Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

With Namco representative

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Seems my Setsuka dream may be dashed with leaks coming out. Maybe she will be DLC. I just don’t think she was popular enough.

Fuck him

Give me badass Hwang

Also the latter make waaaaay more sense timeline wise with SC6


Hwang and Yun Seong have somewhat incomplete movesets with each having what the other lacks. If they could give the best of both worlds to one character that would be amazing. If it happens to be Seong Han-myeong I would be all the more pleased as they are both his students.

P.S. I played Heihachi in Soul Calibur II again and had a blast. He took on every character in the roster in Survival mode and beat the crap out of all of them. It took a last minute Hail Mary unblockable from a broken Astaroth on the smallest stage in the game to put an end to his onslaught. Sadly, he did not mock Inferno by saying, “Even Kuma is stronger than you.” when given the chance, but in the end he chuckled and nodded in celebration, so nothing was lost.

Yun Seong seemed pretty damn complete to me.

A complete douchebag

Give me Hwang with cool SC3AE moveset + new stuff


If Yun Seong was complete he would be better than low-mid tier in at least one of the installments.

I don’t think where characters end up on a tier list is indicative of their completion.


A character being near the bottom of the tier list to me an indication that their tool set is incomplete and therefore needs further refinement or modifications.

P.S. According to this article the current director thinks that Soul Calibur V was balanced and that sluggishness makes a game more competitive… RIP balance…

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But there’s always going to be a ‘bottom’ or ‘near bottom’ of a tier list. It’s a freakin list. In fact this is why I’ve always been iffy about the concept of a tier list, or at least the hyper-segmented types are baffling arbitrary ("S, A+, A, B+; shut up lol). If you’re gauging a character based on how easy he makes a match for you against so many characters, that’s fine - but that’s a different conversation from whether or not a character is “complete” or “missing things”.

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S to B+ range is bullshit for a tier list. In a game that is played frequently anyone can easily tell which characters are missing answers to specific scenarios or if they have an answer that is so useless that it leaves them no better off. If that scenario is not too disadvantageous it can be overlooked, but if it can be punished to great effect, then it needs to be rectified. Shit like that causes characters to be seldom played due to being incomplete. Another potential source of being incomplete is bad streamlining as the loss of tools previously available cripples the playstyle.

Agreed, but are we still talking about Yun at this point?

Yun was built based on some assumptions about how Soul Calibur II would be played. Those assumptions were wrong, as developer assumptions often are.

Yun is probably one of the more complete characters in the game from a design point, he has weaknesses (no lows, stance sucks) and strengths to offset them (shit load of damage). It’s all relative though, the rest of the cast doesn’t share most of these issues and work better with how the game is actually played.

Still want Hwang over Yun 10 times out 10

Yes. Yun’s fastest attacks are linear/unsafe/do not jail and the rest work best at a distance with lows that are too obvious. He also has very few attacks with knockback for ring outs. In III/IV he has a auto counter string built into his stance transition, which helps. Also in Broken Destiny he has an overhead string (one that leaves him relatively safe unlike the one in III), a kick in stance with knockback, and a while rising counterhit stun that compensate for it. However, he is badly in need of Hwang’s classic 3+A,A,B (foot, chest, overhead slash) string at the very least and could use his 6,6+B+K spinning sword slash (III) to flesh out his arsenal. A faster low kick to sidekick with knockback would also go a long way as the overhead is suicide near the edge of the ring and he does not have a really good option in that scenario like Hwang’s horizontal jumping cartwheel or sidestep blade push.

With all that said, Hwang is the superior character in all of his past iterations and I would prefer him to take the better parts of Yun’s moveset like sidestep horizontal string, stance, and overhead kicks.

EDIT: After reviewing Yun’s complete moveset in Soul Calibur III, it appears that the conclusions made about Yun in II and IV were not true for Soul Calibur III as he had a complete toolset in that one.

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Was this this Gamespot has been posted before? It’s long. Even a tip for Geralt players at 05:14

Killik breakdown

The mechanics were already well known back in January…

Gotta love my boy Siegfried

good exhibition matches from CEO

Soulcalibur VI - E318 Gameplay Preview | PlayStation Live From E3