Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

SOULCALIBUR 6 - Supers & Criticals (4K Early Gameplay)

Wich rumor?

What, the Jago/Lucina/Bloodborne rumor? That’s a clear case of the opposite

This is the rumor?
Sony version is winning at life if true lol

We get crapbourne. Really, I mean, I’m not huge fan of jago…but its’ better then BB. The best of the worst pile is easily jago. Sigh…it’s never fair for ps4. :frowning:

Thank goodness I got the Nintendo Switch recently if the Lucina rumor is true

I wouldn’t put my hopes on console exclusive characters. When Namco was at an EVO panel for SCV, fans let them know loud and clear they don’t like console exclusive characters, and Namco seemed to get the point.

Yeah, I have no faith in the leaks. Still, the Bloodborne Hunter would fit beautifully

Weighing in on the whole guest character thing.
First off, I’m usually not a big fan of guest characters, because they are either too random, not fitting or whatever.

With Tekken 7 however, Namco (imo) picked two extremely well, being Akuma and Geese Howard.
They actually made sense being fighting game characters (although one can discuss on like things like bringing 2d projectile zoning into a Tekken game etc) and to me (I only play Tekken casually from time to time) they were an exciting prospect.
Imho, they beat “the flavour of the month” guest characters like SFxT’s Cole, SC5’s Ezio or Noctis.
Now I know in games like MK9 and MKX, stuff like Freddy Kreuger, Jason and Predator sold the best out of all dlc characters and I understand they bring in the more casual audience (but MK appeals more mainstream to begin with).

Keeping T7’s Geese and Akuma in mind and Namco’s relationship with SNK and Capcom, here are some, imo, possible contenders from those to companies.


A Samurai Showdown character

Harada already mentioned that he was interested in doing something with this franchise in the future.
That by itself already makes them a potential, add in the fact that they would fit in the game’s setting and time line, a SamSho guest character a no brainer.


Bishamon (Darkstalkers)

You can basicly call Ono Harada’s homeboy at this point. Ono loves Darkstalkers, lots of fans want to see a new Darkstalkers game and Capcom is more than happy to cross promote a DS character so they don’t have to make a new DS game XD
Being Soul Calibur, Bishamon would be the best pick.
Given how awesome Akuma visually looked in Tekken 7, one can only imagine would cool a 3d Bishamon would be including his own spooky stage.

A Plasma Sword/Star Gladiator character

Quite obscure and I can hear you say "We already had Star Wars like crap in SC!"
I mostly tend to agree, however in terms of gameplay these characters already share the whole basic horizontal attack, vertical attack, guard and kick button layout.
Plus SG isn’t known for it’s excessive projectile gameplay, which would make them easier to implement.
They don’t have my preference though, since they would suffer from the same sci fi syndrome as a Darth Vader and Yoda in SC4

Besides fighting game characters, I guess something from Bloodbourne, Onimusha or Nioh would fit in nicely.

Given the pretty extremely fantastical elements they’ve added (Nightmare’s knight’s mare, crazy particle effects and auras) that they could take someone like Hayato and work him in with SC aesthetics pretty easily.

Bishamon would be way cooler though. he would be VERY interesting in a 3d game.

i dont care the typical dark badass
im shallow so li like him lol he looks cool
removing more commands i m hoping the movelist wont suffer too much
there were so many things you could do in sc4 hidden things with each characters moveset

Watch the guest be Kylo Ren.

it would be so fitting for such a dumb game.

I thought there wasn’t going to be a Switch version.

ppl are DYING for a downgraded switch port for some reason.

There are already things that are troubling about the development and the last thing I want is focus put on an inferior port to switch with that dumb ass controller and no fightstick support.

Uh, an arcade stick for the Switch already exists.

It seems that people just want to actually be able to play games on it that aren’t old Neo Geo ports and an even more unbalanced ST.

I dont want them to not have that, but not at the expense of an inferior game. Theres no point.

I know nothing about Wii sticks tbh. They werent a think last time I checked I guess.

There is in fact a pro controller and the ‘puppy’ configuration is also well enough.

Can you elaborate on this?