Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

Looks like I will be rotating Soul Blade through Soul Calibur III: Arcade Edition for another decade…

I saw Groh and thought “They truly have surpassed Necrid.”


They might gone a little too much with the edgy/pissed off on Groh but if he can switch stances between dual wielding swords and single welding double sword he’s an instant hit.

I hope both Evil Kilik and Sigfried are mere alter egos of Kilik and Nightmare so we have a 0 % clone opening roster.

By Soul Calibur III there were no clones…

Why would Sieg play like Nightmare? It’s been a thing for years that they are different styles.

Gameplay recorded on a phone looks way better. I just hope Gr0h isn’t good but I bet he’ll be popular unless he’s garbage tier.

I think it was in SC3 where Nightmare got a new movelist and Siegfried kept a version of his SC2 Nightmare style.

Got Kilik and Xiangua are in, the former I as I hoped.
I am not a fan of whole “superpowered evil side” concept yet ot still technically was thing with Kilik a long while ago. I am indifferent towards Groh.

I know.

Btw new gameplay shows Nightmare actually has all of Seigfried’s stances. In fact his helmet got rekt and… that’s Seigfried. It’s not a Memory of Soul Edge ghost thing, he’s the real deal. I suppose it makes sense being that this is an interquel type deal. He’s bridging the gap between Sir Stancealot and King Slapahoe. I played them both so I’m good, but I guess the shining knight is no more.

Also as I suspected but forgot to write here, Evil Kilik is in fact his Soul Charge form, not another character.

Btw, I’m pretty sure Medieval Winter Soldier will have a form or extra weapon skin that’s Calibur and Edge.

Seems Groh is from a secret organization that was formed after Algol died

Didn’t get to play the demo at Evo. That said, the sign they had written on to get people to queue was pretty lolworthy with it’s engrish.

So this would take after SC3 at least? Awesome, for a moment thought it would be a lame reboot. Really want to see a character like Zasalamel, Tira or black haired Setsuka to be sure (yeah the last won’t happen).

Why do you think that? Kilik is wearing the Dvapara Yuga belt-thing(that should prevent him going berserk) instead of the pendant so he hasn’t met Nightmare yet. Also, Nightmare is still possessing Siegfried. This new guy only means that the Algol backstory is still canon. Maybe the King appears in his ending or he’ll actually be playable.

The SoulCharge thing being different for Kilik and Grøh seems interesting. I might give the benefit of doubt for now. Did Kayane got sloppy or she’s so excited seeing Xianghua back that she goes full YOLO 66BB every round?

I keep thinking its going to be like MK9 and there’s some time traveling element causing events to play out differently or placing things out of order.

Any chance of SCVI getting mac support?

It’s technically a reboot. Don’t expect the entire cast from Soul Blade or from SC I, II, III, IV, or V to make the cut.

A reboot in marketing only.

So if the rumuor is true about guest characters…sony gets the shaft. :confused: Sigh…