Soul Calibur 2


A lot of people complaining about SC2 in here… I have no room to talk since I havent posted here since ages ago though…

I’ve actually played Cha Cha in a round down in Cinci a couple months back… Hes not bad, but he bitched a bit about being on the GCN. (Most people should probably be able to play SC2 regardless of the system, IMO.) He ended up winning cause most of Ohio SC2 players kind of suck cept the Cleveland Guild and Hallister. I didnt see too many nerds down at Cinci though. Maybe some emo, but no nerds. SC2 community aint completely dead yet. Theres still some matches here or there… My areas kinda dead though. Unfortunate as that may be.

Thats quite alright though. Ohio SSBM’s gettin revived… Heh heh.

dang i havent been here in a while. I havent plated SC2 in a good while, i need to get back on that. I need soe tournaments in my area to revive the life in the game. The only comp i get around me are like 2 or 3 friends. A good X amd a very good mitsu. I wish SC2 was online, that would be awesome. SOmeone need sot make a program for online play, hehe

I rather play SC2 than T5. But T5 is a very good game. I don’t see why people are bitching about SC2 when it’s hella more balanced than shit like CVS2 (which I also play).

Whaddup? Have I played you before? I’m down in Orlando, and I thought I knew everyone who played SC2 here. Anywho, I still play so if you want some new comp to play against I sent you a PM with my number.

holy moley! it’s the enk!

yea sc2 is kinda dead but i still think its a kick ass game… theres only a handful of SC2 players that come to my arcade and a shit on all of them except for liek 1 of them that im even with.

Wow. Just, wow. Tekken 4 and 5 are completely different, and how can you say that Guard Impact isn’t that important. Tourny videos are freaking GI-fests. Something tells me that you’re just some newb vying for attention.

Nope. How old were these vids you saw? Most SC2 nowadays is just spacing.

From what I know, most of the comeptitve areas of SC2 have completely dropped it. Most players are moving on to Tekken 5 or life…or whatever they wanna do, I think only Atlanta and maybe a select few people here and there want to keep it alive. Atlanta well, is probably because it’s half the players there source of income. Well…not really, more like just RTDs.

SC3 is supposedly scheduled for Fall release, but nothing has been officially announced yet. I’d be surprised if it was THAT soon, but atleast it should be out within the year. Anyway, i fyou’re looking for comp, might as well pick up another game. It’s not gonna happen.

Cuse still plays. SC2 machine is just as busy as T5, Mordak’s holdin it down over there.