Soul Calibur 2

Could someone explain to me why Nightmare is so low? I understand he’s not the best character in the game, but still, I’m curious.

Slow moves, easy to predict - steppable, etc.

Basicly, all the fast characters own him, as well as the range characters with some speed. And all the range characters have the right tools to topple a NM.

any good combos with ivy? and any follow ups for

her downforward, AY i think thats it, where she spins and launches the opp. midair

You can always do the anti-air extend, I believe. Check Zig’s combo FAQ :wink:

they can move out of it in the air, but ill go check the guide

Maybe because the RP ISN’T A TIER LIST?!?!?!?!?!?

Good God, it’s like nobody has any free will anymore.

Zig is right, the ranking project is rankings, not really tiers. Rankings go solely based on theory, that’s it. It’s a theoretical chart to base who will beat who, that’s it. If you’re good enough, you can make Yunsung good. It all depends on the player, the game is not broken. Granted, there is the relaunch, the fact lizardman exists, glitches, and players can float on walls (don’t ask), nevertheless, it’s a pretty balanced game, you just have to watch your opponent. I use NM and use him well. He has really good range, great damage and you don’t just throw out lows, you set them up. 11B (down back down back B) is great against B happy people, because the move slightly sidesteps and they eat CH (Counter Hit) damage

Hope that helps

how do you wall jump"?

When you’ve got a wall behind you, press [G]7. Listen, you’re from Toronto, right? Go to and register for the forums. Then go to the Guild Lairs, and Toronto Funland Arcade. Toronto has a very active SC2 scene, we’ll be able to help you out.

alright cool, thanks man, when you meant g7, did you mean guard and up left motion?

Yeah. With your back to the wall, hold G ([G]), and then press u/b (7). You’ll hop up, then off of the wall. Press any of the attack buttons after that to do a wall attack. They’re completely useless, though… unless you’re Enkindu… playing Voldo…

Hey Zigmover,
You seem to be just full of information.
Do you know how the fundraising for sending America to France is going?

OMG it’s darqfalz! You should really try and make it to the Huge Orlando tourney Jan 24th! Same goes for all of j00!


Can you infinite backdash in SC a la TTT??
If so, how??


I think it’s funny that WCM made that a universal post. Wtf? We Canadian peeps are busy fundraising to send our own team. It’s taking up space in our guild lair! Grr…

I’m one of the 8 repping Canada for France… man… I’m going to get raped so hard.



i wonder if u GUYS r like this when women r around ?

Anybody good at pulling off Ivy’s Calamity Symphony? I’ve got the PS2 version, and it’s quite frusturating. I can do Summon Suffering easy, but Calamity Symphony leaves me crying in my pillow at night. Also, anybody else find it hard to do the long version of Mistress’ justice. I can only pull off four lashes instead of the five. Also, is it even worth the trouble to get good using Calamity Symphony? Damage wise, it’s the same as Summon Suffering I believe, only more flashy it seems. Welp!! off to practice some more!!

You need to go to Soul and look up the Ivy section in the forums. There’s a huge thread about how to execute her SS and CS, and lot’s of setups for it. The main thing you have to learn is to buffer it. A good Ivy player will buffer these out of anything (2A, for instance) and bust out a CS/SS on a whim. Go and look that shit up, it has all the info you need.
