Spider-Man 4 and 5

R-rated/Mature content Spidey is almost a no-no; the closest you’ll get to that was the Marvel Knights Punisher series by Garth Ennis.

it’s strange how people don’t really acknowledge this, it’s as if the human mind is hungry to be systematically entertained :rofl:

That pic screams a lot of things.

And stop the blind hatin’ y’all. Spiderman 1 & 2 were really good films, especially 2. 3 on the other hand ruined our collective palates and caused to think the entire trilogy was tainted.

Or Punisher MAX with blood, swearing, tits, and more swearing. There’s so much swearing that it actually replaces the storyline.

“Yo, Steve, got that Punisher story done yet?”
“No, got in late last night and couldn’t finish it. Don’t worry, I’ll just sub in the word ‘clusterfuck’ where the explanation of the plot should go.”
“You’re such a genius, I might just make love to you right now.”

unfortunately a nerdy scrawny parker standing next to a voluptuous mary jane would be the most awkward looking thing ever

It’s true, it’s true…

I wonder if a young Michael J. Fox would’ve been able to play a good Spiderman (not suggesting that Tobey was bad or anything).

I believe he could def. have pulled off the character extremely well. Tis a shame technology for the special effects back then wouldn’t have done his performance justice…

Is that the dude from The Ringer?

‘When the fuck did we get ice cream!?’ Haha. Probably the only line I, or anyone else, remember from that film. Also, that chick has awesome hair. It’s like flame made out of hair.

Actually there are quite a few wince-worthy moments in the first 2 movies.
In the first one with a sizable deal of the acting.
In the second one with the physics and the numerous close-ups of post-coke whore Dunst.

They were still alright by the standards of their time, because up until the release of Spidey 2, we still could not completely wrap our heads around the fact that a superhero movie could legitimately be good again.
In the last 5 years or so, the bar has been raised much, MUCH higher.

That’s right. I know none of you are saying that any of the spiderman movies can compare to Begins, Iron Man, and definitely The Dark Knight. I’m all for them trying to make it better. I’m not sure if it’s going to work though, because I can count on one hand how many good adaptations Fox has made.

It took them 5 years to reboot Hulk, so that’s kinda moot…

I keep hearing rumors that Zac Efron is gonna play the new Spider Man. :wtf:

Though I’m not Efron’s biggest fan, I will admit that the respnsibility of playing Peter Parker should fall to a younger actor. I mean, Tobey Maquire was TWENTY FUCKIN’ SEVEN when Spider Man 1 came out (and he was trying to play the role of a high-school teen, LOL). Keep the roles in check, Marvel.

Woody Allen can play Peter Parker. Just make him wear a wig.

they shud throw wolverine in that bitch lol

They didn’t really reboot the Hulk, though, per se. They just recast him for a sequel. It’s not like they redid his origin or anything like they want to do for Spider-Man.

I really am not interested in sitting through Peter getting bit by a spider an dealing with high school again. I’ve read and watched that story enough times already.

Septimus, the Hulk reboot did redo the origin at a glance…it happened in the title sequence. Marvel was smart and decided to skip 40mins of origin most people don’t really care about anymore. Instead, they dove straight into the story and action

I hope the new spidey series goes the spectacular spiderman route…just have peter already web swinging in the begining of the movie and approaching the first dy of school after summer break. roll from there


sort of. The direction of the cartoon show works great. Brock as spidey’s big brother character, harry and Gwen as his best friends. MJ introduced later and will eventually be his girl (maybe, i actually wouldn’t mind her never being important. we went through that shit for 3 movies)

If he has to be in school put him in collage. Skip that fuckin high school bullshit.

:confused: Umm…they DID reboot? I do know for sure that the 2008 Hulk was DEFINETLY not a sequel for Ang Lee’s Hulk. They even showed it during that confusing intro sequence of 2008 Hulk (where they showed Edward Norton being zapped with gamma radiation with that oddball machine from the 70’s live-action series, turns into Hulk, Hulk bitch slaps both Betsy and her daddy-o, runs away into obscurity, movie begins).

I know that the plot could have EASILY fit as a sequel to Ang Lee’s Hulk (with Bruce Banner already hiding away in the jungle at the end of Ang Lee’s Hulk), buuuuuut…Marvel decided that Ang Lee’s Hulk sucked and decided to go with SMASHING THINGS HULK from 2008 as the “official” new generation Hulk film.


Eric Bana >>> Edward Norton
Jennifer Connely >>> Liv Tyler
Sam Elliott >>> William Hunt (sorry guys)

isn’t that what we all want? I want hulk to fuck shit up and instead of “greek opera” or tragedy or whatevere shit Ang Lee intended :shake: