Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

I’m still trying to figure out who thought that was a good idea to make her blonde in 4.

Well basic Patroklos (the only good one) does’nt overlap with Setsuka

Still, in a small cast i will prefer NOT get another blond greek with sword & shield… we got Sophi covering it

Give me variety of look/nation/weapon pls

Crazy chicks is my shiitttt

Rock was turned blondish too

I will like japanese on general to stop from use super light/yellow blonde on all westerns

We got brown, red and black hair too… actually brown/black is likely the most common color by far (outside nordic countries)

Blond guy/girl with blue eyes used to be a more unique and interessing trait design wise

I know they do because they like to use brown/red for asians too, and so blond is the flag to say “white guy here” but still… lol

Easy games attract the bigger crowds (usually). Namco wants all that casual money. Me thinks they want new players (since fighters are one of if not the hardest genre to play decently in) to feel more comfortable and whatnot. They probably want them to feel more experienced coming out of the box then putting some practice in. I mean the old GI’s weren’t THAT difficult to get accustomed too. I don’t fully understand why they simplified it but…I probably wouldn’t like their actual reasoning though.

The actual reasoning is they want the game to be more like Tekken or some shit and they think that by adding a bunch of unnecessary bs to the game itll bring in a bigger crowd. the problem is they tried this several times since SC2 and EVERY TIME the game failed in a matter of a month or 2 because the extra bs was either broken or made the game unfun to play. Im not expecting this to be any different no matter what they say about bringing 8-way run back (which should have been a hallmark of the series anyway).

It did, tho.

No it didnt. Tekken 7 brought people to play it again because SFV was crap and Tekken 7 had been in constant arcade development FOR YEARS before it ever touched the home market. for the 2 times it showed up at EVO before release i didnt think it warranted a main stage tournament (who wants to watch a “global” tournament when the only ones who can play and win are the people who can play it in arcades?), but thats a discussion for another time. But T7 getting the attention it does now has more to do with the failings of others, the amount of ongoing development time it got, and the lack of a good recognizable 3D fighting game than it does with dumbass 1 button supers and EXs.

I read about this many years ago on 8wayrun. They made her a blonde to make her closer to her true heritage

Her bio stated she had white skin and glossy brown hair; her costume 2 on SCIII shows her with a different hair color. So why did she appear with black hair in SCIII?:

Maybe Setsuka dyed her hair black in order to fit in? As a Portuguese orphan, she was discriminated for her skin and hair color. Her real name isn’t even Setsuka, it’s Neve (Portuguese for snow). Her master gave her the name Setsuka.
After fighting Mitsurugi, she moves to Europe, takes up her real name Neve and opens up an martial arts school. It’s here where Patroklos learns how to use the new soulcalibur.

“What lies in her soul is Devotion.” :o

Soul Blade wasn’t about seig, seigs story was actually pretty cool. Mitsurugi’s rivalry was actually pretty cool. This ending was pretty cool

Soul Calibur is where the franchise kind of had a linearity to it

I’m talking about the “main” plot with the sword(s). And what gravitate around it.

Mitsurugi’s plot is basically “challenge anything that calls itself a weapon” (starting with a gun). Hwang bad ending is “ihma vampire now” wich they revamped (hue hue) for Raphael.

Plus you had that shitty ass amnesia plot later with maxi xianghua kilik and astaroth…god that was so cringey.

More or less, the characters have pretty nice backround, but the way the “story” develop itself in the games is pretty “meh”.

So a reboot wont change their backround, just the shit that happened with the “main sword story”. Like Mitsu will still be the “dude that bring a sword to a gunfight”. Sophitia will still be “boobs chosen by the gods.” etc…

Your response is you don’t like SFV and didn’t think T7 should be on main stage?

I’m gonna go pick on somebody my own size.

Going from 9+ million to 3+ million is not an increase for the Tekken franchise… It is far past its prime. Sales never tell the full story. Some of the best games have sold relatively poorly. However, Tekken 7 is just half-baked compared to previous entries.

Sadly, most douchebags that like Soul Calibur are all about the out of place guest characters, shitty customization, and T&A instead of the original gameplay or original characters of the series. The series has gone from providing a restaurant-quality three course meal to being a cheap frozen junk food as a result.

SC sells based on characters, CaS, visual appeal and single player content. Casuals won’t be so concerned with GI’s; heck if you ask a casual what their favourite SC is, they would say SCII. What SC needs now is longevity; the core game needs to be strong so that it doesn’t get butt bumped to the side like previous games. Having it consistently be at tournaments, Twitch and even Evo would really help the games sales as time goes on.

Star Wars in SCIV and the stupid time-skip in SCV were cheap tricks to generate an initial rush of sales, but at the sacrifice of the franchises integrity and long-term success.


Later SCs felt like a desperate hooker that was ok to unprotected anus gangbang with zoo animals because she MUST give to her Pimp (called Namco) 50k$ in 24h… with punishment being death LOL =)

Problem is in recent times the SH never truly trusted the “SC” brand potential, ever considered it so inferior to the golden son Tekken
Also did’nt helped Tekken got a such strong leader in Harada,who is respected, older and very out spoken, specially when it’s about get shit he want
Meanwhile SC had him


Last SCs had been treated with the maximum suspect/disprect/un-trust by Namco as if the brand needed every possible cheap embarassing tactic to be something acceptable

And after all that they still did

These peoples have no shame

I like what i’ve seen of SC6, i’m optimist
I trust the series can resurrect on it’s own merit, because SC was (imho) one of the greatest series/concept/cast ever in the FG world

IIRC it was because they intended her to be “western” in SC3, but somehow they basically okay’ed a Japanese chick for the final design. So they went out of their way in 4 and made her hair blonde, and even changed her eye color from brown to blue so there can be no doubts left for the weebs.

Thing is SC3 Setsuka design was perfect as it was for a portoguese girl living in japan, it was visible she was a bit different

is just them, that if the western guy/girl is’nt blond they panic

This is so hype for me seeing Soul Calibur finally making it’s comeback on PS4 after 5 years.
I’ve been playing Soul Blade & Calibur games since PS1 and Dreamcast & it’s one of my fav fighting game franchises of all time.
Mitsu looks young & got some really cool new moves & stuff.
2018 is gonna be a great year for fighting game fans.

I can’t wait to main Mitsurugi for another 5 years. :slight_smile:

In SCV they also used that phrase "“Just as shadows are cast where there is light, history hides away more than one truth”

@ 1:41

I can’t remember if I even played 5, damn it has been a while. I’ll fuck with 6 as long as Xianghua or Sophitia are in it.