Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

As soon as they give us information on the story we will see what makes sense roster wise.

Whether this is a spiritual “reboot” like MK9 or starting SC6 at SC1 timeline-wise similar to how the Alpha series was before SF2 we will see.

Because SC2 is 4 years after SC1, so Talim is easily one of the most requested characters and she would be 11-12 in SC1 time. Same for Cassandra, Amy, Tira and Yun.

I expect DLC.

I also expect this title to be at a space between SC1 and SC2, so that we can keep the time-frames without retconning too much of the story.

Zasalamel is easy, hes immortal. Setsuka might be difficult, her story kinda revolves around searching for Mitsurugi at a particular point in time.

Also, SC1 Siegfried is still a host to Soul Edge and thus Nightmare/Sieg arent two completely different people.

They have a lot to work with, they are going to have to carefully navigate the lore to include familiar faces and new blood. Theres just no way you can expect any SF3 type “replacement clones” from SCV since thats close to 16 years after the events of SCIV if I recall correctly, Sophitias children are still unborn or newborns at this point.

Rock, Hwang and Li Long have always been the least popular characters in the series. They have been skipped quite a bit so the nostalia to return could put them in, however on pure popularity Astaroth, Yun and Maxi are all more popular characters. Its SC1 so I fully expect the trio of Maxi, Kilik and Xiangua…they are basically the protagonists of SC1. Astaroth, Nightmare and Cervantes are the antithesis to that. But then I go back to the artful storytelling, because that gives the new evil like Tira not much of a place in this story…Yoshimitsu and Zasalamel can always be in for one reason of another. Mina…didnt play much of a role she was knocked out of the “cute” archetype when X and Talim hit the scene.

Ivy is a shoe in at this point with the formation of Schwarzstrom that almost confirms Lizardman/Aeon to some capacity.

The only loose ends I’d like are will they admit that Viola created Amy in her image as a clone, which would allow us to get Viola once again? Ralphael’s dialogue with Viola in SFV insinuated that he didnt know who she was, but she was familiar. You would never not recognize someone you adopted and gave your name to, unless Amy was never human to begin with. She had no backstory, Ralph found her after she protected him in some capacity in SC2. She was too good to let go. She was extremely well designed from a fighting perspective. I dont want her moveset to go to waste.

I could theorize so much at this point. Its difficult to wait for this info.

I know the waifu crowd will riot, but timeline wise, Setsuka can be replaced by her Iaido Master, the one that git killed by Mitsu

They could add her as alt skin of him though (like SC4 bonus ones)

I don’ t think is fair say Hwang/Rock as the least popular… more like Namco made them so, treating them like crap for 3/4 of SC history

Just watch the assassin/berseker bs of SC2 LOL

I take badass Hwang over Yunsuck anytime :frowning:

I’d take Rock over Berserker, but they definitely feel like they were an after thought by Namco, based on character polls they had back in the day I think they based their decisions on that data. Rock just isn’t very interesting design wise, he was the closest thing to a grab mix up character that the series had. Hwang isn’t even a thing after SC3 but if SC4 Rock returned I wouldn’t be upset.

I want the fans to be happy.

Xianghua kinda replaced Hwang and then Namco further developed Xianghua style so that she kinda does him better than he does himself.

I definitely don’t want a Setsuka “skin”…I think her moveset had a femininity that would look out of place giving a man a hidden blade/umbrella combo. Apat looked silly to me and he didn’t even have the umbrella.

Yun also plays pretty much nothing like Hwang I would imagine a completely different moveset for him along the lines of Tekken 4 Jin.

I’m a fan, make me happy =)

Personally i hope they cut Yun due age (as SC1 timeline) and keep Hwang who was there back then

Will like to see an evolution of his SC3AE moveset

Rock in later games was fun af imho, since they did him a mace (instead axe) char they changed him a lot

Too bad they made him kinda weak, more if had no RO option iirc

Algol or GTFO

Yeah, all I know about Rock is… BANGOOOO! But Astaroth was created in his image, so I guess we are getting Rock.

About Setsuka, maybe we could get a Setsuka who is still a student under her master. After all, it seems like there will be new events in this alternate timeline. Would be cool seeing this Portuguese descendant is received in feudal Japan, discrimination and all.

They could just say fuck it, alternative universe, change all the ages to suit.

They didn’t have to go back in time to do that.

It was very intentional to start at SC1/SC2 and that’s to rule out any possibility of linking this to the worse SC of them all which is SCV.

This game can be just at the end of SC1, so those characters are relevant…SC2 characters are of age (Cassandra, Talim, Yun) and SC3 characters are able to slide in the mix

Same way Juri is relevant in SFV considering V is before IV and that was supposed to be her introduction

I think there will be some of that if that image is any indication. In one universe, Soulcalibur won, in another Souledge won. I don’t know if that means characters from both universes will interact kinda like the current Marvel comics universe.


Namco’s said outright that it’s a placeholder and not representative of the final product. What else do they need to do?

Who would be cut in a 20 character roster to the point where this is causing early grief?


Namco has done several interviews with international journalists in the last week I can’t remember where but I recall reading it as well

I wanna talk about the flagrant shit a journo tried to pull with a trap question about how the females dress but I don’t wanna get sniped for “making fun of people concerned with ______.”

It’s also worth considering that SC typically has a random select slot and a CAS slot. So that’d be an 18 character roster as is which doesn’t make a lot of sense with their talk of guest characters etc.

Looking at that and then reading across the internet how later SC’s went “too anime”…

I don’t get it.

SC series is probably the least “anime” out of every current fighter.

SC is ever been anime af, and never been a problem, from what i seen only america is obsessed with “anime” being some sort of negative word… ALL the greatest designed (chara design) fight games are anime based, to some extent

SC1 itself was, and maybe still is, probably the fight game with the best character design ever

Problem is just that like a lot of jap stuff it passed from 90’s badass cool style of anime (strong in SB and SC1 in particular) to a more shitty modern approach

The whole V “new generation”, the mighty of Shitty Kids team of SCV is just the game forgetting it’s roots and going full retard (anime version of FR)

You can send chars like Zwei, Viola or Natsu in a Guilty Gear/Blaze Blue and nobody will notice they came from a different game with a different chara design logic… if anything to some extent they fit better GG/BB than SC

SCV shitty successors aside, SC in general had an involution of the design wich was the worst i ever seen in FGs, particular in SC4






Then lucky they fixed a bit of bad crap redesigns from to SC4 to SCV, but ruined some others + Shitty Kids

SC6 give me a really good vibe, at least watching Mitsu/Sophi designs and the stages… problem is these two (aside “Elysium” crap) have ever been good throught the entire series

When i see Sieg or Astaroth i will have an idea of where SC is going design wise

The start seem good and no daishi is better, let’s see… cast aside i’m optimist, the fact itself they took SC1 as target feel like at least one person there got good tastes lol

I just hope they do like Capcom in SFV and do theyr thing ignoring as possible internet voice… SC in particular got one of the worst tastes fanbase by far.
Like take that Ingrid-loving rightfully persecuted minority of SF fans, and make it the 50%

I just hope new team will stay strong lol

I agree, SCIV and SCV designs were the best!