Sony disables 3rd-party PS3 controllers and adapters with PS3 firmware 3.5

@Gummowned , have you tried playing the HFC3 for more than 30 mins? try it please.

I just checked my Hori FC3 ,its an HK import and it does say “sony PS3 official product” on the back as well as on the box…


I can play for excatly 30 mins and then the thing just stops working? meaning i have to unplug the USB,then plug it back in and it works for another 30 mins. (this didnt happen before 3.5)

Another way to get around it is to hit the home button every 20 mins to get out of the game,then resume ,which is quite annoying :frowning:

Edit : Chun li controller works fine /havent treid the Sagat version yet,and im affraid to try out my TE incase it just doesnt work :frowning: (cant use the TE alot -CTS in my wrist)

PSN : Raphftw

The Real Converter dosn’t work

Just to confirm - is this the one you’re referring to? PS3 / PS2 USB Adaptor Cable for PS2 Joypad Controller Compatible with Playstation 2, Playstation 3 & PC: Video Games
If not, can you provide a link for me please? (Searching the term doesn’t come up with anything specific)

That’s the converter

How can I downgrade to 3.41??

I won’t never need te 3D shit

Tested and Confirmed on a Original CECHAxx series 60 Gb Model PS3 running 3.50 Firmware

Working Devices
ChImp - Works Great (like Tootles said the Cthulhu Family works fine)
Deal Extreme’s PS2 to PS3-USB Controller Adapter/Converter - Works
PIII Converter: Model 538 Dualshock 2 Adapter - Works
PS PS2 USB Dual Controller to PC Adapter Converter - Works
Super Dual Box, PS2 to PC USB by Mayflash - Works
Retro Link SNES USB Controller - Works
Motorola Cliq XT Android Phone - Works
Apple iPod Classic 80 GB - Works
Logitech USB Headset - Works

Not Working
Western Digital My Passport 1 TB - System does not Detect (WD never confirmed that the My Passport ever worked on the PS3)

Mine doesn’t work…is it the one with the Memery Card Adapter??

Added to the list. Thank you both for the input.

Just a note: I’m not really reviewing the lists but rather just adding things as people post, so there may be duplicates.

Though I have to say that I think the majority of people have gone on with life after realizing that the issue was blown out of proportion in regards to the number of devices that stopped working (maybe not so much the argument of consumer rights vs Sony’s rights, though).

Nope, the one with out the memory card adapter

PIII Converter: Model A01 works.
(It is similar to the 538, no PS button support and the stick on my Tekken5 doesn’t work with my PS1 games, though the buttons respond)

Any noticeable lag/dropped inputs on that?

How can I downgrade to 3.41??

IIRC, one of those jailbreak solutions offered the ability to do so rather recently. I believe the “original” hack team’s dongle? Not too sure myself if it’s actually released yet though. Seems like a good place to start researching.

You know, I begening to hate the Hackers you made the Jailbreak for the PS3…

Now we can’t use some adapters on the PS3 like the Real Converter…I’m out playing my PS2 Saturn & my SFAC Pads on the PS3

I’m afrade to buy a ipin, that might not work in later firmware

No noticable lag. I’m in the process of modding the stick. it dropped inputs twice in 2 hours, probably due to this. At 5$, I’m pretty impressed.

the mod is done, no dropped inputs (held directions for 60secs).

A month later, the PIII Converter: Model A01 adapter is starting lock up. On occasion, repeated button presses cause the adapter to stop accepting input for a few moments, sometimes almost a second.
This does not happen on my PS2.

How can I NOT update my PS3 & still go on PSN??

You can’t really.

Either buy a PS3 Debug console (apparently no need to update and you still get PSN access). Or wait for the PS3 homebrew scene to cook something up.

For the typical end-user, I guess things really start and end with them, for now.

You can’t. If you want access to PSN store and online functionality, you have to update.

You can’t.

EDIT: Too slow :wink:

Thanks Guys

I see 3.55 is out, did it happen to fix anything?