Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

Managed to get in 3 games, no lag fortunately. Game feels pretty good.


I got about 10 games in (with runbacks) and I don’t feel like going back. Looks, sounds, and plays like shit even when the connection is decent. The mechanics for this instalment really embrace the yolo mentality. They really fucked up some movesets, maybe even to a greater degree than Soul Calibur V. Having played Mitsurugi in every instalment, I felt like I was playing a knock off. On the other hand, Ivy has good range, does a lot of damage, and has a little more fluidity than in V (from what I remember). Sadly not nearly as much as in I, II, and III.

I am just going to go back and play the original Soul Calibur for a while…

This place seems pretty dead considering there’s a playable beta going on. Will probably have to move to another forum for this game when it’s out.

I’m in VA, my PS4 is in SC. So no BETA for me unless it’s still up when I get back on Sunday.

I think it’s on for the entire weekend.

Wait is too long for me. I’ll just wait for the release.

Hey guys, first post here. So I’m an '09er and I play mostly casual and have been trying to get into some fighting game for a long time now. I played a TON of SCII back in the day as a kid and loved it so needless to say this game is really appealing atm. Thing is, I got ggxrs, sfv and Tekken 7 but failed to get into any of them. Im looking more for a game I can jump into and naturally learn by just grinding online a lot and I’ve heard talk that SC is a game is a series in which you can do that.

Is that BS or does it hold some truth? I’m not an FG newbie, used to play tournaments in SFIV but ever since I’ve only been good at smash 4, but im craving for that old school FG feeling…

It depends on what problems you had with those other fighters.

Loving the beta so far. Not sure how I feel about reversal edge, but I’m interested to see how it develops within the meta.

Probably boils down to nuances to learn + time involved to master them. Ex; the time it takes to learn proper movement on p1 and p2 sides in tekken, GGXRD requiring you to learn a ton of really complex combos and copious frame data. SFV is not that BAD, but also has a very heavy reliance on frame data knowledge. Plus it got patches so many damn times i really couldn’t keep up. That’s not to say there won’t be for sc6 but it looks more…freeform?

I was just telling a buddy that RE could stand to simply be the ‘omni-parry’ to a heavy stun vertical attack, SoulCalibur’s own Focus Attack altogether. But realistically Project Soul is commited to the minigame and for all I know it was executive mandated to shoehorn Tekken’s well recieved slo-mo effect. We are stuck with the gambling game.

So let’s work with what we have:

  • The actual presentation is way overproduced. The blur, floor ripple, fire(smoke?), craziness can all be toned down for the love of god. It’s trying too hard to make an epic moment out of something actually mundane. And I’m getting shades of SC3 where there’s more effects than the game can actually take. I swear frames actually drop during this sequence. Now perhaps that’s fine since a mostly canned sequence itself doesn’t need to be 60fps, but it’s ugly. I don’t like ugly.

  • Yeah I seen all the grids showing all the match-ups but it’s all for naught. Unless you’re way Jean Grey into somebody’s head or you read that somebody is too friendly with a certain button; there is no actual metagame here. I’ve sent guys, who were winning, off the ring - because they gambled RE. That’s just bad.

  • So I propose an inversion of successful commands with a price for clashes: In the event of a clash you lose that button on the next turn. This dwindles down the potential options between players and THEN some semblance of informed decisions can be made.

  • I also propose spending meter to just ‘burst’ out or guarantee an upper hand to remove the random nature of turns.

Other than that I love this game. That is a wrap for Tekken and Marvel I am back home in my number 1 fighter.


Also my bad, should have posted this yesterday.

Very well written tips are linked with each character.

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Got some more games after work. Game plays great. Nightmare got some moves reworked, but he’s fast and brutal. Ivy is good, too.

Nightmare is an absolute scrubkiller. Very hard to win against with no anti nightmare tech.

You don’t have to learn proper movement since SC has free movement. Just keep in mind that if you get hit while moving sideways then it’s a counterhit. Soul Calibur combos are the easiest unless Just Frame moves are involved(the character flashes white). Frame data is like that with all fighters but it’s up to you how deep you want to go into it with this game. You can just play and find out what’s punishable by what as you go. Instead of looking up numbers you can go into training mode, set CPU Taki to Guard All and set her second action to do 2A. Do a move and hold guard. If you don’t get hit then move on to the next attack until you do. Once you find an attack that Taki can punish, have her do a slightly slower move instead like 3B or a While Rising attack.

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Yeah, I wasn’t doing too well against Nightmare, and eventually lost. But worst are Groh players doing the same two combos over and over.

[quote=“AriesWarlock, post:1058, topic:180770”] But worst are Groh players doing the same two combos over and over.

Tbh it’s a shitty experience for all

I mean, in the few games i played (won most of them) before say fuck it and erase the beta i used mostly Groh and Geralt to see the new movesets… it’s a chance to try first hand 2 total new movesets

Can’t give two fucks about get some wins in a 2 days beta with Mitsu or Sieg, i can wait the actual game for that

It’s useless play competitively in a fucking 2 days beta, and we got no training room or complete move list to see new shit

So you pick the new character to explore it online and on other side you get the dbag with his char he used for years running in your face using all the stuff he know (when i used veterans i could quickly get a grip over changes no rocket science)… at that point you either play the punching bag (after have waited fuckton of time to find an opponent) OR you stay basic and just keep oppressing/punish the fool with basic AAA and BBB, kick/low kick to interrupt and throws (throws sucking are the worst of SC6 to me) lol

People are fjust douches

Every game has their spammers at the beginning. SCIV had a lot of Killik players spamming the same moves. But then you learn to counter those moves, and fuck them in the ASS.

It’s not what i’m saying, SC ever offered good solutions on spammers overall, specially vs the cheap ones

What i’m saying is nobody seem there to experiment new stuff as preview, everybody just tried to score theyr little point… so fuck them, they deserve to be AAA and BBB into death lol