Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

The guys on the end are both MMA fighters. I haven’t follow the sport in a while. Mighty Mouse is an actual gamer. Don’t know if he’s serious about Soul Calibur though.

From left 1,3,4,6 are all MMA fighters, 6th is current Champ one of the greatest MMA fighters P4P

I guess the narrative is Esports is not for nerds (it’s still for nerds lol)

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Some findings from 8wayrun

Based on my findings over the Network beta test and some input from various forums and web sources this is how the tier list seems to fall under. No particular order and it’s just based on impressions.

Top Tier: Nightmare, Ivy, Tira, Talim and Voldo.
Nightmare - Largely seems to be a lot of power behind some very basic moves (BB and AA both knockdown), Revenge Moves like 6K, 66AA, and power-ups through 2A+B, 4KK, RE K make moves like 33B and 6B into ridiculous powerful pressure and/or damage. Universal basic tracking through 66AA and 66B make him a lot less linear than before. Very good scrub killer

Ivy - Absurd damage off 2B+K not to mention strong ring-out potential. Inescapable throws and unseeable lows and long-range horizontals also make her nasty. The biggest complaints seem to be her range and keepaway power, though.

Tira - Harder to get information on this one, but it seems like everyone loves her RE follow-ups, her damage and general evasiveness. A lot of players continued to mash through her crouching or WS game plan and in general just find her a dominating force. Though, to that end, I find Tira the least understood character that fans played with and against her. And I don’t think she’s quite top-tier material.

Talim - A lot of this seems to be her basic, never ending strings led to mashing combined with lag and Wind Dancer (2B+K) B to be the main culprit of her power. Others mentioned that she tracks really well despite short reach while others mentioned that it was really difficult to push her away or keep her at their optimum distance.

Voldo - Either because of bugs or lag, some players mentioned that Voldo had some semi-infinite pressure in one of his stances that leads to free low-hitting lethal hits. Much like Talim (and to another extent, Taki), players had trouble pushing Voldo out to optimal range and an inability to punish. There may be something here, but it also could just be latency issues and laggy matches that allowed Voldo to dominate.

Now some basic system stuff that’s been noticed through the Network Test Beta.

8wayrun - 8wayrun is indeed less powerful here than it was in SC5. Yeah, it’s true. Part of this is because of a rework through several character movelists; there’s fewer moves out of 8WR and because every character in the game now has a least one move that has 100% tracking on 8WR’ers. Usually bound to 66AA. Some characters, like Nightmare and Siegfried, have at least two as 66B has even better tracking that before. Good for them, bad for a lot of other characters.

Auto-Evades - Instead of 8WR and step being the main avoidance tools, there’s a slew of new auto-evades that a number of characters have. Even big beefy guys Zasalamel and Nightmare have them. Auto-evades are basically built into moves and will automatically overpower certain attacks. There’s some bugs here that people ran into with characters teleporting all over the place. This is likely due to issues with the Auto-Evade system and latency losing track of where characters should be.

An example of some auto-evades include characters like Groh, who can dodge vertical attacks with 66AA and 4B. If Siegfried tries to use 66B at the same time Groh uses 66AA, Groh wins. This is kind of counter to previous games in the series where verticals tended to beat out horizontals and stronger attacks beat out weaker ones. On an interesting note, Xianghua seems to have lost a lot of her built-in evasiveness. Many of her older moves (that still remain) no longer crouch early and FC3B seems to have lost its Tech Crouch properties. Meanwhile Siegfried still has his on 6 .

16-frame punishers are absent (probably) - Either because of lag, or perhaps general safety of many moves, it appears many of the classic 16-frame punishers are gone, or have been slowed downed. Sophitia’s 236B doesn’t punish nearly as much crap as it used to, and it’s either because it’s been slowed down; lag is bad enough that she can’t punish; or everything’s a little more safer than before. Won’t really know until the final game comes out and we can check for ourselves, however.

Soul Charge times are NOT universal - This is actually easy to see when playing multiple characters and running through each one’s Soul Charge buff timers. Everyone’s seems to vary by a few seconds to near infinite time as is the case with Kilik (his health is lost instead). Nightmare, ironically has one of the shortest Soul Charge buff times while Talim, Groh, Xianghua and Sophitia seems to have the longest.

Not all Critical Edges are safe - This is actually pretty easy to see too. Several characters may appear have safe critical edges, but many do not. Off the top of my head, Kilik, Tira, Voldo, Talim, Taki, and Nightmare do not have safe CEs and can be punished with other CEs. Other characers were a little difficult to check. Pretty sure Ivy does not have a safe CE, either.

A+B is a Universal Break Attack - I mentioned this before, but here it is again. All characters now have a universal break attack on A+B. Though they vary in speed, range and damage, they all have one on A+B. Some can be cancelled too. And of course, all break attacks can break RE and CEs with GI components (ala Nightmare, Ivy, Zas)

Guard Impact restores a lot of Guard Meter - So guarding attacks will weaken your guard meter and performing break attacks and reversal edges will also weaken the meter, but successful clean hits, lethal hits and guard impacts will restore the guard meter. Specific “flash” guarding also seems to restore meter, or at least doesn’t cause damage to the guard meter. Note that guard impacts only restore meter if the guard impact is successful. And likewise, aGIs will also restore meter without the chance of damage it if there’s a miss.

He’s got moves from Night Terror.

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Are you referring to Voldo’s Mantis crawl? (stance where he is upside down, on all four limbs).

If you block standing on the movement (I think you just press forward, possibly only while head is toward enemy), you get lethal hit.

Definitely agree that Ivy and Nightmare are day 1 top tier. Talim and Tira not so much. Did not play or fight any Voldos, so I’ve got nothing there.

Talim has to get in and she doesn’t do much damage. Tira has the benefit of being two characters so people don’t know how to fight her as easily.

No way Ivy and Nightmare are top tier, they just haven’t been figured out yet :grin:

“I’m gonna kill you!”. “Bloodbath.” Good ol’ Tira.

Ivy is helped by some stages starting you out further out.

Inferno Battle Director Comments

“This is the mighty enemy to beat down at the end of this work … … That is the incarnation of Soul Edge “Inferno”.
In addition to the technique resembling the host Nightmare, we have all the exclusive skills of bad performance including guard impossible skills.
Inferno is released when the conditions are satisfied during the game, but it can not be used in online or official competitions.
Because it is strength of different dimension which is not comparable with other characters, it is recommended for those who want to enjoy a fantastic battle to CPU opponent.”

Yeah, Nightmare has a lot of unsafe moves and RE could be a really strong tool against him so he could have trouble in tournaments. Also, he benefits from online lag way too much, so the beta was a little misleading.

I faced some strong Nightmares in the beta but he’s seriously not the ‘lag warrior’ or as OP as I been reading. He is drastically linear in a way lots of especially offensive character types are.

Keeping my eyes on Grim Step shenanigans and starving them of easy CE catches and Nightmare becomes a predictable Siegfried with way less options.

And yeah Sieg is totally better than Night. A good one is way scarrier.

Nightmare > Siegfried

Siegfried > Your Mom

@ me, bro.

Nightmare > your mom x 1000000!!

That’s a lil high tier for me. I’m gud.

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11 days.


Hilde is on that thumbnail.

Don’t be so cruel.

maybe one final announcement?

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Okubo pls

It needs Cassandra more.

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Base game package reveals concluded with Inferno’s trailer. Anything new from here will be DLC.