Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

improvements on new build


Aside from the slight model changes, it seems that the big change was to the lighting and shadows on the characters. There’s less contrast now and the shadows on them aren’t too dark.

Just think of what they could accomplish in a few more years…

all these new gameplay vids are pretty cool

If you’re insinuating some kind of equivocation you’d be insane.

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What is insane is the fact that mediocrity is being praised in this day and age.

I’m not in a mood to go back and forth over your subjective views on what is technically verifiable (poly count, shading, lighting, etc).

You don’t think visuals are better than Dreamcast. Fine. I can live with you thinking that.

What we learned in terms of Unreal Engine 4 while developing Tekken gave us a lot of knowledge when developing SoulCalibur. For instance, there was an input patch that we had for Tekken 7 that we already have built into SoulCalibur.

That’s reassuring.


In the same way that a quality pencil sketch can look better than a half assed painting, so too a SEGA Dreamcast game (remastered from a Namco System 12 arcade game no less) can look better than an Unreal Engine 4 game. It is all a matter of diligence and artistic vision. Arguably the only part of Soul Calibur VI that looks impressive is borrowed from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. However, that is just the tip of the iceberg in the great scheme of all its current shortcomings. It is a shame Daishi Odashima gambled his career on Soul Calibur V as he had artistic vision (at least with respect to stages and overall ambience as far as I know) that this instalment lacks despite his intent on destroying the gameplay design of the series. He would have done well to have left it alone and stuck to his forte.

Cervantes and Astaroth are sure, Voldo and Lizardman/Aeon highly probable… i’m ok with all of these

Really want to see Hwang return

Will like also Raphael and Rock

Since the game is retelling SC1 - SC2, Voldo and Lizardman are likely in.

So, if Groh is from this group of Algol loyalists from the future, it would seem they are looking to alter events of the past.

I am liking these animations after a CE K.O.

Rothion vs Sophitia
Bonus char confirmed
Liz may be just a bonus char
There is 23 slot, only 20 lines
so… maybe Astaroth, Cervantes, Lizardman don’t have their story line.

So this two word name blurred are :







The lack of Hilde so far is worrying the closer we get to completing the roster. There’s no way they’re gonna keep a niche character like her until the end and I honestly have no idea whom I should pick if she’s not in.

When in doubt…

I really don’t like Taki’s gameplay. Hilde allowed me to play the distance game but also having devastating combos when landing a hit up close. Plus her charge mechanic has always been one of the most fun and rewarding features of any character I’ve ever played in a fighting game.

If she’s not in I’ll probably give Zasalamel a proper look. Ivy’s too daunting and Kilik too popular. Nightmare and Siegfried are too slow. The rest lacks range.

Maybe they are teasing


I am going to enjoy the hypocrisy of people that asked for her claiming that this is an inferior version and not playing this character.

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i don’t know what a figspin is, but Ivy looks cool

I predict she’ll be bottom 5 in online popularity. Was that way in SCIV and I see no reason to believe why it would change.