Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

I don’t think those fans are who you need to worry about. I look forward to how “sexist” and “tone deaf” this game will be once Ivy is revealed.

SFV is after SFIV. It’s between that and 3rd Strike. Not that it’s relevant to the discussion, just thought I’d quickly mention.

As nice as this game is looking, and as awesome as the new GI looks; I’m not a fan of GI’s being simplified into a ‘one-input-fits-all’ scenario. It honestly isn’t fun, because it won’t be as satisfying and intuitive as it was in the past. You feel like you’re more in control of your character when you have, well, more to control. Not being able to do low and backwards GI’s and see the manifestation of such inputs, and instead have a one-size-fits-all GI doesn’t make you feel so accomplished on a successful GI; it feels more like the game did it for you…it’s like auto-aim.

A games gameplay satisfaction comes from its interaction with the player, and that interaction comes from control, and that control is improved through intricacy and options. Take that away and you have the Hi-Rez syndrome (play Paladins for an example); where you’re doing stuff and you’re doing well, but it doesn’t really feel like you’re doing it and it feels abit too easy, and cheap. SCVI won’t be that bad ofc but simplified mechanics will always have this negative downside, and their reason for existence doesn’t justify the cons.

Devs need to stop painting with broad strokes and start fine-lining. It’s never for the sake of superficial diffculty, it’s always for the sake of interaction and satisfaction…something everyone seems to have forgotten.

RUMOR characters said to be in

  1. Kilik
  2. ?? (New character)
  3. Nightmare
  4. Seigfried
  5. Tira
  6. Xianghua
  7. Zwei
  8. Viola
  9. Talim (?)
  10. Zasamel (?)

Of course, developers need to pander to casuals, and since Namco has always looked at SC as the casual title of their two fighting games, that’s what we get. Maybe when stop abandoning the game so quickly and support it as long as Tekken fans support their game will make Namco understand.

4, 9 and 10 make me doubt it’s a true list

4- because new char (first and only we seen at least) seem female
9/10- should appear much far in future, and Viola is possibly still Amy (very very young and unable to fight while at it)

Hope they add newer types of characters as oppose to just Europeans & Asians

An Inca/Mayan would be cool

Nah SocialJusticeWierdos can’t steal your tits from SC
They will touch each other on neogaf crying and that’s about it
And even if they manage to create some kind of negativity about tits the sales loss will be absolutly minimal, and compensated 10 times by horny kids buying it for the very same tits

Meanwhile Crapfans can push theyr bad tastes into SC.
Daishi himself was a Amy worshipper, wich made him unfitting to clean Namco’s cesspit, let alone touch SC

Definitely worried more on the most “avaible” (as some are definitely locked) of these 20 slots going to char they perceive as the fans wish… and fans wise in years of 8wr

I LOVE SC brand, i had some of the funniest internet friends in 8WR, i had an over 100k views gallery (CaS) there… great times, but as a whole SC fanbase is P4P the worst i ever seen lol

And that was the western side, i can’t even imagine what look like the jap one LOL

The SC1 reboot is an epic idea, i just hope they go for it and ignore internet pressure

To be honest IF they stick to 20 don’t hope for any tsunami of new entries… many slots are pretty much taken

[] Mitsu
] Sophi
[] NewFemKnight (doubleSword)
] Sieg
[] Night
] Asta
[] Taki
] Kilik
[] Xian
] Maxi
[] Voldo
] Ivy
[] Cervantes
] Yoshi
[] Lizardman/Aeon
] *Guest

And we’re at 16 staying just on SC1 era most probable and 1 guest + 1 new (seen in trailer)

Wich left 4 slots
Then you got missing ones of SC1, and new ones of 2,3,4,5

[] Rock
] Hwang
[] Mina
] Inferno
[] Edgemaster
] Raph
[] Talim
] Cass
[] Yunsuck
] Zasa
[] Setsuka
] Tira
[] Hilde
] Dampierre
[] Algol
] Shitty New gen 1
[] Shitty New gen 1 (SC version)
] Shitty New gen 2
[] Shitty New gen 2 (SE version)
] Shitty New gen 3
[] Shitty New gen 4
] Shitty New gen 5
[*] Shitty New gen 6

That’s a long list
I think the 5 with bold names got great chances too.
6 if you count Cass, even if personally i hope it’s not the case

I expect new entries to be like 1 new fem + 1 new male, and even so there will be heavy cuts in vets returns

Yeah I can live with it for now; but tbh, reversal edge+critical edge+soul charge is more than enough for casuals…they always go overboard and give them much more than they need to.

The new character in the trailer is not female…

Yeah, leaker Vergerben confirmed the new male character to be the dual-wielding rival of Killik.


Look very thin to be a male and with strange hips, but whatever, i actually prefer if is a male char lol

Did the leaker said other things? (and while at it should we believe him?)

He was the first to tell us the game was coming out, when it would be announced, and who the new character was, that there would be a V-Trigger like mechanic (Soul Charge) all before The Game Awards reveal.

The butt not slightly big enough. Therefore the character is a male. :expressionless:

I need a fencer.

Now that I think about it, there’s gonna have to be more character slots anyway since they have to fit one for customization characters

Hopefully they have the slot where there would be clones like the ones from SC 3 & SC4

Raph in theory is already in fighting age, he’s old as Sieg or maybe even older

@"Master Thespian"
Cool to know thanks