Soul Calibur 2

Well, it puts her at Soul Charge level 2 afterwards, and she has some decent lvl 2 guard crushes. I think she gets it even if the throw is broken as well.

I guess it depends on how you wanna play her. If you feel like playing a more flashy style, it’s great for eye candy. If that’s not what you want, stick with her normal throws.

I got a cervantes question.

I was standin around in the arcade yesterday waitin on a friend and I was watching this guy play sc2. He picked cervantes, but he’s a masher. Anyway, he did this cool ass throw that isn’t on the movelist on the home version.

It’s like he impaled cassandra with one of his swords and held her up on it, then thrust his arm up to make her fly off of it, then he jumped up and grabbed her by the head and slammed her.

Is it some kinda just frame or something? I couldn’t ask the guy cause he did it by mashing like hell.

Anybody know what I’m talking about?

A4B. Auto-throw on clear hit only.


This topic needs to be revived. There’s a lot of good stuff in here.

I have a question on Nightmare’s 2G glitch. I hear about it a lot, but can never find exactly how you do it. Is it applied after 3** (during NBS) or 3B? I assume it acts like 2G post GI where you’ll be in instant block.

…or is it 2G during any stance where Nightmare will just step. I’m not sure which one it is…whether it’s for the stances or only 3B. Thanks for any help.

Zig, b4k4, stop arguing w/scrubs. And remember, Ivy’s 4A+B sucks lol

Whoever said they’re not worried about pixels of damage SO does NOT understand SC2 at all

Oh, and just 9k her all day…let’s ignore her Ivy lick…what? Use mitsu’s A, and 2A to Ivy? Wow, it’s not like Ivy’s iFC 1B is any threat at all. Man, reading these last 2 pages is priceless :clap:

Your best option to learn ANYTHING about cervantes is to go to and read the soul arenas section in the forums. That’ll teach you EVERYTHING you need to know, though I think I’m one of the few good cervys that post there, besides sow:(

What the random?

how is the sc2 scene now a days anyways? has it died down heavily? still going?

can anyone give me a breakdown of it? like is it a heavily scrub populated community (like a certain snk comm) or what?

also can anyone show me a link to some high level match vids? ive always wondered what top play looked like

Xaronth: With T5 being out, SC2 scene is fading. Also, it’s main site for Sc2 info,, just suffered an HDD crash, causing lots of forum accounts to be deleted. I’ve been checking on there ever since it started back up, and it is pretty dead there. As for vids, check out the Calibur Web Theatre Forum on They may still have a few Evo 2k4 matches still up. Or try

What this thread is back? Somebaody argue with me!!!

SC2 sucks ass.

does anyone habe advice agiinst going against extremely hard computers on aracade. i practice a couple of guard impacts anything else i might need to perfect.

Don’t play against the CPU, please. Actually, don’t play SC2 at all. The community is kinda dead. Might as well play something with more of a future, IMO.

i just watched some videos… and man the gameplay looks horrible to me. id rather play tekken :sad:

Gameplay’s good. Better than Tekken. 4, anyways. Haven’t tried 5 yet.

Oi, I’m a major scrub and even I know better. Guard Impacts aren’t as important as the computer makes them out to be, I heard that Extremely Hard’s only difference to Very Hard is that it guard impacts like twice as much. Don’t quote me on that, I don’t remember where I read it.

And yes, as far as I know the SC2 community died. Even most of the newbs don’t talk about it anymore (thank goodness, I don’t have to listen to Link is the Roxxors anymore). Welll, I guess I played someone near my skill level at the arcade, but it was the first time in about 2 months I had decent competition. meh.

As for Tekken 5, I didn’t notice any real changes between 4 and 5. But I’m not a fan of Tekken, I far prefer Soul Calibur II and even DOA. Honestly, SC2 feels the best on a stick, which is the only way to play a 3D game. Haven’t tried VF: Evo though. . :lame:

Yes the SC2 community is garbage. At NEC5 most of the SC2 players were, well, nerds. You know, fanboy-types. And Cha Cha, god that guys an asshole.

LOL, that’s a good one