Spider-Man 4 and 5

Are you serious? If they’re doing reboots for all of those then the already saturated super hero genre’s just going to burst. I’m assuming they’re doing all of that so that they can have lower budget starts who are willing to do crossovers and add in the Avengers into all of these? Who knows, either way if they’re honestly rebooting all of that those ON TOP of the movies already scheduled to be released there’s no way they can profit, and if they do it’ll just be by a cunt hair.

Watch them get Will Smith’s kid for this.

Just thinking about that pisses me off.

You vocal internet immeasurable standards nerd.

Story seems “eh” to me. =/ I’ll probably watch it anyway lol! I wish they would let a Spider/Venom/Carnage movie already… :confused:

As one of the few people who actually liked Spider-man 3 (Didn’t think it was that bad) I don’t agree with this. I don’t believe in throwing in the towel after one mediocre movie. I also was interested in seeing how the 4th one would have been, considering how panned the 3rd one was. If a reboot is going to happen, please don’t do Green Goblin again. There’s already been two movies with Green Goblin, give the people something new.

Spider-Man 3 is ok. That’s about it though. The pie on the other hand…

On the bright side: there’s no way the new Spider-Man movie will be as bad as X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Let’s not say things we can’t take back. OC Crew for life.

maybe because they made venom look like shit

My prayers have been answered. The first movie was the best out of the trilogy but pete just became a whiny sappy bitch as the plot progressed. With this series they need to add that spidey comedy. Tobey was never funny. AND these writers and directors should plan a good plot that will span three movies at least, not throw in some popular characters at the last minute. Sucks that we gotta go through that same spider bit hand story again…


After watching the turd movie I always thought that. But its obviously not gonna happen.

Why do people like this corny ass looking mofo?

Yeah a Maximum Carnage movie would be beyond this world. Rater R, of course.

Jim Carrey as Carnage… the role is made for him.

:cool:ninja edit

Yea…i cant stand his ass. Plus hes anorexic. So hes automatically disqualified.

I hope Michael Cera can stop being Michael Cera for one movie and do Scott Pilgrim justice.

Anyway, WTF at the reboot news. Its not like its destined to fail, because if theres anything this decade has taught is that reboots can work(Batman Begins, Casino Royale, Star Trek), its just that the way its happening with all this creative differences doesn’t hold up very well. At least theres a good screenwriter.

I’ll wait till they announce a director/cast before I get to excited/disapointed.

It’s only been 8 years since Spider-Man, though, and like, what, 3-4 since the last one? Raimi’s/Tobey’s Spider-Man is still current in our collective conscious. Batman waited much longer to reboot.

Yeah the Batman and James Bond Reboots where more or less a long time coming for two series that had grown incredibly stale.

Fuck it man.

The reboot should be crazy a fuck. Pussified cyclops from the x-men movies should be in it. And he should be radioactive as shit and fuckin bite Parker so he can shoot bad-ass lazer beams. Then Park opens his eyes in front of MJ and blast the bitch out, frying her head by mistake. Then goes back to being emo and get real fat. But then realizes he needs to save fuckin ppl in NY against Niptuck so he puts back on his spidey suit and shoots Dr.Doom mask off with his web lasers. Then nightcrawler comes to teleport Toby back in time moments before he decided to go through with spidey 3.

Shit doesn’t need to make sense or be good. Fuck it all man.

lol so we can finally get eric foreman as peter parker?

I’m just gonna disregard this entire thread and post this link…It’s the mst3k guys, and they make the movie (spider-man 3) remotely watchable…lol
