Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

Game is fun, but reversal edge is dumb.

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Everybody says to step it but movement isn’t good.

Run counters galore. Seems to take a long time to guard. The game does not want you to move freely. Maybe it was just online lag.

Nightmare was slow as molasses in SC3/4. He’s so good now

You are playing SC6, right?

You just described a completely different experience to what I’m getting. I step RE strikes on reaction everytime I read them. Every time.

Nah, I meant stepping is just not safe in general.

If I got caught by RE it was either a counter hit or I was 8 way runnin instead of step.

Also I think direction matters, got hit by siegfried’s RE trying to go left but a right sidestep always worked.

I really really despise reversal edge.

Why it has to be able to beat grabs as well!?
Prepare to have scrubquotes from me~

When people say that, it means pick the step (up) option since most people will go for verticals.

I can’t wait to get lab time to nail the particulars of Pure Soul. Reversal Edge aside (so indefensibly dumb), I’m gonna live in this game.

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Also, Yoshi is cute. Always. Even though I hate him.

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I ran into a Yoshi player who must have been a loyalist or something I had no damn clue where he was going next. That meter drain mechanic is very scary.

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I really worry reversal edge will become so prevalent in the meta that it will devolve into overly defensive play as people try to bait it. It granting meter is idiotic.

My problem is when Yoshi utilizing the RE and his meter drain mechanic together…

RE should never grant meter… seriously…
Yes yes, “sidestep it you moron”. The only advise i keep getting.

Guard Crushes (now universally A+B) smashes the RE hold phase, too. Provided your opponent gets too comfy holding it.

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I don’t sleep.

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I tried out the beta. I always had it set to 4+ connection, but got many bad matches. On rematch screen they were showing 1-2 bars usually. I have no idea how to play soulcalibur, so not being able to at least hit buttons while waiting on a match made me sad. I had to wait about 30 minutes between matches.

I would have played a lot more if wait time wasn’t so bad.

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should have all connection and all region. thats how i got my matches no problem.

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I have never gotten as many Perfects in two days as any fighting game in the same play period. This game rewards reading and neutral play better than most (or perhaps the combat system just appeals to me better).

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Has anyone been able to find out how much native input lag there is?

I dunno, but I remember reading they were using the updated version of Unreal Engine 4, so it shouldn’t have that lag that was found originally in Tekken 7, and SFV.

That’s an MMA fighter and I don’t know who the rest are.