Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

no its pretty clear Soul Calibur peaked VERY EARLY with 2, and it because of its near perfection that there was really nowhere to take the series but down down down. Because how do you improve SC2 beyond adding more characters and the story mode? I guess the answer here is that “you dont.” So now we have SC6 putting back 8-Way Run (something that should have NEVER left the series) but keep all the BS from the SC3 and onwards because they refuse to recognize that SC players (Casuals and Pros alike) dont want that garbage and have never cared for it. Theres a reason the only SC tournaments held to this day are SC2 and NO ONE plays the others except maybe the occasional 3. Cause SC2 is the “next level” version of 1 and there are plenty of people who like the new characters in 3. But the rest of the games are trash. So I find it really sucks that they refuse to deconstruct SC and go back to the old ways of 1 and 2, before the BS. Because NOBODY likes BS in fighting games. I certainly have no use for it.

Competitively, Soul Calibur may have peaked with II, but gameplaywise Soul Calibur III: Arcade Edition is the more honest game as 2G is not present (gave too much safety in movement+attacks), difference in movement ability is not a factor (caused horizontals to miss some characters in II), attack patterns are more reactable/less safe (less bullshit), and the cast has a wider arsenal of moves at their disposal with more utility (large portion of moveset in II was useless).

I enjoy the fast paced/reckless action of Soul Calibur II, but I feel Soul Calibur III took a step back from some of its shenanigans to be more in sync with the first game in terms of pacing. It is a shame III’s first outing was an embarrassing mess with Virtual Cancel and glitches galore, but those issues were rectified in its Arcade Edition.

I think we are in agreement here, SC2 is the last game that I think is worth playing seriously. I like the new Soul Gauge usage that they added but almost everything else is looking real bad.

If it were up to me I’d throw out most of the crap they are adding. I think Soul Charge activation can stay because it gives good offensive tools. Get rid of RE, supers, SC5 guts scaling, throw mechanics changes, and put SC2 style GI back in. Guard meter seems redundant when Soul Charge is in the game.

Lethal hits… I’m not clear on how much difference these make but it just sounds like a bonus counter-hit state, so probably fine?

Do you mean Step Guard? And I thought VC was still in the arcade edition? I never got a good chance to play it but from what I’ve read the differences between PS2 and SCIII: AE are not that large.

No, step guard is in Soul Calibur III and Arcade Edition is a rebalanced and revised version without any of the crazy glitches like virtual cancel. 2G performed after a Guard Impact allows blocking. Sorry for the confusion.

So, apparently, WL attacks are not returning. Sophitia’s 9B just behaves like her WL B with a hop.

[quote=“AriesWarlock, post:617, topic:180770”]


“Sophita, I think her name is.”


Really no taki yet or yoshi? Surprising.

Oh so we’ll get non-blood related sister killer Kilik. Not sure how to feel about that. Specially when he still wears Dvapara-Yuga in his edgelord mode.

I’m glad Nightmare’s CE is not an auto-GI anymore. He looks to be his post-SCIII self so, I guess we can expect asshole Siegfried before he got the sword?

The new guy looks chuuni as fuck. Might be fun.

Thankfully the english trailer is just partially dubbed so no JUST KIDDING every second in the Xianghua part:

Random thoughts

-New char got fun moveset/style but he set a new low standard in SC character design ever, taking from Zwei the crown and becoming the new tryhard hero of every 15yo dbag.
They could just have made it as a young knight, maybe even a dark vibe one, but that’s it.
No, they gone full edgy douchebag

-Nightmare look awesome

-Xianghua was never a fav of me, but she look ok for what she is

-Kilik (standard) look very good

-Evil Kilik looks like the crap, pls Gods don’t give it a 2nd slot (will definitely happen)

-Style wise (art) is bizzarre is like they’ve put in what made SC cool and at same time all that kind of crap that ruined it (see Groh, Evil Kilik)

-As usual english voices SC are the crap, thanks for jap trailer. Groh sound like a fucking robot

-Btw Groh look a much worse version of him visually AND conceptually

Not enough Maxi. Good trailer tho.

Eh… my hype is kinda gone at this point. Hits lack any sort of impact, especially Kilik and Nightmare. Stupid particle effects everywhere are annoying. New character Groh looks uninspiring.

I don’t want to put too much stock into their trailers though, they can be so misleading. Still want to give this game a shot; if the gameplay is good then none of this stuff is a dealbreaker for me.

Didn’t know Kilik had Satsui no Hado inside him

Well, guess it has been a while, but in the storyline Kilik always had that issue of having this “Evil Seed” shit (must’ve been shard of Soul Edge) inside of him for a VERY long time.

So now I’m even more confused about what the heck kind of direction they’re taking the storyline. Some people say reboot, others are now talking "multi-universe."
Which with how Soul Calibur has been going, isn’t TOO far of a crazy-ass stretch.
Don’t care for the new guy, and never cared too much about Kilik. Really don’t give a shit about Xianghua , but I know she has her fans.
Where the FUCK is Zasalamel at?!

Dude is way to black for this franchise. Need more animu bishonen like Groh.

Since his debut as a char in SC1

Kilik was living in a temple and was best martial artist there, then Soul Edge madness took over the temple and everyone (except his step-sister) started killing each others
Kilik (possessed too) being that good survived the battle killing all monks he encountered

His step-sister was the only sane because she had an object (that big azure-stone stripe you see on Kilik) that made her immune to the SE madness
At some point she dropped that object on Kilik
He returned sane, she got insane and attacked him
Trying to defend himself Kilik killed her ending up as the last survivor

Gouken find him and took him as his disciple to teach him control satsui no hado shit

Essentially both Kilik and his weapon are cursed, and the azure-stone jewel is what keep him sane

After train & meditate fuckton days/months/years, and likely after kicking Necalli’s ass he reached a somehow superior spiritual status that allow him to control satsui no shit a bit better (SCV)

dope trailer
didn’t expect 4 character reveals at once

Fucking edgelordss uuugghhh

He looks sick though.

Nightmare has combos bbbooyyyy

Xianguaaaaaa and Killllliikkkkk