Sony disables 3rd-party PS3 controllers and adapters with PS3 firmware 3.5

Consumer Alerts | News -

"It is possible that some counterfeit product may ignite or explode, resulting in injury or damage to the user, your PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, or other property."

A list of which USB devices work and which do not. - Forums

IGN on Announcement

List of working/non-working controllers/adapters

Of these 4 adapters, only the HAIS one on the far right still works:

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LOL damn sploadin controllers

You know, between the announcement of the Michael Jackson MMO and now this, I was really hoping that we were just trapped in some sort of crazy time dilation and it was somehow April 1st.

Wireless controllers might “explode”, huh?

Dear lord, my MC Cthulhu will not work anymore too? Sony is getting greedy, MS greedy…

I have a feeling Pre 3.50 firmware PS3 are going to be in demand now.

BTW this is some bullshit!


Datel ArcadePro boards??

So full panic mode without knowing what’s affected and what isn’t? They’re doing that at the PS forums already.

InPin and other adapters??

Uh…you want to clarify that some? Are you asking, or telling? Hell, with an MC, you’re in the safest batch of all.

anyone tested this with a cthulu yet or you re just saying it based on the rumors from the internet

I’ve tested my MC Cthulhu and Pelican adapters on fw 3.50 both work just fine.

Phew, thanks very much man.

My InPin works in 3.5

IIRC Toodles said in the Cthulhu thread that the MC emulates an official Hori stick, so it will be fine. And if it didn’t, it’s a good thing Toodles had the foresight to give it upgradable firmware.

my hais doesn’t work. it was good because it was a convertor/memory card adapter.

next thing you know all usb devices doesn’t work in the next update.

and lol at the BS excuse of exploding controllers. the ps3 has been hacked through the usb slot and there’s nothing they can do about it.

Anyone test the Paewang Revolution PCB?

Exploding controllers? what the hell :rofl::rofl:

Well, I guess the good news is they work.
The bad news is I just got back with a $400 PS3 to test it on before I find someone else had the cajones to check themselves. Thanks Kazujiro!

Wow. Man, just go out and buy a PS3? Did you also get barbecued bald eagle?

damn, I knew never to buy 3rd party bootleg/knock off controllers, but I never thought they would be a fire hazard or an ied!