Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

I played Soul Calibur since college. I made a few friends through local tournaments and events, and I remember the group having a very polarizing debate about playing IV or V.

Here is some game mechanics details courtesy of the The Invincible Swordsman:

Meter-based Soul Charge activation sounds like an interesting way to expand use of Soul Charge and sounds like it will open up a lot of interesting options. Ability to cancel movement is a welcomed return to form. I am happy that they removed throw escape damage and guard impact is back. The additions to Mitsurugi’s moveset sound interesting. I am still curious whether or not 2G is a thing in this game.

I had forgotten about throw escape damage, another influence from SFIII. I am glad it went back to how it was.

Man, the game looks beautiful in motion. And so do the characters. SCV looked like they pasted the character models from SCIV and tweaked them a little.

4:23 I see the evasion thing is not guaranteed.

Yep. I also like the graphic design of the round 1/battle 1 logo

Guts coming back with 50% scaling is a bit of a concern atm; HOWEVER, since we have Soul Charge it may balance it out. It may also be an incentive to use Soul Charge especially since it causes chip.

Run counters giving properties seemed to be a concern at first, but it also seems tweaked to not be as bad as its SCV introduction. Firstly because as mentioned above, it’s been removed from backwards movement; and secondly because there might be step-guard in this game or something close to it. The twitter clip linked above does show a delay between Sophy stepping and guarding though, but it may just be the player who delayed (if I’m being hopeful).

I think it’s also safe to assume that like SCIV, successful GI’s will regain your guard meter.

Real happy to see guard impact no longer costs meter. Can they be used to deflect EX moves as well?

Setsuka and Taki were my secondary characters. Loved them! My main was always Ivy.

Yeah, I definitely want to see Setsuka and Taki in the game again. If they want to add new characters then they better not replace fan favorites.

For a guest character, 2B would be cool.

havent given a shit about sc since edge/sc1, but if khan comes back… that might just be the thing that forces me to look into 6. moonlight shadows too powerful.

Soul Calibur 6 @ PSX 2017: A Closer Look, A Few Reasons for Concern


00:00 -- First Look Live at the PSX SCVI Footage
10:22 -- Camera Work
13:38 -- Historical Context: Run Counters in the Soul Calibur Series
20:27 -- Being Optimistic: Patch Support, Accepting Change
21:56 -- Historical Context: SCV Comeback Mechanics - Meter Gain, Reverse Rage
26:47 -- Reverse Rage Spotted in SCVI - Reduced Damage, Damage Thresholding
32:42 -- Run Counters Spotted in SCVI - CH Properties
36:19 -- Sophie's Outfit: The Closest Look
38:11 -- Inferring a Release Date: Early 2018?
39:18 -- Meter Gain Comeback Spotted in SCVI
41:53 -- New Mechanics: Lethal Hit, Reversal Edge, Soul Charge
51:33 -- Conclusion: Glad it Exists, But Cautiously Optimistic

More reasons for hype than concern.

i guess it depends on your prior experience and things you might have disliked about the prior games.
i am a unwritten paper in term of sc so i am looking forward to it and its developement.

Being able to cancel movement alone is a good sign.

Oh I get ya, but overall there’s nothing else quite like SC. As much as I disagreed with in SCV, it’s still SC. My fave fighting game franchise easily. It would take a gameplay reboot to make me drop the game.

Agreed. It’s looking good so far. From what I read, there’s some SC2 and SC5 in it.

So no Brave Edges?

The producer said there were other game players mechanics that would be revealed later.

He could simply be talking about Soul Charge or Lethal Hit since neither one of those have been “officially” revealed yet.

It seems we only have SC6 because Okubo volunteered himself to do it.

Reverse rage is stupid.