Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

go die alone pls

Not that i will be against it, i’m going to buy DLC for sure

But i hope we will get it day one

Hwang is lame as fuck. There’s a reason why he was replaced by Yun-seong and hasn’t appeared since the third game.

Lizard Man has my support. How the fuck isn’t he on the base roster?

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I agree with you on Lizard Man, but fuck Yun-Seong. Screw that bootleg Hwang, give me the real deal.



I’d rather she was the DLC pre-order bonus, and not Tira.

I think we need someone who uses both a spear and a sword at the same time and has charge combos.

Inferno is kind of a lame inclusion and IMO a waste of a spot. He looks dumb and is deliberately overpowered, so what do you do with him? Laugh at how broken he is in casual lobbies?

The reason being SC people inclined to remove badass vets with douchebag kids

SC6 fixed most of that crap, hopefully Hwang will be next fix

should start soon

There’s an archetype in fightings called “Boss Characters”, they are novelty additions for fun and are often not meant to be taken as serious picks.

Which is fine in a game that feels complete otherwise but there’s at least half a dozen fighting styles still missing in SCVI, so having an overpowered pseudo-mimic as a replacement feels a bit cheap. Why not make Inferno the Season Pass pre-order bonus and add Tira to the base game? Would certainly have resulted in less backlash considering he’s neither a fan favourite nor available for online play.


Guess it’s fine cause it feels complete to me.

Bring on the ass attacks.

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Subjective as always. If this game only had Hilde and Ivy it’d feel complete to me as well.

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Technically, it’s a limited edition set with the game and the stick that’s available only in Europe. Stick itself is was designed with input from Kayane.

: )

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Lol what a shit pick, was perfect DLC stuff

EDIT, lol seen the trailer (was on phone), got trolled so hard


: )

Awesome. Time to shield bash people in the face.

Seriously though… RIP cassandra’s face since every game after SoulCalibur 2. I don’t know how they keep making her look like a zombie.

edit: nm, seems like a fake after actually watching it. I’ll wait for a better source.

It’s SC4 Cassandra model/artwork in SCV stages


And does’nt even fit the blue-orange SC6 art @d3v posted few messages above

I’m SURE Cass will be in at some point by DLC, but i hope she’s not one of the last standard 2