Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

you mean that one popup? just click on the left square once.

I’d like a new Weaponlord myself until i realized Namco owns that so heres to a new Mace: The Dark Age!

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End up it was the browser, seen the video on phone lol

Cervy and Raph looks good as ever

Not a fan of SC6 Cerv design but whatever

This video reminded me how retard is the ripping clothes thing, i wish could be disabled by option

I hope the video get spread as possible to push them release theyr trailers quick and get something else new for TGS

They only got 2 months to go anyway. I wonder if the remaining 2 slots are both DLC’s.

They really should not have scheduled the game to come out at the same time as COD and Red Dead Redemption 2.

4 slots

I guess the DLC characters will get one single slot, just like in SC3 and SC4 there was a single slot for all Bonus Characters

combat lessons sounds interesting.

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If this is (potentially) the swansong, the developers have nothing to lose, and Bandai/Namco have a partnership with Capcom, then I have a sweet idea! 2 DLCs: VEGA - the claw, the style, the search for beauty leading him to ditch the present day and find a more graceful era in which to fight! And his beautiful rival, CHUN LI, using a pair of BUTTERFLY SWORDS (a new fighting style that would fit her martial arts history) and following him there, rocking her traditional outfit in times that would welcome it! Taki needs a challenge! I want to see these two rendered in beautiful Namco artistry the way Akuma was in Tekken 7! They would fit right in, they both already have massive fan bases, they would GUARANTEE crazy sales, and the legend will never die!!! Please, can someone get this to the devs?!

Out of all guest chars possible you would pick two from a franchise which struggles a lot these days?! When Geralt can not guarantee crazy sales how is vega/chun supposed to do so? The “crazy” Sales comes from casuals buying a game…not actuall fighting game fans. And they weight somethig like noctis,gerald, negan,turtles sure much higher

I’ll flat out say it:

There will always be a SoulCalibur, at least once a console generation. Even if sequels don’t appear as often as other brands it’s silly to think it’ll ‘die’ as a franchise.

I think SC6 will sell well

-GREAT classic cast
-Season Pass forcing the waifu wierdo crowd to drop in extra money
-Looks flashy af, i’m more fan of SC1 classy style but everybody getting ultras will push the game to new audience
-Another (likely female) Guest hinted to come

Pls never mention again
Biggest brainless western dick-sucking since SC4 Star Wars

Geese and Akuma were great though

you have no idea how he will look/play like later on ingame. so based on what do you are already biased?
look at the trailer numbers, the attention his inclusion got in the media…and then tell me a chun/vega
would manage to get the same amount of eyes on the product. thats the whole point of having guest chars.
to get attention…

ps: i like noctis ingame more then geese/akuma :honeybee:

As a girl can make more money selling her holes lol, guess why they all don’t do it

I like stylistical coherence of the game to not be ruined by guest crap if possible

“Getting attention” is’nt all, specially not for me that will buy the game anyway

I’m all for a game to boost $$$ using the guest card, as long that choice don’t shit on the host brand

Geralt is a good choice, great marketing move AND fitting SC spirit

Star Wars in SC4 was crap and disprectful as it can be lol

Geese, Akuma (T7) or Terry (FEL) are classy choices

so you would welcome chun and vega in soulcal6 because they would “fit in”?

IMO in a game with such an incomplete roster as far as franchise characters are concerned they shouldn’t overdo the whole guest concept. Geralt is good to push for sales but a second guest via DLC is unnecessary.


You think they’ll put customization items and select screen quotes in lootboxes?

I did’nt pushed the idea or approved it, i think.
I just said that i don’t want an unfitting guest made to suck america’s dick in a japanese style game, like Harada did
Or SC did in the past
Or SFxTK did with that Cole crap
Or DoA did with the halo shit (well, not that DoA have that legendary design to preserve but still)

TK7 did great with Geese and Akuma
FIghting EX Layer with Terry
DoA did incredibly good with the VF characters
SC6 did right pick with Geralt, very compatible even from a western game

Essentially watch this

Is guest and still looks legit, in style with SC vibe

Watch this

And there’s zero fucks given about SC, is crap

As for Vega and Chun, as fan of SF i will accept them as long they’re redesigned to fit SC6 ancient era (well, Vega kinda already have timeless design), beside that Capcom and Namco have super-compatible style/chara design as SFxTK proven, jap fightgame SHs with similar vibe

Said that, if forced to get another guest, IF, i personally will not go for Vega or Chun Li.
Chun li make no sense, and Vega while cool he’s not a Lead or main char from SF brand

Will go for recognizable characters that at least as design can fit SC setting… after go throught some redesign to fit the game graphic stylization of course


And list can go on, you don’t need to shit on your brand with unfitting stuff to get a recognizable face

But again, i will just prefer no more guest

Use slots and time for SC characters

Dude change your diaper about the Negan thing. It’s one western character following three Japanese guest characters. It’s not healthy to be this hysterical. Does MvC, where half the roster tends to be American characters, make you rage or something?

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