Soul Calibur 2

:confused: 5AAAAAA? That would be, uh… AA, AA, AA?

The only thing I think you could be thinking of is 1AAAA… and don’t go all the way or he’ll dizzy. And you seem to be confusing scrubs with mashers. Mashers you can’t throw, but can wake them up with whatever. Scrubs know about this little button we like to call guard. In fact, they believe it’s a safe haven when waking up, and you can throw them like mad until they duck, then him them with a fast mid if they try to do a WS attack or a crouching guard.

Talim’s BBK, 6KKK doesn’t work on anyone but retards. If they die to that, you shouldn’t have any problems beating them without it. Follow up all of Talim’s launchers with 44B, in the case of BBK, you can get a pair of 44Bs on CH, I believe.

As for Yoshi, I don’t really play him, but his 214 A+B command grab does massive damage. Also, 6G+K is a life stealing grab, does about half normal throw damage, but gives life back to you.

Just for future reference: Vegas players are a bunch of loonies.

I guess you could say that but I am not really a “native” to vegas. I guess in your area there is an intermediate stage where mashers quit mashing and begin to block (they become scrubs)…here they all mash, so the difference is foreign to me!!!

A Yoshi newb eh?

A-just once, AA puts you at disadvantage on block
2A-abuse the hell out of it, ends in FC
1AAA-no more than 3 A’s, after three they don’t combo, ends FC
3A-I don’t do the B at the end, too risky. Stuns on cH and safe on block
2aB-hella fast but takes practice to get the timing, ends FC
BB-ok I guess, I only really use it when I need a quick mid and freeze
6B8-really fast, rarely ducked. easily stepped though
6B2-somewhat deceptive for a low, fully charged gets you a free 66A+B. Use it to throw off parries
66B B+K-free rushdown at the right range, optional BT at the end. I go for the BT and mix it up from there with BT 2A and such
2B-use it like 2A, only it has more range and hits mid instead of sp mid. ends FC
9B+K-I like this move alot. It can end in either stance, can be SCC’s and Yoshi has some jf’s out of it
66K-fast, jumps lows, RO’s. I use it alot for corner pressure
6K-highly damaging but kind of slow, punish with it
3K-underused as a poke. I like it alot
WL A- hits low and RO’s to the left, IIRC
66[A+K]-Turning Suicide, punish any whiffed mid range move or GI with it
66A+K-fake Suicide, I don’t use it much, but it ends BT

I won’t cover his stances, those are pretty easy to figure out. Generally you’re going to want to stay extremely close range with Yoshi. Whenever you get pushed into mid range, you have a few options though. You’ve got 66K, 66B B+K, 66[A+K], 44B+K, 9B+K, or either of his stances. Learn how to iFC, alot of Yoshi’s best moves are in FC and WS(although I neglected to mention them before). WS K is fast, ducks high, jumps low, and launches getting you a free 6K. FC 3K is a good ranged low that is relatively safe. FC 1K for mixup, FC 21A hits low, SCUBs, and steps just after startup. Plus you can RCC as well and punish anyone that freezes with 214A+B or stop runaway with 66B B+K.
I know I forgot alot but I can post more Yoshi strats later.

hey what makes maxi so bad he was the man in the last SC what changed so much this time???

Maxi’s still good, but he’s a shadow of his former self. He lost a lot of his blockstun and natural combos, so it’s hard to push mixups, and renders a lot of his old loop strats useless.

He’s still got a lot going for him, but he’s definitely one of the harder characters to win with. Setting up big damage is very hard, but thankfully, he’s an oustanding poker.

Wow this thread has built up quite a bit since I was last here.

X does have a few bad match ups. Killik for sure. I am also starting to see her have trouble against a really good Ivy.

For the most part every character can compete. That’s what is sooooo good about this game.

Yunsung is a decent character. He is fun to play; however, X is even funner to play and a lot better. :smiley:

Scrub killer strats…funny stuff.

So who is everyone’s main characters and/or current projects? My mains are Xianghua and Nightmare. Working on Cassandra right now.

all i have to say is that Knightmare is awsome…:smiley: :smiley:

Maxi isnt as stong in SC2 because he lost what made up his game in SC2… NC’s

Most of his high damage safe natural combos are gone. Unsafe now, and just to much risk for the reward.

In sc1 you could loop like crazy, and the op would have those NCs to fear, now if you loop you will get punished for it.

I played maxi in sc2 for about 3 months competitivly, and did fairly well. But i was also playing maxi jd_ok style :stuck_out_tongue:

-pokepokepoke- Kinda like steve in t4 >.>

Anyways, jd_ok got third at nationals with maxi, and even tho maxi is low tier you can still win with him.

Tiers mean very little in SC2. Pick a character you like, learn him/her, play him/her.

I mean, i bet Fetz’ Yun could whoop up on most of us XD


Hi! Have you heard about this? Astaroth’s Just Frame glitch and Lizardman’s 214 throw glitch; does anyone knows something about it and could explain it to me please? :sweat:

Here’s a really retarded question: How do you “step” in Sc2? I’ve known about it for a while but never learned it, since I stopped playing it seriously like 4 months after it came out or so.

I’m digging it again now though, any info you can lend out? I know it’s a small bloody step that dodges bloody everything almost. THat’s about it, oh and it’s friggin annoying but if I’m going to pick up the game again I need to know how to abuse it.

Step is just tap a direction and let the stick go back to neutral, not double tap or old like with 8WR.

My current main is X and I use Yoshi to mix things up a bit, and Astaroth when I knind of feel like trying. I’m working on Taki right now, I just use her to show off for crowds and such.

Yo players NEC4 post is up check it.:smiley:

Alright, basic noob question here since isn’t letting me post there yet…

What is this whole “2G post-GI” business and how is it overpowered?


Just means you can instanty guard after GI.

Only Americans do it. :slight_smile:

Oh and let me get this straight, if you 2[G] after guarding a high attack, the rest of a string of high attacks will pass right through you? But a medium will hit since although your standing it counts as crotching “hit box wise?”


There’s two different 2G techniques:

2G Post-GI: Holding 2[G] after being GI-ed allows you to block earlier than you should be able to.

2G Whiff: If you hold 2G against a string with a high attack, you can make some high attacks completely whiff. An example:

Take Cassandra’s 33KK (8wr 3KK). If the first kick hits, hold 2G and the second kick will pass through you.

There’s a list of 2G-able moves on the Soulcalibur forums.

Current mains:

Ivy and Voldo


Kilik, Taki

I use Taki and Ivy a lot for showing off. Ivy to summon suffering or calamity Syphon on noobs/scrubs just for the crowd reaction (if you have a crowd that is).

I tend to use Voldo to confuse people.