Soulcalibur VI - Lounge

Nightmare’s CE seems to be inspired on this render from SC1

Ivy and Zasalamel, two of my favorites, revealed on the same day, that’s great. Ivy looks great, the costume is closer to her older costumes back when she was more ruthless and colder. People think they were going to make one of her alternate her default?.. Her face looks more feminine than in the past two games. And it may be just me, but I think they made her torso a little longer, which I think it’s great because Ivy’s is supposed to be a tall woman. Something about that in her figure seemed a little off in past games.

I wonder if Brave Edge moves are gone. We see Ivy doing her arch and arrow move but in a more dramatic and slower fashion. I think that move looked great in SCV.

Pretty cool to see Zasalamel using magick, I always thought he should do that. Zasalamel’s soul charge is different from everyone else’s: while others’ push you away, Zasalamel’s sucks you in.

as seen in SC3

SC6 Battle Director Comment:

Zasalamel is an easy to use all-rounder who can attack with a wide ranged scythe that can pull the opponent towards him. For SC6, he can conjure up black magic attacks to ‘curse’ the opponent. From there, he can stop time to allow attack openings.

About Grøh
His line “Chevalier mal fet!” is a reference to the book written by T.H. White, “The Ill-Made Knight”, which talks about the adventures, perils and mistakes of Sir Lancelot, who calls himself the “chevalier mal fet” which translates to “Badly knighted knight.”

Just noticed that Grø’s artwork features what looks very much like Yggdrasil (the Norse mythical holy tree) on the shield behind him.
That probably explains the tree in the character select screen. If anything, Groh might have a vague Odin-motif with that one eye and arguably his weapon.

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I was worried about that too but apparently they are in the game. You have to activate that burst mode(don’t remember the name) to be able to use them.

Yes, you are right, they mentioned it in a video.

Damn, I had more info but it wasn’t saved in the draft. Oh well, activating Soul Burst or whatever it’s called stops time.

edit: oh yeah, the winner of EVO 2015 SCV, Shining Decopon, has joined Namco:


Some more SC6 play. Kayane still strong.


Some 1080p screenshots

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new siegfried reveal trailer


Siegfried is back!

So how does this work? When Nightmare loses his helmet, we clearly see Siegfried’s head under it.

Is this time paradox Siegried? Back from the future Siegfried?
He’s clearly using his SC5 weapon there.

Or is he a ghost like Raphael was in SC5?

If I understand it correctly, SCVI is sort of a reboot that is retelling the SC story overall. So conceivably they can draw characters from the entire franchise.

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I’m going with the Flashpoint/Time Paradox thing.

It wouldn’t have been so if we haven’t seen possessed Siegfried under Nightmare’s helmet previously so this brings the paradox clearly into play.

Plus, Siegfried looks older here unlike SC1 Siegfried so yeah…

Going with the paradox until told otherwise.

That looks like SC3 Seigfried. While Sophitia, Mitsurigi and Ivy are from SC1.

New Ivy fan art being produced, finally. Barely anything since SCV days:



new logo for the startpost



I rike it.

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Damn we not gonna take about this?

That’s my girl. All I need is Maxi, and perhaps Seong Mina, and the roster is gold for me.

Can’t believe they brought back the nipple bumps. Bamco clearly doesn’t give a shit about eSports.

I like it.