Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

I hate Viola and I never want her to come back but I’ve always said that using some sort of timeline as an excuse to not let characters return in a friggin’ fighting game is retarded. Nobody gives a shit about the timeline when you play it competitively. Plus you could always just treat those characters as bonus characters and not let them appear in the storymode so they wouldn’t even disturb your masterfully told storyline.

It’s just a very easy cop-out to limit the roster because they’re obviously lacking the budget (again) to make this feel like a complete game at launch.

And yeah, I’ll keep whining about Hilde. Before Hilde I only liked SC, after Hilde I loved it. I’ve never had as much fun with a fighting game character as I did with her.

Except in this case the “timeline” has been used with the specific and aware decision of return focus on SC1 cast

So cry about no fucking viola in SC6 is cry about not getting something that’s the exactly opposite of what SC6 is pushing (reboot of the saga from from holy SC1 roots)

If is of any help, Hilde (with Setsuka) was tagged as char i wish to see in the post
“And i actually WANT to see Setsuka and Hilde, they were good chars”

Hilde was a good char designed on old school SC style, will welcome her as soon returns

SC6 is already on Steam’s top sellers. That bodes well.

Azwel battle director comment.

He’s like Jam from Guilty Gear and Hilda from UNIEL?

Yeah, now that i know that the dumb people who want to make this good franchise bad will leave if this doesnt sell well, I almost want it to fail as a point that bad mechanics and balancing based on a different series doesn’t belong here. As well as trying to make people pre order a season pass just get a character that was should have been in the game on release. That can also fuck right off.

ring out event recap

Famitsu just released an article on Libra of the Souls and gave us some interesting images and information. Definitely seems to be taking a more RPG like approach though.

Libra of Soul:

Considered to be a “behind the scene” mode focusing on “another soul”
You can choose the weapons, parts of costumes and fighting style of of any character (cf. infra), and modify your appearance at any time
There are cities on the map, where you can buy items and weapons
You can have random encounters while traveling on the map
The more levels, the stronger you get (and you can also equip stronger weapons, hints of either weapon exp. or weapon stats)
Fights with special “rules”: weaker hero, stronger pushes,…
Created character from other players will appear in your campaign


They talk about choosing your height “freely”, maybe we will have a slider rather than 4 or 5 heights? We are only getting 5 heights (cf. official Soul website)
Same goes for muscles
Modification of each part like in SCV is still possible.
They talk about 370 parts (they say “types of parts” though)
Still different face paints, stickers (scars, emblems, etc.), still customizable
They talk about “Weapon creation”, which is nothing but weapon customization, like in SCV (at least, that’s only what they show)
Still extra parts like in SCV
Still different frames (serious or funny ones)

Tira story mode in Soul Chronicle also confirmed with an image

You can also choose the school of other guest characters! (second guest character now confirmed it seems)
the creation characters of other players will appear in their “MISSION: Libra of Soul”! (Interesting)
About 370 kinds of parts for character creation

Tbh sounds like they’re trying to sell SC6 CAS as some incredible thing, when it’s mostly all stuff recycled from SCV CAS

CaS wise the new actual new stuff i like

-Great have access from official costume 1 parts

-I liked a lot the thing Guest style is no more locked. I like Geralt style much more than i like Geralt himsef

-the “races” thing while will encourage fuckton of crap, but will also offer a start point that before will have took precious stickers/items slots

-the cast (styles) is going to be much better than SCV, and with DLCs variety will increase a lot

Someone made nice overview. /ed- which the forum cant show propperly…click on the images.



Hwang removed from the 2nd leak is like the first sign of the apocalypse

Watch it become DLC, when should have been standard

Will buy Season Pass anyway, but may mean later release (specially if they follow SF model and are’nt released all at same time)

Cervantes and Raphael with stupid glasses!

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Well, here’s hoping the new NRS game is going to be Mace:The Dark Age.

That better not be Raph’s standard skin. Also, what happened to the Raph and Cerv trailers?

EDIT:Ohhh, the vids got taken down. Someone wasn’t supposed to upload those.

Looks like someone at BN fucked up. Apparently, that build wasn’t supposed to be shown to the public at that event at all.

Raphael looks like a custom character.

Yeah, I was hoping it was a show of his custom kit but then I saw this.

I’m ok with Raphael new design, i wish Cervantes was a bit more human looking ( a middle way between SC1 and SC2)

To complete this scheme seem like there are still 2 char slots + 2 that i guess will be for DLC ones
(the color 1/color 2 thing down right is hiding another one)

Based on placement of other chars (overall good ones on left, evi/cursed on the right) i think Lizardman can take one on the right, close to Cervantes and Voldo

Up-left a good character, hopefully Hwang

The hole in the middle may be reserved for Inferno when unlocked

You just know that there are a bunch of folks excited because they want to use those glasses for their edits/customs.

This Raphael looks like ass.


some off cam gameplay

Thanks but ask me to click on a bunch of chinese shit, any direct link?