Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

Ok enough of these nobodies like Yoshimitsu and Siegfried when are we getting the real fan favorites?

Jesus, I thought for a moment they announced Dampierre for SCVI when I saw that thumbnail. Ugh…

My soul is complete. Looks like some new loop paths in there but so far fairly similar to SC5. Integrated an old EX move into his powered-up state.


He was expected to get in, now finally we can see some new characters. Apparently, there could be a reveal or two at E3

Yo let’s go!

My boi is confirmed. Early 2019, here I come

lol, these moments will never stop being funny. That guy just walked off before the win screen even shows. (52:09)

That’s a moment for @LiangHuBBB

new interview


Release Date : 19.10.18

Story Trailer

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Seems more like a teaser, but hope there’ll be a good story.

So it looks like the game will have 4 DLC characters, 1 of them being a (timed?) exclusive/bonus for Season Pass buyers

Wonder if all of those are guests like in T7 or actual Soulcalibur veterans? Whom could Namco possibly kick out of the main roster to entice people to buy the SP?

They could sell Create a Soul character…

Some PC gameplay in high quality (visually, not gameplay):

Also includes Taki’s armor break in case you need a reason to click.

Wow taki…your eng voice doesn’t have enough drive behind it. Where’s the passion?

Looks like there are some hints as to other characters in the ESRB’s page for the game.


Hilde, Astaroth, and…

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Cervantes, most likely.


I had forgotten about the pistol aspect of his twin blades. Nice observation man.

Just Guard is in the game in some form as of the E3 build.

Players are reporting that it DOES NOT reduce block stun but does prevent chip damage. However … there is a reduction of pushback, which in itself is a way to manipulate frame advantage. Seems like an unnecessary mechanic but maybe chip was stronger than it looked. shrug

I don’t know what frame data is looking like for this game, so it’s not clear if this will open up a lot of punishes. It is possible that it will act like a less interesting walking block from SC2, if you held block and then a direction you could do a retreating and advancing guard. Your character would move very slowly while still blocking, if they block an attack it would change how far away the move would push. You could use this to stay close and punish an attack or get pushed further away to reset the situation.

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