Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

my reaction

Only cons, they still do the ridicolous stripped clothes bullshit

rock, paper, scissors. eh

those misturugi moves are spicy

so this game is 2 and 5 combined with a twist. hm…

Well, you can spend meter for Soul Charge, the time stops and the meter will deplete over time. I think the moves that break Reversal Edge are just… Break Attacks.

I still wonder if there’s more aspects to the story connecting to sc5 as well.

I would hope there’s more to it when just “its souledge/sc1 again” because I like some later cast members like Zasalamel and Hilde.

Maybe it really is “A Tale of Souls and Swords, Eternally Retold.” :sunglasses:

Yo, man! Who was top tier in Soul Calibur 2?

Sophitia, Mitsurugi, Cervantes, Xianghua

Umm… where are the Brave Edges though?

this new gameplay trailer looks pretty sick
mitsu got some nice moves
that parry or w/e is was, sick

I Llove how the HUD looks, game looks great

Love how the game looks.
I am actually one of the few people who actually enjoyed playing SCIV and SCV, even online lol.

But what I really disliked about SCV were those low tier replacements. I mean Taki got replaced by Natsu and even worse, Setsuka replaced by Alpha Patroklos, a visual clone of a really bland new character.

Oh man, there’s alot to break down in that 10 minute vid, but for now I just wanna express my happiness for traditional GI’s being back in the game (and I wonder if red GI’s are back). The new systems also seem pretty damn cool on second impression (after seeing them in real footage with the HUD).

Also, Ukemi’s are…back? I think I recall ukemi’s not making the cut in SCV, am I correct? It’s been so long I can’t remember.

Lol this game doesn’t look as fast as 2.

Mitsu 1A doesn’t knock down and RLC B is a guard break now?

Also, Run Counter is still a thing. Damnit.

because it has NO PLACE in either of those games is just a means to bring “fake hype” through comeback mechanics that only work in low tiers or just make the game more stressful and pointless than it needs to be. The traditional gameplay of SC I and II was FINE and it felt like you were fighting THE PLAYER and not some shitty mechanics the developers thought up. If i want to play with comeback mechanics, Ill play Mario Kart thank you. And for anyone about to say “well SCII exists” dont even bother, we all know that unless you can drum up some interest in youre locals somehow, no one is going to play it over the new one.

I fucking detest supers in 3D fighters because they temporarily reduce the the conclusion of the fight into a game of chicken with jabs and supers.That said, if priority of attacks and pacing of the fight are not fucked up in the implementation of supers, they are forgivable. The preview seemed to show a game very close to its roots in terms of movement, pacing, and homing. I will need to see higher level play to decide whether the meta is fucked up by 2D mechanics, but it currently seems to play better than Soul Calibur IV. I think that’s pretty great, assuming some serious bullshit doesn’t become par for the course as in Soul Calibur V’s case, I am actually looking forward to the game.

My first memory of Soul Calibur is seeing a kiosk loaded with gamecubes running a tournement in a mall (at least, I assume that’s what it was, I was 6 when that game came out), and while I played and enjoyed all the games in the series thereafter, they were never fighting games to me, in a competetive sense. I would play my dad or brother every once in a while, but I spent most of my time in the arcade mode or the chronicles of the sword/weapon master/etc. modes, and treated it more like an action RPG, messing around with equipment to make stupid builds that let me turtle with Setsuna. I play around with tekken 7 occasionally, but this will be the first 3d fighter I intend to actually learn, which means that I have no sense of how one should feel, or what makes them different from 2d fighters in a more general sense than “has sidesteps”. I believe a meter can be implemented into the game well, but that it would be difficult since the series thus-far has not had much luck with it. I hope to hell and back that this game is good, but if it isn’t then I doubt I’ll lose much sleep over it, I can just go back to the action RPG version.

My first experience with Soul Calibur was picking out a game with Heihachi on the cover at a retail store, turning it around, seeing Taki fighting him in a picture on the back cover, and saying, “Holy Crap! They made a sequel to Soul Blade?!”

What a terrible cover. If I had had a GameCube or Xbox I may never have even known a sequel existed.

I see you have great taste in characters!(mained Setsuka and Taki)

Regarding guest characters, i honestly really dislike Console Exclusive characters. I rather want to see guest characters that can also actually be played in tournament otherwise it’s such a massive waste of resources.
Understandable it can give more sales on certain platforms, but just pick another popular character instead(Noctis would’ve been great but alas).

So this state takes a bar I believe and runs it down putting you in an empowered state. If the opponent is close (unsure if its everywhere) causes a brief knockdown. Chips. Don’t know if you can die by chip as it looks like at the end they just take the hit.

So reversal edge. You get a lot of meter if you initiate it.

reversal edge also stops the timer damn it

My first encounter with Soul is Soul Edge in the mother fucking arcades old school mother fukkahs