Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

Somehow I doubt they are literally reusing the same model, more likely they are heavily reusing key frames because they want things to callback to the first couple games. Anyways, I doubt they are doing it to save time because having to match a reference can be more trouble than it is worth sometimes.

Should say though, I think that Taki’s model looks pretty good overall. Most of the characters have. Especially Sophitia. Would have preferred SC2 Nightmare instead of Siegfried and Nightmare…

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Now all that’s’ left is my boy yoshi and yun.

And Setsuka, Hwang, Rock, Li Long, Raphael, Amy and Algol.

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They’ll be in spirit through Yunseong and Maxi.

Motentially raph and maybe hwang. Sets…meh. Algol amy can take a hike.

taki looks dope

Hell no.

Li Long was much better than Maxi in SC3.

And I never liked Maxi’s loop stances.

Well, Maxi seems pretty much confirmed, so Li Long doesn’t seem likely.

The Pure Soul Loop system is honestly one of my fave character mechanics. Ever. Just that it ‘works’ is a miracle of game design and not to overstate this; but there really hasn’t been an idea that innovative in a while. It’s basically a series of stances (I personally call them Gestures when it’s a temporary stance versus an actual static stance) that shift in a specific order based on directional input, move input, or doing nothing in a few cases. Fucking wonderful. While I missed Li Long I was determined to main this fabulous guy Maxi.

Then again Li Long came back in SC3 with a limited move-set that got fleshed out in a chocolate version. With many ‘shoto’ group of characters in SC’s history, I don’t mind having a twin chuk user along with Maxi. Especially since Li Long ain’t with no loops, he stings ya with the bladed tips.

In this age of fighters, I can see certain characters as DLC who are thematically or mechanically similar to a core roster character. So Seong Mina, Cassandra, Lizard Man, Li Long could have a chance.

Maxi needs to come back in 6. I consider him a staple for the series. He’s always been popular with people but he was a difficult character to pick up seriously due to how unique his stances were.

as long as i get tira…i need my crazy bitch

Can’t wait to see the Talim announcement and never face her online when the game’s out despite her being the most ‘popular’.

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One of our boys got a chance to try the game out at Texas Showdown. Here’s part 1 of his article.

Movement and step is faster, but still not as fast as 2.

GIs are really, really, really good.

BBB attacks are nice and safe, but the 3rd attack can be stepped. Acts as a natural frame trap and anyone pressing buttons will likely get caught by the 3rd attack.

2As and 2Ks still tech crouch very late.

Critical Edges are a bit too good and can lead to the game being turtly once someone has meter.

Reversal Edge is shit, and becomes pointless once you learn how good GI is. Also very skewed in terms of reward. There’s an actual match examples o this in the article.

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Welp. I hope this reversal edge info reaches them

Hey look, I was right ALL ALONG! I really do not expect this game to last for very long (like V before it) and thats a damn shame. having Soul Calibur just become “Tekken with weapons” and then morph into this anime bullshit is just beyond sad and I think speaks to the general lack of direction they have and feel for the series in general since 2 and 3. Its like they cant help but make the game shit because they simply DONT WANT to go back to what made it good in the first place. As if that would somehow prove their inferior design was truly well inferior and everyone else was right all along.

The author of the article I believe even said they seemed rather “tone deaf” about one of their crappy new mechanics, as if it was so great when the reality was less so. I think thats basically how the Soul team feels generally about their own audience. They dont make games for us anymore. they make games for…actually i dont even know anymore since theyve been fucking up since 3 with glitches and bad mechanics.

The series and fans SCREAMED OUT for a “back to basics” approach to SC since V was so garbage yet not as completely awful as IV was before it. Yet once again, we are met with deaf ears. The Japanese FGC developers feeling completely naked without their gimmicks, or maybe its an addiction thing I dont know, is in full effect here it seems. And once again, it will be to the detriment of the game when SC fans go right back to the open arms of SCII HD like those people who still cling to Melee or SF fans who still think ST was the last SF game. But it wasnt a lack of wanting change that got them running back, oh no. It was just wanting quality gameplay that put them there.

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I’m just enjoying reading all of the self-proclaimed experts that have admittedly only played Soul Calibur V talking about how OGs don’t know how the game should be played.

Anyways the game looks pretty good but it would probably be better if they just tossed Reversal Edge out and rebalanced GI. I haven’t played it so I’m not sure if they’ve reworked the strings to be built around a catch all GI; Need a real beta in players hands before we can figure that out.
I’d figure that a 2A that sucks at beating highs would be good for beating GI if GI were split into mid/low again. That’s a decision that seems to be carried over from SCV… don’t want fast lows to be too good apparently.

SCVI Battle director’s comments regarding Taki’s playstyle this time around:

Among all the characters, Taki’s attacks are the fastest allowing really aggressive pressure on the opponent. She has short range but with her ‘Possession’ stance, she is difficult to stop even with the use of Reversal Edge

For Soul Calibur 6, Taki’s Mekki-Maru blade is capable of causing ‘chip damage’ on the opponent when they block her attacks allowing an even heavier form of offense for them to deal with.

Taki’s fighting style of Ninjutsu is also augmented with a demon spirit allowing her to close the distance which expands her arsenal even more and is the big appeal of Taki this time around. .

clean taki artwork full resolution

Setsuka has lighter hair in SCVI. Taki has darker hair.

SCIV & SCVI Taki comparison:

Texas Showdown exhibition


Still not sold on the “all GI” thing. I miss my high/lows GI’s. :frowning:

On the usefulness of Reversal Edge. In a vacuum this skill seems pretty bad but after watching the Texas Showdown clips it looks like players are probably getting roughly one bar of meter per round for winning a round just by hitting their opponent. RE can get something like a third of a bar of meter for success.

Of course, using that RE looks pretty risky so the meter better be worth it. So, if soul charge or CE is good enough then it could be worth trying to build meter.

This could be a matchup thing where you can shut down their offense with a stocked CE, or maybe there’s a couple characters with god-like soul charges. For now though, it seems like you are just putting yourself in the position to have to comeback with a soul charge or CE.

PartyWolf was wrecking people with Kilik’s soul charge but that’s not going to be reliable as it is clearly a very high risk tool that people are still unfamiliar with.

Profound sadness as one of the stalwarts of the 3D genre of fighting games continues to gimmick itself out to the lowest common denominator while abandoning everything that made it relevant in the first place.