Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

That’s my girl. All I need is Maxi, and perhaps Seong Mina, and the roster is gold for me.

Can’t believe they brought back the nipple bumps. Bamco clearly doesn’t give a shit about eSports.

I like it.


lol, the super does a slow mo zoom on her nipple. Soul Calibur definitely going back to it’s roots.

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Ah, my big boobed ninja is back. Although she’s not really big boobed anymore. Which is still ok by me. Good to see you back taki. Also good to see that her body suit still rides up her ass crack like a champ. <3

F esports. I want my nipple camera zooms, booty shots and all that other goo stuff.

Nice. Though I am gonna wait until the official video is released because the quality was shitty.

She pretty much has the same body type she used to in SCIV and Lost Swords.

Taki looks great. She seems to have all her iconic moves.

lol 0:35 I am liking Namco’s decision to make breasts point towards the sides. Like I think before Ivy’s breasts could jiggle but they were …together, kept in place. Now they seem free. I don’t know if I am explaining myself correctly.

Can’t wait to see how they will surprise us with Voldo!


you are in too deep…

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I think somebody said the glowing writings on Taki’s body were sanskrit, but it looks Japanese

IF you’re looking for a breakdown.

Possession stance is in and is shown beating X’s AA (!!!)
Soul charge has a tracking, ranged attack?

Seems like she has some legit potential to be a real pressure character again.

Maybe it’s the prettier models then that make her look a little different.

Aside from just looks, it’s also nice that her moves seem to be retained from her SC2 incarnation.

That’s what…

Found this on everyone’s favorite site (gamefaqs):

It’s pretty much the same model all things considered, they just changed the outfit.

presses the Insightful button

I do not care how many assets were transferred over. I’m a 90s gamer.

Morrigan sprite forever!!!


Neither do I, particularly when it means we’ll get more characters back this way.

It’s just that some people (not necessarily from here) kept insisting that Namco dialed back her proportions which is clearly not the case.

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I’m ok with it if it was the case. Looks nicer anyway.

Confirmation bias. They are looking for some sort of reason to scream about SJWs.