Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

Wow, preorders don’t even get Tira

I hope the season pass is better explained, instead of being vague. I avoided the Tekken 7 DLC pass because it was never clearly explained what we would be getting.

As one of the leaks back in June said. Seems like Hwang players will finally get their wish.

Azwel is better then I expected; I thought he would be less physical. They say Azwel is a fleshed out Necrid.

That was never implied. Purchasing the season pass gets you Tira.


It is too late for me as this game makes the statement that traditional 3D weapon fighting is boring and the more absurd, flashy, and over the top the fighting styles, the better. I am just going to play some Kengo to cleanse my mind from that sickening thought.


LOL well, about fucking time

Btw if true is a perfect list, just a bit sad for no Rock, but i guess he got chances to return as DLC, maybe already in the first SP group
Season pass have 4 char, with one being TIra i guess the other 3 or at least 2 are males… Rock and hopefully somebody with an actual weapon style, maybe heavy redesigned Arthur or LiLong

Also, Azwell is cool af

I don’t even like his magic style (t will have been even better if they gave him an actual weapon), his character design is VERY good on par with old SC games
Rich, detailed, balanced, great colors, have personality

Now who the fuck designed that Groh crap lol

that Voldo was a she:

Some events about Evil Seed:

  • A French noble went mad and attacked fellow nobleman Raphael Sorel , only to be killed as Raphael defended himself.
  • Aeon Calcos , then still human, went mad and slaughtered an entire village of people.
  • Gel-o-Fury, a demon, broke free of his imprisonment in the Bamboo Shrine of Ōmi Province.
  • The Grand Labyrinth where Olcadan was imprisoned was opened.
  • George von Krone, the king of Wolfkrone, went insane.
  • Monks of the Ling Sheng-Su temple went mad and started killing each other. Kilik was the only survivor, thanks to the sacrifice of his adopted sister Xianglian .
  • Talim fell into a coma for a number of days.
  • Tira 's former master, the leader of the Bird of Passage, lost his mind.

Now as know the wizard’s name is Azwel, we know that the 4chan leaks (or least one of the posts) are correct. I decided to go down the rabbit hole and dig through the relevant 4chan threads.

I’ll try my best to write a summary, but if people want the information verbatim, then here’s all the information I copied and pasted which seemed relevant: (sorry, this is not super organized. I also included links to the relevant threads but note those links are not SFW as there’s pictures of borderline pornography and some offensive language)

There were 3 threads which 2 different leakers posted in. The first guy didn’t make many posts at all. He claimed the remaining characters (as of June) were:

Seung Mina

He later clarifies he’s not sure if Hwang is in since he can’t find any narrator strings for him. And he claims he’s worked on localization for the game. He also says he thinks create-a-soul is back, and he notes that some characters fight a lot of generic enemies (Taki fights a lot of Fuma clan people, Sophitia fights Malfested enemies, Yoshimitsu and Voldo fight a lot of “mooks”). He also said he doesn’t think Cassandra is in the game but she has a cameo during Sophitia’s story mode.

And then there’s guy number two who posted a LOT in two different threads. I initially thought this could be the same as the above guy, but looking through more posts, they definitely are not. The second guy mainly talked a lot about Libra of Souls mode (he never mentioned it by name, only as “the create a fighter adventure mode”). Here’s a bunch of stuff he mentioned:

Lizardman is not playable, though you can make custom lizardmen.
Says he doesn't think Cassandra is in the game.
There's a create-a-soul adventure mode where you travel between different nodes doing quests and there's an item shop.
You get XP and money for doing side quests and some "fanservice cameo stuff."
At the start of the adventure mode, Zasalamel tells you that you're cursed by the Evil Seed and you must roam the world to close dimensional shifts created by Soul Edge.
You team up with Maxi and Mitsurugi early in the adventure mode.
There's one NPC who looks like they could be Talim's sister (looks much older than Talim).
You unlock Inferno by beating the story mode.
Says there's a new character who is an "evil wizard guy." (he said this as a reply to a random statement by someone describing the look of the "wizard guy" and that Inferno is a mimic, so I guess there's a third leaker amongst all of this? Or maybe he doubleposted.)
He lists the entire roster (this is the big list I posted some weeks ago), which is the same as the one Azwel guy posted except this one adds Inferno, and has no Lizardman or Hwang. And he mentions Azwel by name.

He said this as reply to someone asking if he was “that Azwel guy”:
only time i spoke about the roster i said some new evil wizard guy because i couldnt remember his name, if someone else said azwel then they’re in the know
I should note that one of his earlier posts said that he doesn’t think Seong Mi-na isn’t in. But he also said he hadn’t worked on the game for months so he couldn’t remember all the character names (he said Cervantes, Astaroth, Raphael and some Chinese female character he couldn’t remember the name of hadn’t been announced yet), and he said he would look up the character names once he was able to at work so he could post about it (which eventually lead to that one big list he posted). I’m assuming the “Chinese” character he couldn’t remember the name of was actually Seong Mi-na, and his original statement about Seong Mi-na probably not being in was an honest mistake.

Note that it’s technically impossible to tell who is who in 4chan posts, so it’s possible some random replies were fakes (though I only found one instance where someone had to go out of their way to say that a reply was someone impersonating him). And I wanna emphasize all of these posts were made back in June and July, that’s before Azwel, Seong Mi-na, Astaroth, and other reveals. Both of these leakers haven’t been wrong about any of the revealed characters so far (their lists are also nearly identical except for Hwang and Lizardman).

One interesting things is that both never talked about DLC ever. Both listed Tira, but they didn’t seem to be aware she was DLC (at least they never mentioned it). And never they said anything about who the other DLC characters are.

There are two more posts I might as well mention, but I don’t think these two posts were made by either of the above guys. Both of these posts were part of a reply chain where leaker #2 eventually started saying stuff.

Post 1:
Here is Day one Roster. New character is Groh’s father. Hilde and Setsuka dlc.
He included this picture:

This mainly looks like a compilation of stuff said by Vergeben (and the first Azwel leaker), so I think this is just someone repeating information rather than someone who’s actually leaking. Edit: This post is confirmed to have been done by a random guy, and not any of the leakers (the image originates from a post on 8wayrun).

Post 2:
Cassandra is not in the game as a playable character even with dlc . Sorry. She is in cutscenes for Sophitia’s story mode. Maybe if a second season pass is done she will be in that.
Leaker #2 replied to this message and said “he’s right i’m afraid”. But leaker #2 never said anything about ever knowing any DLC details, so it’s possible he thought that message was right because he hasn’t seen any details about her being part of the game, but he does know she’s part of the Sophitia’s story mode.

… Aaaaaaaand that’s it! It’s unfortunate it’s impossible to verify who’s who on 4chan as that makes it hard to trust every single post which looks to be by the same guy, and it makes it so much harder to parse all of this stuff. But I think it’s extremely clear both of these guys are legit leakers. The first guy mentioned Azwel by name and he’d be the luckiest person in the world if he randomly guessed that name. The second guy mentions so many specific details about Libra of Souls mode which makes him even more believable (I should note what he said about Zasalamel being in the introduction of Libra of Souls mode matches up with one of the screenshots Namco released).


the new boss looks dope though

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Son of bitches will make me wait dlc

THIS pls

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Can’t see them doing three ladies as DLC though.

Season Pass, just like SFV does… one of them will likely be in future ones

Timeline wise Tira and Setsuka are the closest (SC3), Hilde may end up be pushed in next ones

A possible Season 1 may be

  • Tira, confirmed

  • Rock, last SC veteran missing, also will bring variety as “big grappler” alternative to Astaroth

  • Setsuka, she’s about same timeline of Tira and Zasa (SC3)

  • Yunsuck, if Raph is in the door will be even more open for SC2ers (of course HWANG should have priority if he does’nt make starting cast)

2 males 2 females


First Namco kills the series for like 6 years because of shitty design decisions in regards to SCV

Then they bring it back for one game

Now they’re saying “give us money or fuck off”, ON TOP of bullshit business practices like season pass preorders and making Tira DLC


Soul Archive site is updated with his info:

Reading his info (through Google Translate, so don’t know how accurate it is), here are some interesting tidbits about Azwel:

Under "Relations" it says he considers all of humanity his family. No mention of Groh.
He's from the Holy Roman Empire
He's a self designated "Scholar of Humanity"
He was/is part of the Aval Organization and was conducting research into both swords
His weapon is his gauntlets and there's shards of Soul Edge embedded in one gauntlet and a shards of Soul Calibur in the other

Freaky Voldo appears at 26:33

you wanna go to 4:03

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So he’s essentially some sort of german alchemist, i’m ok with that

Btw a link with Groh is still very likely/possible, specially considering also Groh seem to have a blue and red nature, just not at same time

If really is Groh’s father, i will not be surprised if he done experiments on his own son infecting him in some way with a shard of both (SC/SE)

Btw i’ve read comments about the leaked cast (wich is PERFECT if confirmed) and i can only confirm everything i ever seen since SC4

Modern-SC still have the bitchest bitchy pussy fanbase ever lol, too bad they will eventually get theyr waifus via dlc

On other hand SC need $$$ so have the wierdos in will be the price

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Not sure what comments you’ve been reading but the fan favourite waifus are already in the game. The whining during SCV’s phase was all about Taki, Talim and Sophitia and they’re all back.

In fact with their ‘fan favourite’ approach to the base roster I wonder who they want to sell the DLC to. Those additional fighters will sell like poop.

In Taki and Sophitia’s case, the whining was more about them being replaced with poor facsimiles.

Looking back on it now…natsu doesn’t look so bad for taki’s replacement.


Recent ones about the “leaked” list, on the missing waifus :smiley:

And that was a crime indeed as every time in SC they replaced a vet with a shitty younger replacer

I mean SCV list
Whinings about TIra DLC
Supreme whinings on Cassandra/Setsuka/Hilde/Viola(LOL fucking Viola who’s exist years and years after SC6)
And i actually WANT to see Setsuka and Hilde, they were good chars

Cry about the leaked cast having too many males/being sausage fest, when start cast got 6+1:
Sophi, Ivy, Taki, Mina,Talim, Xianghua + Tira already confirmed as DLC + another likely coming in the SP

Whinings about cut SCV shitty kid generation is “unfair” for who mained them, when SCV shitty kid generation at the time replaced fucktons of vets played for years

Lol the daishi’s crowd at it’s finest, but again SC need all the money it can do, so i hope down the road (FAR down the road) they will get theyr shit and drop $$$ lol

This is the kind of crap that SC team read and tried to satisfy for years, i’m loving how SC6 seem to be a tribute to badass old school SC

Now pls confirm motherfucking Hwang and add Rock in very first bunch of DLC tnx, then is the perfect SC