Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

I liked the part where i’m against west while using Geralt of motherfucking Rivia (probably a naruto char or something) as example of SC guest done right.
While at it Kratos and Ezio were good guest too.
I don’t even bought T7 lol

It’s the whole submissive shit mentality jap SH got these days to be the problem.
SH themselves don’t even trust theyr own brands and style anymore lol
Trust in your shit and do the best game possible with your style, then consumers will buy, even western gamers. Don’t go blind suck dicks hoping for CoD money$ lol
Harada just did that

They keep think how to “win” us, often with retard solutions, when solution should be return to go straight for theyr road and aim at quality like they used to do

As for MvC it i find it to be correct as it is, actually i even recognize the western aesthetic they got with the last 2 chapters as good legit move.
It’s about american comics crossover, is just as legit as previous capcom style in favor of SF half
I don’t like it much, but make sense for the brand they applied it to

I’m less pleased at DMC5 looking like a Dmc2 despite fans wanted the series to return itself and get an actual sequel of DMC4, not more antoniades crap lol

edit: apparently the cosplayer is

Summer Jam top 8


Also, SNK is hinting at a new game. Maybe they’re making a new Sam Sho Sen, but good this time.

Someone pointed this out at 8wayrun, what Nightmare says to Ivy at the beginning @ 0:36 is interesting. Had to go read up on wikipedia to understand

“Dexter Purpure, you ungrateful fool!”

dexter and purpure both have something to do with heraldry, shield, symbols.

The “you ungrateful fool” is because they’re fighting. So something had to happen to justify the conflict, and Nightmare is cranky that Ivy doesn’t appreciate the position he’s given her.

Here’s an old SC image of the Shwarzstrom

Ivy is on the right (left from our perspective), matching with the dexter position. As for purpure, purple was a rare color in olden times, so it’s presence denoted a certain level of wealth. Ivy is a rich girl, so that association would make sense.
" The dexter side is considered the side of greater honour, for example when impaling two arms."
Ivy is Dexter Purpure, Nightmare is Honour Azules, Astaroth is Sinister Sable, and Aeon is Base Vert.

If you speak Spanish, Ivy should be "Purpura diestra if you don’t understand all the shield mumbo jumbo in those articles.


I dont know. They cant even do a Gal Fighters sequel right. I mean no Blue Mary or Whip?! Get that shit out of my sight!

Good thing the game went gold days ago, we could have gotten another SCV situation

I personally think that Namco’s gotten much worse with building on their intellectual properties since they merged with Bandai. Everything including gameplay, aesthetic, and content has become downgraded, mediocre or distasteful since the merge. To put it into perspective, I play every Tekken and Soul Calibur bearing Namco’s logo and only play Tekken 6 and Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny aside from briefly messing around with Tekken Tag Tournament 2 every few months (all three bear Namco Bandai logo and have major flaws).

To add to that there has been a change in gameplay and aesthetic preferences in Japan that I find distasteful that all originates from the recent generations of customers and developers growing up on anime as opposed to real world experiences and depictions of it on television. In the words of Danny Glover:

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Tbh i found surprising good the move to return to SC1 base, even if probably it has been more due fans push rather than them recognizing the crap they were causing to theyr own brand

Also remove daishi likely helped a lot

Only crap thing so far on style choice has been Groh, who is SCV-like bad, some generic, tryhard, TOO anime shit
I wish they just chosen a medieval weapon/nation/figure and built the new char from that… instead he’s just generic shit like Zwei was

Azwell on other hand it works, after all he’s the new Boss so some crazy over the top thing is acceptable

Btw the last good char they made was probably Hilde, she was a cool SC design, specially the original

There’s not much online buzz about this game even though we’re weeks away from launch now.

Played like 20 matches at PAX, game feels pretty solid. Can confidently say that the new mechanics do not allow free wins on good players (got totally bodied by someone 10 times in a row), though you can play pretty lame with stocked supers.

One thing I did notice, ringing out seemed more difficult than it used to be. In old school soul calibur characters could just slide off the stage if they got knocked down near it.


Is there any fighting game mechanic that allows a worse player to win?

  • Most Critical Edges (one button!) allows for big damage off of a guess
  • Guts scaling is still silly
  • Reversal edge can be used to steal a round but it is very high risk. The gimmick here is that you can gain a lot of meter with RE.
  • Soul charge can get you out of a lot of scenarios
  • Free meter for losing two rounds (?!)

None of these really allow a worse player to win though. It’s difficult to get a whole meter every round and trying to spam RE will get you killed very quickly because you can’t always win RPS minigame or you get whiff punished for attempting.

I do think the game would be better if they just removed RE from the game, but it isn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

What is about those bullet points an experienced player can’t use?

Lol at only Cervantes getting a trailer, hope they got something better for TGS aside show Raph alone

Hwang pls

Cervantes trailer. There seems to be some Blanka v-trigger shenanigans

Museum is back.

Voiced Soul Chronicle
Unvoiced Mission (outside of cutscenes or character interactions…text is not all voiced…unless it was muted for the trailer which is possible)
In character creation preview we see both Cervantes and Raphael blurred out however there are at least two (unlikely but possibly) more rows for characters by scrolling down (probably the missing cast and a row for the DLC characters)
Arcade Mode (part of Battle) officially confirmed (making that 3 singleplayer modes now)
In Soul Chronicle names have been moved around (Nightmare and Siegfried are now directly underneath Ivy (although this might simply be the same preview they used in the incomplete version)
Biased Opinion: The Artwork continues to be on point for all the characters in the story mode.
Soul Chronicle will also have in game cutscenes as we figured
Lizardman can be female?
Female Hair is listed below (can’t tell how much is new but it definitely looks shinier)
hair from 2:57

In creation you can have undershirts, shirts, and jackets as separate options (I feel as if this is new but maybe I’m just forgetting)
Network: Casual, Rank, Rankings, and Replay (pretty basic but seems to work)
Museum Mode: Character Profile seems to have multiple pages of information (think the blurred out name might be for Cervantes (also in the image with multiple different options it has the same character page but the name isn’t blurred out but I can’t read it)
Seems to be 149 weapons
21 (somethings)
Unlockable Artwork (bought with SP)
Halter Bikini seems to be a pre-order bonus (but we haven’t gotten anything outside of Japan quite yet)

They recognize the leak


Soul Calibur 6 tournament: SCR 2018. Full Top 8

Match 1 - 02:33 (Signia [Yoshimitsu] vs MoneyMuffins [Xianghua])
Match 2 - 12:49 (SonicFox [Geralt] vs NoFaceKiller [Zasalamel])
Match 3 - 24:32 (B:L [Mitsurugi] vs Rambro [Sophitia])
Match 4 - 32:00 (Bibulus [Xianghua] vs Tomahawk [Taki])
Match 5 - 41:46
Match 6 - 50:36
Match 7 - 1:04:38 (Winners Final)
Match 8 - 1:21:45
Match 9 - 1:32:20 (Losers Final)
Match 10 - 1:41:09 (Grand Final)

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And so Cervy/Raph trailers are covered

Sony got SC6 in it’s TGS 2018 panel, hopefully they will show last base-cast characters there

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I have a feeling that the base cast is already finished. :cry:

Watching the Cervy/Raph leak seem we can hope for at least 2 more

One in good guys side above Xian (i hope Hwang) and one on baddies/monsters side under Cervy (i guess Aeon/Lizardman)