Spider-Man 4 and 5

The only good parts of Spidey 3 was Jameson’s scene’s. Fuck the rest of that movie.

Joker just amuses himself and what he finds amusing is ultraviolence. He is basically Alex from A Clockwork Orange but instead of killing old ladies with penis sculptures, he machine guns kindergartners and tries to start a race war.

Yes I mean a fucking Charles Manson style race war. Why do you think he was killing all the minorities in Dark Knight? He wanted to start a race war and was hoping Deebo blowing up all the white people would trigger it. Of course he didn’t plan to rule over the remnants of humanity and have sex with hippie chicks like Manson did. Joker just wanted to laugh, Nero-style, as a mob showed that they were even more debased than him, a snapped from birth psychokiller who snapped again when someone decided to try to dehumanize him by making him smile.

Well Batman stated his goal in the movie he just wanted to prove that people are just as fucked up as he is. He wanted to the city to go into chaos similar to what Ras Al Ghul wanted to do.
I agree about a Mr. Freeze movie instead i would pick Batman Subzero, but Nolan won’t do freeze it trails way from some of the realism.

This pic does scream MJ.


I agree Two-Face was a waste. The duality of Harvey and Two-Face could have carried the bulk of another sequel.

Eckhart did a tremendous job. I wish they would have written the character better. Harvey has split personalities and showing that on film would have brought incredible depth. instead they ran with: “MY HO GOT KILLED, FUCK ALL YALL FOOLS”

John Malkovitch would be perfect as Mr. Freeze. And they need to bring back Liam Neeson as Ras. Like no way a simple train crash would kill that great of a villain with such ninja skills.

Also Jeremy Irons needs to be the Riddler. Wait he basically was the Riddler in Die Hard With A Vengeance

I gotta say… John Malkovich as Mr. Freeze already puts an awesome image in my mind. Too bad that would be too far removed from the Nolan universe’s gritty realism.
Azrael and Bane would be AWESOME if they do it right. Mickey Rourke as Bane? Maybe Jim Caviezel for Azrael? Hell, Rourke could be a cool Killer Croc.

Back on the Spider-Man subject…

A day late here but… There we go.

I could picture a batman with mr. freeze if its a batman movie where batman is faced with the fact that he can’t possibly live for ever . Add in the fact the Bruce could possibly buy up the company that Freeze works for causing down sizing Freeze himself tries to save his wife’s chamber since it is hidden and gets caught up halfway in the body temp stabilizing process and now his body can only operate at a certain temperature but renders him immune to disease and decay since no virus can possibly survive long in his body since it is so cold. Now he is forced to use his scientific skill to finish the process to save his wife.

Luscious Fox becomes a target due to the fact he heads the R n D department.

If you don’t stare at that HUGE forehead and SUPER pale skin, Mj was NEVER translucent lol. I hate to say it but this girl lomoks to Irish potatoe famished to be a Mary Jane, thats why I picked the first girl in in my post. She had that true vibrance that MJ first had in the comics, she was never that frail like Gwen, she was like Pete’s source of strength ya know?

As much as I love Knightfall (obviously :rofl: ), that would be really hard to do in film. A story arc in BTAS would have been the best shot.

[Hi everybody.

I’m your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and I’m ready to fill the theater with 12 year old girls. You want depth? Sorry. That’s too bad. You might have had something decent with Vulture, now you’ll have to settle for another half-ass Carnage falling out the sky (or something to that equivalent).

But you’re going to pay for it anyway. You know it and I know it.](http://backseatcuddler.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/robertpattinson_houseofwax2.jpg)

Fuck you, I still haven’t seen part 3, and not because some asshole on the interenet told me, but because MY spider sense was tingling like a motherfucker.

As long as they can get back JK Simmons as J. Jonah…

Didn’t they actually hint about Harvey’s dual personality in that scene where he was threatening some thug at gunpoint and tried for the coin flip trick? :confused:

yeah he was using the coin several times throughout. Was going to kill himself a couple of times even.

I thought Laura Prepon would’ve been a good pick for MJ.

The plots in BB and TDK were basically ripped out of various Batman comics and pasted together to make sense on film, so I just think Nolan followed the most popular Two-Face material in the Batman mythology (Lomg Halloween) and adapted that. Problem is that popular story only fleshes out Harvey Dent. So yeah it was a huge waste of Two-Face, although it worked just fine in the movie.

Still, for Batman 3 it’s time to just go nuts with the Rogues’ Gallery. And that’s really the only way to top TDK without it being a rehash or disappointment. Everybody in the Narrows was abandoned and neglected, Joker made a statement by holding the city hostage, and a dude with a bag on his head and another with half his head blown off terrorized the underworld. That’s the perfect climate to breed freaks like Poison Ivy, Mad Hatter or etc.

Good news for everyone who liked 500 Days of Summer (all 4 people here who saw the movie): Its director, the appropriately-named Marc Webb, may be doing the new Spider-Man movie(s).

I can’t help but to feel that he was chosen because he’s less established, and so the studio will feel that they can push him around, like I mentioned before.

Actually Sony and Marvel were really happy with Spider-Man 3, it made the most money of all three movies (all three each making almost a billion dollars respectively). The main issues with them giving Raimi, Maguire, Campbell and Malkovich :sad: the boot were because 1) reboots are super popular nowadays, if it worked for Batman, let’s do it for Spider-Man! 2) Sony/Marvel were not happy with Raimi always forcing rewrites on their screenwriter of choice (I forget his name), so basically instead of sticking with their billion dollar director of success, they stuck by their screenwriter. =/

Anyway the director they chose should be good, given his previous work, although he has no experience in this genre, especially compared to Raimi.

Sucks I won’t see Malkovich Vulture or BC Mysterio. :sad: :sad: :sad:

the spiderman films are very underrated, 3 being misunderstood. when this new spiderman film comes out and you realise there’s no difference to the dozens of other super hero films that are out. you’ll dust off the trilogy and fall in deeper love

It’s official. The film will be in 3-D. Release date: July 3rd, 2012.
