sorry pictures kind of suck.

That figure was obviously based off the SF3 Legends Ibuki.
Pics of the T6 Hori please, looks like it’s ready to start rusting.
from the sweat off of my arm.
plastic a little messed up due to an acetone mishap while removing residue.
(vinyls made by ‘NiteWalker’)
I agree with you, Nobus.
The security updates ARE annoying.
It’s about breaking the latest firmware breaches and unauthorized emulators. It has less to do with expanding the PS3’s capabilities.
I haven’t seen much in the past few updates for the PS3 that has really done anything for the system, period.
It’s annoying that you’re forced to update just to get onto PSN. As far as most game updates are concerned, I don’t think most OS updates affect the older games… You get most bug fixes and features (like Tournament modes for SFIV and SSFIV) without the OS updates. The system links in to server automatically (if you’ve enabled Internet connectivity) and downloads the necessary patches.
Sony and MS will never do what you suggested, though, because of the pirates…
Hey guys long time lurking finally posting on tech talk.
Does anybody knows if the update affects the modded Hori sticks?
Depends on the PCB you use…
If it’s stock Hori or an MC Cthulu you should be fine. Mad Catz TE and SE joysticks are fine, too.
No problems wlth the PS2=>PS3 USB converter that I use. My PS2-era Hori (Tekken 5, HRAP 2 SA) sticks are working fine with it.
The non-Hori PCBs – aside from the Cthulu family – could have problems with converters, though.
I kinda miss the old days when buying a console meant you actually owned it, and the console maker wouldn’t reach out from the void and forcibly disable functionality that you paid for.
Do you also miss the days when video games had no online functionality? When there was no such thing as On-Demand gaming/video? When new releases had to be purchased from a mom and pop store, who could only secure 3 copies, so you got left out unless you were there before they opened?
There are pros and cons to all of what has happened thus far.
What version of the PS3 do you have, that you’ve lost functionality?
I have both of those Ibuki’s good taste!
Thanks a lot!!! I will go ahead with the mod then!
That’s a false dichotomy. You are setting up an argument where you say that we either have online capability AND intrusive DRM or we have no online at all. That’s bullshit. Intrusive DRM is a manufactured hindrance. This is not something like online lag, which is intrinsic to the technology and can’t be avoided. Intrusive DRM is on the PS3 because Sony wants intrusive DRM on the PS3. You could make the argument that it is a fair price to pay for free online connectivity, but to say that online connectivity requires it is intellectually dishonest.
I used to have a Fat (I don’t remember the size of the HD it came with because I upgraded right away), but I sold it when Sony yanked other os. I actually wasn’t planning on getting any more consoles after that, but I was given a slim as a present and that’s what I have now.
DRM is “digital rights management”, which is a method of controlling access by utilizing a digital licensing method. You may want to do a little research; this has nothing to do with DRM. DRM would be more along the lines of the fact that you can “only” access your DLC games on 5 separate systems. 2005 wants its FUD back.
Since the inception of online play, cross-version incompatibilities have existed. You are correct in saying that it is not the way that it has to be (nobody argued that, certainly not myself), but that doesn’t change the fact that that is the way it is. If you want to play with your friends online, you have to have the same version. Sony are not the first to do this, and they will not be the last.
If you want your system to stay as it was when you purchased it, keep it offline, and avoid the few games that force updates. You will have missed out on infinitely more added features (do some research on what has been added via firmware updates) than you lost (Linux).
What linux distro did you run on your old PS3?
@TS: can we potentially get some useful information in the OP? Everyone can find the Sony address on their own, and it would be awesome if you took the time to turn this thread into something useful, even if it’s just for your (apparent) cause of getting people to complain to Sony. There’s good info in here that you could compile a list of confirmed non-working/working (though methinks you’ll leave those out :lol:) adapters/controllers…
“Digital rights management (DRM) is a generic term for access control technologies that can be used by hardware manufacturers, publishers, copyright holders and individuals to limit the usage of digital content and devices.”’
It is limiting my usage of my digital device, therefore it is DRM. I think it’s pretty clear-cut. I also think it’s not unreasonable to be annoyed by it, even if I recognize that there is little if anything that I can do about the situation. I mean, I bought the machine because it was advertised as being able to do A and B, and now here’s Sony telling me that if I want to keep using it for A I have to give up B. It’s annoying.
I used to use it as a platform for trying out different distros, so I had a bunch installed at different times. Ubuntu, Yellow Dog, that kind of thing.
That’s fair enough, albeit in a pretty roundabout way. The fact of the matter is that there is are TOS and an EULA that cover everything they need to cover, just like everyone else that offers online functionality as a part of their product. Again, not stating it’s right, just stating that once you willingly give up those “rights”, I don’t see the purpose in complaining.
I was going to link the TS to the Sony board posts, but then I saw this: Re: A list of which USB devices work and which do not. - Page 7 - Forums .
Anyway, here’s some information about what is and is not working, according to a compilation of posts, located here.
Disclaimer: I did not test each of these personally. This list is compiled from a post on the PSN blogs, in addition to people from SRK posting the info as they come across it.*
This only fixes our problem at hand if the controllers are disabled unintentionally by the implementation of features directly. If Sony’s actively trying to prevent counterfit controllers or hacking through the USB port that may count as a security update to them and you’re stuck in the same position of losing use of the afflicted controllers whether you’re given the suggested option or not. Since all unlicensed peripherals are strictly prohibited their ToS, in the fifth and final paragraph of the preamble, I think it’s likely an intentional or desired effect. Such a feature would be kinda neat though: megabytes cost money.
@Rampage: I find it highly difficult to believe that PSN security is seriously the sole motive for such changes. Using OtherOS as the defining example, there are other similar services which face similar difficulties but do perfectly fine. Consider Valve’s Steam for a moment, which runs on Windows and Mac OSX. For that case in particular I think a server side solution would’ve likely been much better since a client side solution can likely be worked around with additional modifications with sufficient effort. I think they preferred this solution because it was easy and it would help bridge the desirability gap between slims and fats.
Also there are a number of things that can render a contract void, mostly having to do with the circumstances of assent, providing sufficient notice and superseding codes of law. I’m not going to go into everything I think Sony may’ve done wrong with the 3.14 firmware case because I still believe it to be substantially different from the 3.50 case. I only bring it up to further question Sony’s potential motives for future updates.
If anybody’s interested in that sort of thing though they may wish to look into the precedents set by shinkwrap/clickwrap cases. It’s also noteworthy that consumer protection laws in Europe already put Sony at fault for this transgression.
Does anyone know if this
PS2 to PS3 / XBOX 360 Converter Adapter Cable PS 2 PS 3 - eBay (item 320593068801 end time Oct-20-10 02:36:49 PDT)
works under the new firmware?
(I can’t seem find anything about it anywhere on srk)
Like I said, I don’t agree with their practice. However, citing click-through scenarios is not exactly helping state a case against Sony’s recent actions.
Sure, there are ways that a contract can be nullified, however all of those go out the window when you click on “I agree” at the end of that long document that nobody reads. Also, there is really no point in pretending that the European laws will set a precedence for the American counterparts. What is construed as being illegal there is not necessary illegal stateside. Didn’t those refunds come directly from Amazon, anyway?
Nobody (especially not me) claimed that Sony’s recent actions are for one cause alone. They are a business, and they will (and should) do what it takes in order to protect their IP. Why not? Even Nintendo is doing it now with their DS.
Sony’s are not automatic and necessarily forced.
Again, I don’t agree with the drastic actions that they have taken. However, they are the only ones with rights in this situation, as per the agreements; they are simply exercising those rights.
edited for clarification
Adding to the list…
Hais controller/memory card adapter (DealExtreme: $11.88 USB to PS2/PS3 Controller Gamepad Converter Adapter with Memory Card Reader)
Sumoto controller adapter
Madcatz Street Fighter 4 Fightpad (1st generation)
3rd party black Fightpad clone
usb Sega Saturn controller
EMS Topgun 2
Added to the list. Thank you for your input.