Spider-Man 4 and 5

get rid of kristin dunst(spelling?). that bitch is annoying and lame.

no stupid “romance drama”. didnt harry die in 3? ok then spiderman and mj are together. thats it. I dont wanna know what else is going on with them.

3d plz.

I honestly don’t get why all these middle aged writers and creators love highschool Peter Parker?

I personally was tired of seeing the Spiderman origin before even the first movie and high school Peter Parker interests me about as much a 85 year old Daredevil.

In retrospect, I give credit to Sam Raimi, obviously the third film was horrible because he really was trying to kill the movie franchise with fire to stop more crap from coming from the studios like this.

After part 3…I don’t know man…

sam raimi went sam raimi on part 3. it was hella his old style of movies.

They NEED an R-rated Maximum Carnage movie, but Spidey pulls way too much money from kids and families, so it’s not ever going to happen, so they can just fuck off.

As long as they can keep JK Simmons as J. Johan…I might see it.

and cries.

I was let down so bad by S-M 3. I hope they don’t ruin these 2.

I’ll go into these movies like I went into 3…with low expectations. Sadly, that still didn’t help change the fact that i was annoyed the whole way through…

Why must venoms face ALWAYS retract when he’s talking…why? There was just too much going on, and ultimately, that was the movies downfall. (aside from the poor dialogue and attempt to be funny)

If the new director decides to add Venom, I hope he makes him an actual threat and not some punk bitch like he was in 3.

he is the perfect jj.

Batman was only rebooted as they had to reboot it in order to make more movies as Schumacher had doubled raped the franchise by then.

Casino Royale isn’t really a reboot. It’s as much of a reboot as Dalton was compared to Moore.

Why would anyone want Hayden Panettiere as MJ, she’s blond and FLAT CHESTED. Plus she isn’t really the greatest actor. She is okay, but thats only because evertime I saw her on heroe’s I was too busy looking at her mothers weird ass twitch.

Now Christina Hendricks on the other hand might not a natural redhead either but I will be damned if this pic doesn’t scream MARY JANE WATSON

Plus anyone that has watched Mad Men know that her award winning acting > Hayden acting tough while using shitty cgi.

PS: New spidey will suck no matter what so it doesn’t really matter.

Edit: speaking about That 70’s show, how did fucking Topher Grace make it on there as a character he had ZERO resemblance to and Laura Prepon not make it on there when she would have been an awesome choice for the young MJ, wtf. I think that was the main reason I never had any interest in seeing part 3, just that realization of how retarded hollywood is.

The 1st 2 Spider-Man movies I thought were quite good for comic book movies. The 3rd one was horrible, except the final battle was pretty decent in my opinion.

This news is devasting, because I bet that in the 1st reboot, they will have Spider-Man fight the Green Goblin again…I was hoping in Spider-Man 4 with Toby he would fight The Lizard…oh well.

This is a dumb idea. Utterly.

I’d rather them just go into 4, but that ain’t happening. I liked Tobey’s portrayal of Peter. Unbelievab;e.

Spiderman 3 was a disaster. Until I see an awesome trailer I won’t have my hopes up for 4.

What the fuck was that experiment that created Sandman supposed to do anyway? Swirl sand around in an empty pit that he just happened to fall into? If I am running from the police and I disapear from sight 25 feet in front of them, will they stop chasing me? And did the cops not notice the massive energy experiment going on a few feet away from where the escaped convict just dissapeared? Could Peter have acted any less hard and more like a bitch with the venom suit on, which should have turned him into a roid rage freak? Did the Green Goblin really need a flying snowboard? Did a character in a major motion picture really just get “amnesia”. Couldn’t Harry’s Butler have dropped that info about his father causing his own death before Harry went psycho about getting revenge on Spiderman and ended up getting horribly scarred? Why the fuck would the Butler know any? After Harry saved Gwen Stacy, he left, and the crane was still falling off the building about to kill everyone below and destroy major parts of the city. What the hell?

Man… that is a bad movie.

It sounds like Sony’s on some deadline to make one last Spidey flick before Marvel/Disney takes their license back and they want to throw together any movie in any condition (cause we all know Columbia Pictures is synonymous with quality), and Raimi in good conscience couldn’t hang with their paper chase.

Either way the whole trilogy was rotten ass in my humble opinion, and Raimi or no, I’m not gonna get suckered into another Sony Spider-man flick. Maybe things will improve with the next reboot when Marvel Studios is in the driver seat.

Spiderman’s fucked. What story could they really do? All he really is used for now is just wise cracking jokes. Sony pictures should just make a Venom vs. Carnage movie instead. 90 minutes of non stop symbiote action. As long as they throw in “We are Venom” then it would be all good by SRK standards.

So, basically, they should just string together a few episodes of The Spectacular Spider-Man and call it a movie. Are we all agreed?

Thanks, Mephisto!

Also lol: http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/story/maguire-turns-into-spider-man-for-kids-parties_1128211

Only if they manage to slip in a few clips of She hulk from either Fantastic four or Iron man, I love me some she hulk(atleast when she was written by Dan Slott)

Oh man, thats terrible, I can just imagine paying for spidey to entertain my kids only for it to be him, and then have him slip and break his neck. Repressed memories galore.