into what I should be doing in game.
The whole reset game just boggles my mind. My Viper play at this point is very very basic, and the scene in my city is near non-existant. I’ve been using Viper/Task solidly for the most part, but as with everyone else that 3rd member really eludes me. Is the tri-jump H an overhead? I thought only tri-jump S was an overhead?
Most of my troubles I think I just cough up to next to no experience with fighting games in general. I only really got started when SF4 came out. There’s a tournment this weekend in Victoria, and if they capture any of the matches I will try and get them up for you guys to take a look at my play. I’d have to warn you, it’s incredibly, incredibly scrubby at this point and probably will be for months.
Also, I seem to have a hard time doing the box loop on She-Hulk and Captain America. They seem to float weird in the air. Again, I think it’s just me.
Killey, I don’t know if you’d want to try meeting up on XBL to give me a few pointers? You’d easily body me, I think but I want to learn. I have a strong feeling the lag will be horrendous though.
Kool find Killey. ty for sharing the info. ive been using the viper tron amaterasu team but i might switch out amaterasu out for wesker later thatts a really good set up.
Victoria, BC doesn’t have a good scene but Vancouver has a strong scene. They usually have gatherings at CHQ or E-Spot but that’s a long ways from Victoria. Kenny/Air has potential in MVC3 as much as he hates the game. lolol
Anyways, feel free to add me up on XBL we can test the lag but I wouldn’t expect much since the netcode in MVC3 is pretty bad. I find the box dash loop impossible online though yesterday I swore the patch did improve the netcode as I managed to do it more consistently online then before.
Also, I find the box dash loop is character specific in terms due to how they fall down. With Sentinel I do everything instantly because he falls too quickly but with characters like Tron or She-Hulk I have to add bits of delays to get them at the optimal height.
Don’t expect to learn MVC3 overnight this is something your going to invest a lot of time into if you want to get ridiculously good at the game. It took people 5+ years to get MVC2 where it is.
I’ve just decided to add Viper to my team of Zero and Taskmaster. I’m still deciding on an assist for Viper. I like Seismo for it’s OTG, but Zero can achieve that on his own. I’d rather not waste an assist choice on something I should be able to do with my characters alone - just need to improve my execution.
I previously had Doom on this team instead of Viper. After reading some of this thread, I’m thinking replacing Task with him for better setups and to anchor. Not sure who is point just yet.
I’ve been running Mag/Viper/Sent. Even with the sentinel nerf he is still very strong and he’s still my second or third favorite character. Drones are ridiculous because with either Mag or Viper you can get in like 2 triangle jumps and the fact that you can also airdash to crossup or even throw between drones is crazy. Seismo+hyper grav leads to a lot of relaunches for both mag and viper but you can also use burn kick assist for unblockables. The only problem is that with the health nerf this is kind of a lightweight team.
i run Liberation. i think if you know how to use the liberation assist you can do wonders with anyone.
meteros causes a huge dmg spike and hard Knock down. lava xfc’d is too good. explotion (destro 3) is good for the wtfmode situation wether they run away, for the combo or just to scare them so you can rush
still need a third for my liberation team
I don’t see Viper+Dormammu being a good combination as much as I like both character individually. Dormmamu needs assist to keep characters on the other side as he zones and while he can rush down I don’t see chemistry between the two characters. If someone who thinks the 2 are really good together please explain it to me in detail (I know Demarcus uses the two in his team) because I really like both characters but I can’t see the chemistry at all. I guess, if Viper is using Thunder Knuckle assist it would help Dorm rushdown.
From a very basic point of view, you could always have Dorm for chip, and maybe using his assist to setup a mixup, not purification or liberation but the black hole one, for maybe an easy mixup, perhaps even a one from block scenario if your fast and use burn kick for the crossup.
But you are pretty much telling it how it is, Dorm doesn’t work well at all with Viper the opposite way around. The best thing he can do utilizing Viper is setting up his Fireball super where instead of OTG’ing himself, he can use the timer on the Seismo Assist to immediately get the ball going and score a bit of extra damage but because of the poor range on it its far from recommended.
I’ve got about three times in which I use Viper:
Viper/Tron/Doom, the BnB, gets zoned out pretty hard when Viper is killed and Tron lacks good mixups but with two gdlk assists it gives me a chance to really work and worm up my Viper, basically my main V-team. (Seismo/Fire/Plasma)
Viper/Chun/Sentinel, Chun works incredibly well with viper, as hit confirming into chun, off of chun, or just near chun is super easy. This team isn’t quite as Viper heavy as the first and I can fight equally well with Chun as I can with Viper. The key here is the focus attack, and mixups, as with both Sentinel and Chun you cause a ton of blockstun with their assists, so alot of the time I’ll call the assist as soon as I charge up the FA and then read and react, but it does have some complications. It’s ironic I like to use it against teams that love to rush me down, or just a standard team, as smarter players who I know will block fall pretty to alot of damage. Against idiots, it typically leaves me with Chun to fight because Viper ate a random super. But Chun’s LL is good enough to keep attack happy players in check and the same goes for Sentinel. Definitely not my high level team, but I like it. Chun-Li loves otg btw. (Seismo/LL/Drones)
I do She-Hulk/Viper/Magneto for the last one, and this one is more because all three characters can bounce off one another if need be. I usually use She-Hulk to get in and do damage using Magneto’s beam to create knockdowns. Viper is moreso for when She-Hulk dies and I need a her versatility to make up for the deficit, but at the same time she works well enough with She-hulk to set up some tricky resets with Seismo OTG. Using S-hulks AA ultra works wonders if the player knows the original S-Hulk AA reset off of her own OTG, and it also gives me time to keep the combo going. My Magneto isn’t great, nor are really any of my characters but I like this team when I need a change of pace but She-Hulk seems like she’d be a great choice, its probably the least used of the three but it still see’s some mileage.
But I need to get to a point where my main team involves Viper, cause as much as I love Wesker/Hsen-Ko/Ammy, its just not getting the job done at a higher level.