Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

Its thew way of fighting games man. or at least the way as Namco sees it.

Gotta make people interested in esports. Even though this kind of gaming isn’t an e-sport but whatever the masses say I guess.

The leaker Vergeben posted this on 8wayrun saying now he knows for sure Voldo is coming.

Was there ever any doubt?

Voldo is an OG and unique.

If they didn’t kill him in SC1 with that ending or in 4 and 5 with that age count, he is here to stay.

Only Hwang, Seung Mina, Cervantes, Rock and Li Long are missing from the OGs.

That is over 50% of the OGs.

So crow (who did the SCVI articles) counted the frames on Reversal Edge based on some 60fps footage he took, and the results aren’t good.

Non-charged, parrying RE right now takes 45 frames from spark to impact.

yeah…its looking like a shitshow. and it doesnt help that SCVI isnt getting the benefit of several years of arcade tuning before we get the finished product like a T7 or SC 1 and 2. I really want to know where they got the idea to make this game the way they did. They had to know that the SC fanbase isnt going to stand for BS anymore. we didnt for SCIV or SCV. Why would we for SCVI?

Dunno, Reversal Edge seems more of a newbie thing like autocombos in MvCI. So the better you are, the less likely it is you’re going to use it. Don’t see a problem with that necessarily.

I’m not happy with the one button Supers though. It was pretty dumb in Tekken already and if I read correctly they’re even faster in this game. I liked countering, well, everything with Hilde’s Super in SCV but at least I had to do a double fireball motion for it to come out. If she’s in and has the same Super it’ll be pretty braindead.


Let me stop you right there. No game needs 2.5 years of arcade tuning and Tekken 7 being as awful as it is (both mechanically and as a product) and how it killed Tekken’s community doesn’t support that mindset either. Despite not being my favorite, Tekken 5 is the only Tekken game with just 4 months between arcades and consoles, yet is one of the most highly regarded. It has balance problems, but those were completely ironed out in the 5.1 revision that came out only a few months later. With the existence of updates it should not even be an issue.

I also think that you overestimate how well balanced Soul Calibur 1 and 2 are. The only Soul Calibur game to really benefit from extra tuning was Soul Calibur III and that was pushed out the door a bit too quickly as Virtual Cancel and a few other bugs were no doubt already found in testing as the slightly delayed JP and EU versions had some of those issues fixed.

I would argue that receiving a quality gameplay design, a decent budget, and a healthy development schedule are much bigger factors in the quality of the end product.

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Well, I’m still somewhat concerned about Reversal Edge and GI being like in V but without any cost. But I guess I won’t know for sure until I play it.

Anyway, here’s the first Yoshi back:

Also, I hope we can still tone down the hitsparks in the game.

Well, his costume is pretty sick. Cool new moves.

This trailer kinda sucks for trying to figure out how he plays because almost everything was a cinematic.

There’s a spinning sword move that transitions into helicopter stance, juggles into a throw from the stance.

What looks like a vertical unblockable (if fully charged) that is also a lethal hit on counter. Combos into another juggle with a helicopter transition finish.

Then a kick into helicopter, with a side step this time to avoid Nightmare’s linear punch.

There’s also a bunch of particle effects and he does what looks like health steal command throw (that was pretty meh in 2). Not clear if he was ever in soul charge for any of this. (edit: rewatched it and it seems to affect that last bit)

All I can guess is they want stance transitions to play a huge part but there’s no proof that his stance is viable. (Taki showed possession beating out AA at least).

I’ll take it but this trailer is pretty meh. Based on this I have no interest in the character.

Good ol’ yoshi. My boy. The gang is almost back together.

I feel like Yoshi players are happy for the most part. The ones who play him in Tekken will do so here too. He’s got a loyal following of players that use him no matter how good he is.

Who are you interested in then, btw?

I really liked SC2 Yoshi but that seems to have been more of a one-off.

Currently I’m going to be playing either Mitsu, Sophitia, or X. Mostly played Cassandra in the past, so Sophitia seems most likely. That 236B lethal hit combo is too good to pass up, you can win a round off a good whiff punish.

That said, Taki looks like she will be really fun to play.

I’d say I am interested in about half the cast, the only ones I have zero interest in trying right now are Yoshi, Zasalamel, Geralt, and Nightmare.

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Kind of hope talim will be back or ashtroth and cervantes. I’m at a loss for a second character. I also can’t believe its been months and there has been no gameplay footage shown of Ivy, or Zas outside of the trailers.

It also helps that Yoshimitsu has for the most part been Top Tier or High in a lot of Soulcalibur games. He’s fun and quirky and more effective than his Tekken counterpart.

SC1 - Top Tier
SC2 - Top Tier
SC3 - Top Tier (AE version) The console version was all kinds of busted and fucked up competitively.
SC4 - High Tier
SC5 - Mid Tier.

He is a very solid character and the Stun, GI and JF system helps him a lot with his mixups and shenanigans.

I think Cervantes is pretty much a given due to story. People have asked for Talim a lot, and seeing how she skipped the last game, she’s likely be in this time. I want Astaroth in.

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